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I was supposed to go to a fitness class this evening with a colleague/friend from work, but couldn't make it. My colleague did not text or call to see how I was and why I didn't turn up, which  I found very strange, because anybody would. Why do you think this might be?

I got along quite well with the person in question when we first met, but recently I have sensed a little insincerity and aloofness from them, almost as if they no longer like me but try to cover up. I also feel uncomfortable and wary around this person and unsure of their intentions. Maybe they've picked up on this?

Your thoughts would be appreciated!

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If you're withdrawing because you don't like her vibe then why would you expect or be bothered about her non response?

If you don't trust her or think that she's interested in you enough to be a good friend then I think you're at the point where you can heave a sigh of relief...she's taken the hint.  Now you can go to your fitness classes and enjoy it 

Originally Posted by Katylove:
Yes you are right Cosmo. I'm still a bit confused at her not contacting me though. Anybody would  naturally check in to see what happened. I suppose her silence confirms what I was beginning to suspect!

I'd think anybody would naturally text to say they couldn't make it?   that's just common courtesty is it not?      Cosi's right though- the friendship's toast, so heave a sigh or relief and move on...


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