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Been helping out while a family member is away by popping round to their Grandma and heating her food, washing up and checking everything is ok (this is Mon-Thurs this week)


Sat i got a call to say they've had to turn her boiler off because the carbon Monoxide alarm was going off so i might not have hot water on the Mon....


Went in on Mon and the boiler guy had been 10mins previous... The alarm had been going off since he left so she had taken the batteries out (it's loud!) Rang her DiL for advice she said its fine, the monitor is probably set to too sensitive as the boiler has just been given a gas safety cert. 


Went yesterday and the boiler guy opened the door, he was filthy! Walked into the kitchen and whatever he had done with that boiler every surface (including underside of cabinets... floor... ceiling.... window, the lot) was covered in a film of soot! I had zero time yesterday to clean it all up but while she ate i cleaned the kettle, microwave etc.


Was a bloomin nightmare! Went today and her other grand daughter had been cleaning for 3-4hrs... not wallswindows/ceiling but cabinets etc.


Reason I'm telling you all this is Tues i was trying to use soapy water to clean it off and it took about 3 rounds of scrubbing! Today i was told DONT USE WATER as it just spreads it around... wiping with dry kitchen roll and then a spray of a degreaser is much easier!


You all asleep after that?

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Might be worth getting in one of those pro house cleaning companies to finally get rid of any left overs and/or residue?  You could be scrubbing for weeks otherwise - they'd steam clean everything and have it sorted (or 99% sorted) within a morning.


Apart from that, poor you!


PS... if the boiler bloke works for a company then I'd have a word in their ear about his mucky practices too!


Cosi, they (her family)are having a new boiler fitted as it's knackered! They are gonna get professionals in and possibly redecorate but until the really old boiler is converted to a new combi there's not much point... I know the mess they make drilling out that flu hole!

As for the numpty who did it and basically mopped the floor before he left... We were saying he should have liability insurance so I think they are gonna go down that route....

Ion I was out from 2-9pm yesterday and my little girl had a dodgy tummy... She's been sick all day today bless her... I've had to wash 2x single quilts today!!

Last edited by Jen-Star

You have my total sympathy.  Many years ago, my parents needed a new roof on their house.  They dicked off on holiday & I stayed home.  Builders assured us there would be no mess downstairs.  I came home from work one day to find over 100 years worth of dust & soot from the former attic covering every surface in the house.  Can't remember how long it took to clean it all up, but I do remember crying A LOT!


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