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Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

She was offered a tv show but those who were approached to be a guest all turned it down. The idea has now been scrapped


you'd think that might give her an idea of how unpopular she is-it didnt cos she went off again-ranting about 'chubsters' cos of some advert that is on the tube


she doesnt get the fact that the only people who support her theories are  nutters

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:


shes only famous for losing reality shows

gawd knows why her bile gets printed

she's like some boring pissed up person in the pub corner who in between mumbling, shouts a quick rant in the hope someone will buy her a drink to shut her cakehole

yes velveteen-i'll be there in a it the usual? a buckie & malibu?

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
If it wasn't for the fact that t'Grauniad and t'indy kept reporting her every utterance we'd never know.


^ That. 




When she appeared on CBB I made a point to the forum that if individuals were annoyed, irritated, incensed, disgusted or any other emotion by her that they cease watching so as to impact the ratings.


Clearly FM's were not so anti-Hopkins at that point in time.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

She was offered a tv show but those who were approached to be a guest all turned it down. The idea has now been scrapped


you'd think that might give her an idea of how unpopular she is-it didnt cos she went off again-ranting about 'chubsters' cos of some advert that is on the tube


she doesnt get the fact that the only people who support her theories are  nutters

For some warped reason she seems to thrive on being disliked. She scurries around finding any topic that she knows will offend decent people

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

She was offered a tv show but those who were approached to be a guest all turned it down. The idea has now been scrapped


you'd think that might give her an idea of how unpopular she is-it didnt cos she went off again-ranting about 'chubsters' cos of some advert that is on the tube


she doesnt get the fact that the only people who support her theories are  nutters

For some warped reason she seems to thrive on being disliked. She scurries around finding any topic that she knows will offend decent people

That's cos dafties click and read Yella   


These online newspapers aren't only GCHQ exercises.

She'll never be hired by the Diplomatc Service lol

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

She was offered a tv show but those who were approached to be a guest all turned it down. The idea has now been scrapped


you'd think that might give her an idea of how unpopular she is-it didnt cos she went off again-ranting about 'chubsters' cos of some advert that is on the tube


she doesnt get the fact that the only people who support her theories are  nutters

For some warped reason she seems to thrive on being disliked. She scurries around finding any topic that she knows will offend decent people

I don't know about thriving on being disliked, but she definitely craves the attention. There does seem to be a "no such thing as bad publicity" thing going on there.

When "The Last Leg" were trying to point out to her that being likened to a convicted paedophile (Rolf Harris) on live TV wasn't actually a "good" thing, all she could tweet about was that they were still talking about her...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:


shes only famous for losing reality shows

gawd knows why her bile gets printed

she's like some boring pissed up person in the pub corner who in between mumbling, shouts a quick rant in the hope someone will buy her a drink to shut her cakehole

Hahaha, and this one xxx


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