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I think there's some great advice already posted above, but I too hope you take her to the vets pirate. It's not easy but you must put the needs of your doggy above your own feelings. Also, you are only human so don't be too hard on yourself for being scared, we all have those moments too

I do hope it's something simple & easily treated
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Hope your doggie is better now ...or that the vet has sorted her out Pirate . As Sweet says anyone with a smidgen of humanity can understand your fear's scary imagining the worst  

I couldn't have put it better, Baz.

Me neither. A much better delivery.  Yogi      Baz 


Originally Posted by Baz:

Hope your doggie is better now ...or that the vet has sorted her out Pirate . As Sweet says anyone with a smidgen of humanity can understand your fear's scary imagining the worst  

   but that's not to say you don't have to bite the bullet and get her to the vet if you haven't already.    It could well be just an infection, but if it's not treated she might end up with knackered kidneys or septicemia and then you will have the worst case scenario.    Always remember that if it was something terrible (which it probably isn't) not knowing isn't going to make it better... it's only going to deprive the poor girl of treatment to make her feel better at least - and they won't do anything to her that you don't agree to.  


Pirate, I really do know how hard it is having sick animals, or indeed, sick family/self and how we want to go into denial. BUT, you really MUST get her to the vet. It's not fair not to. She's relying on you to look after and care for her and put your own fears aside.....Do the right thing please and get her seen to. It could be nothing serious, but, if, it is, you really do have to look after her first. She's helpless and reliant on you I know that you think it is probably 'just an infection'  but imagine that you had 'just an infection' and were laying in your own urine, would you go to the docs?

Originally Posted by Baz:

Hope your doggie is better now ...or that the vet has sorted her out Pirate . As Sweet says anyone with a smidgen of humanity can understand your fear's scary imagining the worst  

Indeed. But, has Pirate actually taken her to the vet yet? Seemingly not. This has been going on for far too long. I do empathise but, imo, it's not helping that poor dog who is laying in its own piss whilst Pirate does "Oh but I love her, she might just have an infection" So, if it is 'just an infection' get her to the vet's and get some antibiotics

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

she's been,she's fine

she suffering from a bit of old age

and she needs to 'go' more

but i gotta take her back in 4weeks if she loses appetite

or any changes in her normal behaviour

she's been skipping round the house & 'smiling*' tonight


*she actually smiles,pulls her lips back & proper smiles-she has me in bits



it comes to us all eventually, I'm really looking forward to it.......not  pleased it appears to be nothing more than old age Pirate 

Originally Posted by Supes:

Pirate, I really do know how hard it is having sick animals, or indeed, sick family/self and how we want to go into denial. BUT, you really MUST get her to the vet. It's not fair not to. She's relying on you to look after and care for her and put your own fears aside.....Do the right thing please and get her seen to. It could be nothing serious, but, if, it is, you really do have to look after her first. She's helpless and reliant on you I know that you think it is probably 'just an infection'  but imagine that you had 'just an infection' and were laying in your own urine, would you go to the docs?

100% true

but read my answer below...or is it above?


but anyway kinda sorted for now-im just keeping an eye on her

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

she's been,she's fine

she suffering from a bit of old age

and she needs to 'go' more

but i gotta take her back in 4weeks if she loses appetite

or any changes in her normal behaviour

she's been skipping round the house & 'smiling*' tonight


*she actually smiles,pulls her lips back & proper smiles-she has me in bits



it comes to us all eventually, I'm really looking forward to it.......not  pleased it appears to be nothing more than old age Pirate 

i guess theyve not invented them 'pads' for dogs yet?


now theres an idea for dragons den!


all i can say is she's still the same spoilt little girl (my fault) she just needs walking more-she's still akin to a goat ie she will eat ANYTHING & she still whinges if i sit next to lisa on the settee & tries to get in the middle, im keeping an eye on her though

my older boy barks at 3pm for his dinner, then barks when it dark cos he wants his blanket to lie on

he's the easier one

but then blokes always are

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

she's been,she's fine

she suffering from a bit of old age

and she needs to 'go' more

but i gotta take her back in 4weeks if she loses appetite

or any changes in her normal behaviour

she's been skipping round the house & 'smiling*' tonight


*she actually smiles,pulls her lips back & proper smiles-she has me in bits

Awww glad you took her and that she's ok Pirate  

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

she's been,she's fine

she suffering from a bit of old age

and she needs to 'go' more

but i gotta take her back in 4weeks if she loses appetite

or any changes in her normal behaviour

she's been skipping round the house & 'smiling*' tonight


*she actually smiles,pulls her lips back & proper smiles-she has me in bits

 Glad it wasn't anything serious. I knew you'd get her checked out.


lol My retriever does that smiling thing too.


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