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They've just spoken to an aviation crash expert Olly, and he says this case could be 'psych' related and all pilots need to be re-evaluted.


He also says one thing that has come up in the past as a solution is to put anther pilot in there when one leaves, so at no time is any one pilot left on their own 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Sprout:

They've just spoken to an aviation crash expert Olly, and he says this case could be 'psych' related and all pilots need to be re-evaluted.


He also says one thing that has come up in the past as a solution is to put anther pilot in there when one leaves, so at no time is any one pilot left on their own 

Yeah I saw something similar on ITV news..  there is a number pad to get in but only if the pilot inside hasn't locked that as well. . some airlines apparently don't let any pilots leave the cockpit tho if someone is determined and there are only two of them they will find a way to overcome the other one .. an extra pilot seems a good idea,... I think they have more on long haul flights and also have sleeping compartments for rest between shifts..


Feel bad for the Co Pilots family who have arrived at the crash site with the other family's to the news their son deliberately crashed the plane. .luckily they've been taken away and kept separate. . how awful for them to not only lose a son but then find out in his death he took 149 others with him. .

Mount Olympus *Olly*
It's horrific, those poor people, what to do about security, i remember flying years ago and they would let passengers into the cockpit etc. Changed days now of course, i suppose no where is 100% secure, so sad. I think the smaller planes only have room for two pilots? My niece is based in dubai, she's a steward with emirates, I can't help but worry.
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Oh man. This is scary.


I've been very fortunate, recently, to be able to travel parts of the world. Whilst I can get on planes, I really hate flying. What with this and all the other recent incidents, I don't think I'd ever want to get on a plane again.

I'm the same.  I really don't like flying, but I'll do it because it's a quick means to an end.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

The news a plane has crashed is awful enough, but to find out one of those who is supposed to keep them all safe did it on purpose is just terrible.  Why on earth would you do that?  Fair enough if you want to take yourself out, that's bad enough, but why take all of those innocent lives with you?

Exactly Cinds. 


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