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I am FUMING!!! I've just had a driving lesson, all fine and dandy, then on the way home another instructor pulls out behind me and gets right up my backside and is deliberately intimidating! I ask my instructor wtf is she doing? and she says omg she's a rival instructor with a bad reputation.... Me being me I'm very annoyed so i tap my brakes a couple of times to tell her to back off... she does but then pulls right up my butt again..... 


I'm currently googling how to complain about her as she was bang out of order   I wish she had a facebook page.... I'm that annoyed right now i could go through every listing of her online and leave a review 

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Oh, that's stupid beyond belief. How could one driving instructor think it's a good idea to intimidate a student with another instructor. That sort of behaviour needs stamping on and she should be taken of the road for a period of time, enough for her to reflect on her gross stupidity.


Hope you managed to calm down a bit Jen. Hopefully that is the last you see of her and your future lesson go smooth as silk.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

I am FUMING!!! I've just had a driving lesson, all fine and dandy, then on the way home another instructor pulls out behind me and gets right up my backside and is deliberately intimidating! I ask my instructor wtf is she doing? and she says omg she's a rival instructor with a bad reputation.... Me being me I'm very annoyed so i tap my brakes a couple of times to tell her to back off... she does but then pulls right up my butt again..... 


I'm currently googling how to complain about her as she was bang out of order   I wish she had a facebook page.... I'm that annoyed right now i could go through every listing of her online and leave a review 

Good grief Jen ....that's awful What a moron If you had been a nervous novice it couLD have really spooked you ! Defo take El Loro advice and report him/her !!!

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

If your driving instructor had anything about him, he would have  got out, walked back to the offending instructor , grabbed her by the throat and nutted her.


But that's just me being in a bad mood.


In the real world, I'd suggest you report  them like El Loro said.

We were both effing and jeffing to each other tbh!  

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

I am FUMING!!! I've just had a driving lesson, all fine and dandy, then on the way home another instructor pulls out behind me and gets right up my backside and is deliberately intimidating! I ask my instructor wtf is she doing? and she says omg she's a rival instructor with a bad reputation.... Me being me I'm very annoyed so i tap my brakes a couple of times to tell her to back off... she does but then pulls right up my butt again..... 


I'm currently googling how to complain about her as she was bang out of order   I wish she had a facebook page.... I'm that annoyed right now i could go through every listing of her online and leave a review 

Good grief Jen ....that's awful What a moron If you had been a nervous novice it couLD have really spooked you ! Defo take El Loro advice and report him/her !!!

I'm just happy it was at the end of my lesson as i would have been livid for the whole hour had it been at the start!

Originally Posted by Jen-Star:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

I am FUMING!!! I've just had a driving lesson, all fine and dandy, then on the way home another instructor pulls out behind me and gets right up my backside and is deliberately intimidating! I ask my instructor wtf is she doing? and she says omg she's a rival instructor with a bad reputation.... Me being me I'm very annoyed so i tap my brakes a couple of times to tell her to back off... she does but then pulls right up my butt again..... 


I'm currently googling how to complain about her as she was bang out of order   I wish she had a facebook page.... I'm that annoyed right now i could go through every listing of her online and leave a review 

Good grief Jen ....that's awful What a moron If you had been a nervous novice it couLD have really spooked you ! Defo take El Loro advice and report him/her !!!

I'm just happy it was at the end of my lesson as i would have been livid for the whole hour had it been at the start!

 You did well to keep so calm Jen. She sounds like a proper loon 

Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

I'm just happy it was at the end of my lesson as i would have been livid for the whole hour had it been at the start!

One thing to realise, despite it all, look how you continued to cope under the pressure..!    You'll make a good driver, Jen  


(I agree with the others, track her down and dob her in)


Exactly what Cosi said.



The other instructor was way way out of order, but once you're out there on your own, you'll encounter pricks like that regularly. But you learn to spot them, it's the flibberty gibbert sudden manoeuvres without warning sods you've got to look for, and half the time they're so 'la la la la laaaa' in their own world they don't even realise what they've done.


Definitely complain, and make sure your instructor does too. And most importantly, stick at it. The freedom of a driving license is brilliant.

Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

I am FUMING!!! I've just had a driving lesson, all fine and dandy, then on the way home another instructor pulls out behind me and gets right up my backside and is deliberately intimidating! I ask my instructor wtf is she doing? and she says omg she's a rival instructor with a bad reputation.... Me being me I'm very annoyed so i tap my brakes a couple of times to tell her to back off... she does but then pulls right up my butt again..... 


I'm currently googling how to complain about her as she was bang out of order   I wish she had a facebook page.... I'm that annoyed right now i could go through every listing of her online and leave a review 



shame your instructor didn't whip her mobile out and record her Jen, she would have probably lost her her job and if she's doing this deliberately to learner drivers she deserves to  

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:



And don't forget the OAP's - they're a law unto themselves  

Oh god don't. Father Cinds is a retired police driving instructor & he is now that OAP driver, scares me when he goes off driving in his teeny car. 


They mount pavements here, smash into shop fronts, park as if they're manoeuvring a JCB and ignore traffic lights.  It's like the Bronx with a blue rinse.

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:



And don't forget the OAP's - they're a law unto themselves  

Oh god don't. Father Cinds is a retired police driving instructor & he is now that OAP driver, scares me when he goes off driving in his teeny car. 


They mount pavements here, smash into shop fronts, park as if they're manoeuvring a JCB and ignore traffic lights.  It's like the Bronx with a blue rinse.

Thankfully Arthur hasn't gone down the blue rinse route yet, but he's a scary old sod in the car now. 

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:



And don't forget the OAP's - they're a law unto themselves  

Oh god don't. Father Cinds is a retired police driving instructor & he is now that OAP driver, scares me when he goes off driving in his teeny car. 


They mount pavements here, smash into shop fronts, park as if they're manoeuvring a JCB and ignore traffic lights.  It's like the Bronx with a blue rinse.


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