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Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Under milk wood is the same age as me and thus I found the recent crossword in t'Grauniad quite straightforward. However nothing could prepare me for the surprise at a Zappa gig years ago when he recited the big about Mr Pugh and vats and jeroboams (I can't remember it-I'll have to look it up)
I caught a bit of last nights prog.

As a Crimson fan you may have had/still own Starless and Bible Black as I did! 


There's a line in Fern Hill "All the sun long it was running, it was lovely"


I first heard it when I was fifteen and possibly not the most receptive audience for my Higher English teacher ,  but it has always stayed with me evocative of lovely sunny days down the Devon!  


I've learned to appreciate him a little more but like Ann  being subjected to RB declaiming Under Milkwood caused lasting damage

Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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