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I don't smoke and never have, but Mr Yogi has been an on/off smoker since he was a teenager and two out of my three sons smoke.

I absolutely detest the smell of smoke and hate that it causes so many health problems, both to the smokers and those around them. I worry about my family members who do smoke and would happily ban it.

The smokers in my family do like the idea of dedicated smoking rooms, whereas I worry that a concentrated smoking atmosphere would increase smoking related health problems.

Hope that helps.


I'm a former smoker and hated the idea of smoking gardens/decks etc in pubs or restaurants but they are actually a great idea and being able to drink/eat without people smoking around you is great....even if you are a smoker too.  I hated being in a restaurant and someone smoking at another table, it's disgusting and even worse when you had kids in the room and no-one seemed to care.  Now the smoking areas are usually a nicely decorated little area with plenty of fresh air.  Great places to socialise too as they are usually quieter than the main bar and here they usually also have a small bar to get drinks from aswell (meaning less waiting at the busier main bars!).


Now....smoking at home is something I have come to hate.  I hate being in someone's house who smokes indoors.  Everything stinks and it turns the blinds/walls/etc a rotten colour.  Then again, the smell of someone who has just smoked outside is disgusting too.  I also detest people leaving ashtrays with any butts in them anywhere in a room I am sitting in and even when I smoked I hated it.  I HATE the smell of half smoked butts sitting around waiting to be smoked again......that's vile.


So, I don't mind people smoking but just not in the same room as me or going outside for a smoke then sitting right next to me when they come back.


I did smoke when drinking alcohol though so I have a bit of a cheek to be so anti-cig but they really are vile.  My partner gave up smoking 2 weeks before I had Madison and he is awful about anyone smoking even before visiting us.  He has his Mum smoking an e-cig before she visits us because he won't let her hold Maddie if she smells of smoke.  I do agree with him but geez he's rough on her!

Originally Posted by Ells:

I'm a former smoker and hated the idea of smoking gardens/decks etc in pubs or restaurants but they are actually a great idea and being able to drink/eat without people smoking around you is great....even if you are a smoker too.  I hated being in a restaurant and someone smoking at another table, it's disgusting and even worse when you had kids in the room and no-one seemed to care.  Now the smoking areas are usually a nicely decorated little area with plenty of fresh air.  Great places to socialise too as they are usually quieter than the main bar and here they usually also have a small bar to get drinks from aswell (meaning less waiting at the busier main bars!).


Now....smoking at home is something I have come to hate.  I hate being in someone's house who smokes indoors.  Everything stinks and it turns the blinds/walls/etc a rotten colour.  Then again, the smell of someone who has just smoked outside is disgusting too.  I also detest people leaving ashtrays with any butts in them anywhere in a room I am sitting in and even when I smoked I hated it.  I HATE the smell of half smoked butts sitting around waiting to be smoked again......that's vile.


So, I don't mind people smoking but just not in the same room as me or going outside for a smoke then sitting right next to me when they come back.


I did smoke when drinking alcohol though so I have a bit of a cheek to be so anti-cig but they really are vile.  My partner gave up smoking 2 weeks before I had Madison and he is awful about anyone smoking even before visiting us.  He has his Mum smoking an e-cig before she visits us becausehe won't let her hold Maddie if she smells of smoke.  I do agree with him but geez he's rough on her!

I agree, my oh smokes and he always made sure there was no "smoke/smell" residue on his clothes before holding our grand/children

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I don't smoke and never have, but Mr Yogi has been an on/off smoker since he was a teenager and two out of my three sons smoke.

I absolutely detest the smell of smoke and hate that it causes so many health problems, both to the smokers and those around them. I worry about my family members who do smoke and would happily ban it.

The smokers in my family do like the idea of dedicated smoking rooms, whereas I worry that a concentrated smoking atmosphere would increase smoking related health problems.

Hope that helps.

Yogi posted my views also 




It's not a good time to ask this question of me as recently I have had some bad experiences of smokers.


At lunch I tend to go find somewhere to sit and eat, usually a bench, unfortunately I have experienced a number of smokers plonk themselves down at the side of me and strike up, not a single question as to whether I would mind or not.


Then there is the dropping of the fag end, I must be tuned into it now as I seem to see it far too regularly.


As far as a ban goes I think it should extend to cars, parks and other open spaces which may be occupied by both smokers and non smokers. Contrary to what most people seem to think, the smoke plume extends quite some distance from the smoker. When I walk to work I have on occasion detected remnant smoke from someone who has long gone, it's hangs around.


The government should announce that in 5 years smoking will be completely banned and so will the sale of cigarette's, better for peoples health, wealth and the environment.


Incidentally Saint, I have seen two pipe smokers in the last week! One of them being a young student type with skinny trousers and a ridiculously big bears.





Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:



It's not a good time to ask this question of me as recently I have had some bad experiences of smokers.


At lunch I tend to go find somewhere to sit and eat, usually a bench, unfortunately I have experienced a number of smokers plonk themselves down at the side of me and strike up, not a single question as to whether I would mind or not.


Then there is the dropping of the fag end, I must be tuned into it now as I seem to see it far too regularly.


As far as a ban goes I think it should extend to cars, parks and other open spaces which may be occupied by both smokers and non smokers. Contrary to what most people seem to think, the smoke plume extends quite some distance from the smoker. When I walk to work I have on occasion detected remnant smoke from someone who has long gone, it's hangs around.


The government should announce that in 5 years smoking will be completely banned and so will the sale of cigarette's, better for peoples health, wealth and the environment.


Incidentally Saint, I have seen two pipe smokers in the last week! One of them being a young student type with skinny trousers and a ridiculously big bears.





 . . . and yer point is?


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