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I watched day 21 last night   they do seem to be very late in uploading these - I need my fix and I need it now 


can I just say I'm getting very annoyed with how the dogs are treated.  Skye does nothing at all with them but is that because Lisa hogs them all the time? Well I say them, the interest only seems to be in Ned because he's still a puppy and is portable so they all seem to pick him up and carry him around - Kelly on the other hand seems to be pretty much ignored as he's fully grown 


treat Kelly with more respect I say 


very happy with one of the evictions but can't believe some of those being saved 


anyhoo goes off to see if today's episode is up yet 

Last edited by Former Member

I'm up-to-date with the videos except for today's obviously 


I was glad with who went   who is voting for Travis???  he's a right eejit and I detest Aisha - she's just wallpaper who does nothing except engage in the showmance with Travis.  I've gone right of Lawson and the drip Cat and I really dislike the intruder Leo 


loving Jason and Skye still  but Skye needs to lose that horrible lipstick 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Pengy:

I'm up-to-date with the videos except for today's obviously 


I was glad with who went   who is voting for Travis???  he's a right eejit and I detest Aisha - she's just wallpaper who does nothing except engage in the showmance with Travis.  I've gone right of Lawson and the drip Cat and I really dislike the intruder Leo 


loving Jason and Skye still  but Skye needs to lose that horrible lipstick 

I can't figure out why Travis is still there too.  Mind you, it would probably be the same if he was in BBUK.  


And I also agree about Lawson and Cat. He's behaving like someone has pi**ed on his parade and Cat like a brittle princess.  I've got room for Leo for the time being, especially if he continues to wind the other aspiring alphas. But I continue to loathe Skye but not just because of her Barbie make-up. She's playing the blonde bimbo card but she's no good at it. 


So, Jason for the win! 

Originally Posted by Xochi:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

I'm up-to-date with the videos except for today's obviously 


I was glad with who went   who is voting for Travis???  he's a right eejit and I detest Aisha - she's just wallpaper who does nothing except engage in the showmance with Travis.  I've gone right of Lawson and the drip Cat and I really dislike the intruder Leo 


loving Jason and Skye still  but Skye needs to lose that horrible lipstick 

I can't figure out why Travis is still there too.  Mind you, it would probably be the same if he was in BBUK.  


And I also agree about Lawson and Cat. He's behaving like someone has pi**ed on his parade and Cat like a brittle princess.  I've got room for Leo for the time being, especially if he continues to wind the other aspiring alphas. But I continue to loathe Skye but not just because of her Barbie make-up. She's playing the blonde bimbo card but she's no good at it. 


So, Jason for the win! 

I don't think she is that dumb which is why I like her - people forget she has learning difficulties and as someone who grew up with a learning disabled brother, I kind of lean towards giving her sympathy but if it turns out she's not got learning difficulties at all I will go to Australia, shave her peroxide head and pluck her eyeballs out with a fork  

Originally Posted by Xochi:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

Xochie have you seen tonight's eviction? 

Nope! Don't tell me yet!  I've forgotten to watch because of there being no shows over the weekend. What's that about?!  I don't even know who was nominated yet too.  I took my eye off the ball because of effin' Oscar! 

I noticed they don't show them over the weekend - you'll have to catch up   it's all OPs fault the barsteward grrrrr 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Xochi:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

Xochie have you seen tonight's eviction? 

Nope! Don't tell me yet!  I've forgotten to watch because of there being no shows over the weekend. What's that about?!  I don't even know who was nominated yet too.  I took my eye off the ball because of effin' Oscar! 

I noticed they don't show them over the weekend - you'll have to catch up   it's all OPs fault the barsteward grrrrr 

I looked and apparently they don't even air a programme over the weekend Pengs!  

Last show I saw was Monday's, so am looking forward to a catch-up after Apprentice! 


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