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I'm shocked they expect us to swallow this garbage as a fair outcome.

Utterly shameless - like Helen.

A travesty for the way BB could have evolved and for the loyal fans it has garnered ... and who generate the money involved.

BB has become a cynical ploy. And it wasn't as if it was a good BB this year.


A very sad day indeed that a out and out nasty person without a single 'best bits' available should be crowned a champion.

Testament to that was the scolding Emma reserved for Helen and how she struggled to say whether or not she deserved to win.


Shame on whoever decided this was how BB should turn out.

Last edited by Saint
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I've just watched it this morning, condensed, FF over all the Emma rubbish & the bollocks interviews. 


And the winner is .......... Hel *stop and delete*


Never been so disappointed with the winner result since Brian Bellend won.

Same here Cinds  but my reactions were slower. Didn't get to the remote until Emma said the full name. Off it went. Who could be bothered with the rest. 


There may have been language too 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I've just watched it this morning, condensed, FF over all the Emma rubbish & the bollocks interviews. 


And the winner is .......... Hel *stop and delete*


Never been so disappointed with the winner result since Brian Bellend won.

Same here Cinds  but my reactions were slower. Didn't get to the remote until Emma said the full name. Off it went. Who could be bothered with the rest. 


There may have been language too 


I had my finger strategically placed and the point where Emma uttered the word "Hell" I was on BBC Three.


I still find it hard to believe that the GBP would want such an odious, vile, repulsive, aggressive harpee as their winner. Or am I missing the point? Is this completely controlled by the producers and there was only going to be one winner, even if Hell-on only got 74 votes all night.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:

Well we don't get many winners in Bolton but when we do we do it in style!


Well that's true Bolton Fan! How do you feel about her winning?

Have to say she wasn't the type of northern lass I was hoping for. When I first heard her accent I thought she'd be fun and down to earth.

Well she's down to earth all right!  Our local paper has an online article asking how do we feel about Helen winning BB.  The replies will not be printable in a family newspaper!  She's an embarrassment to the town and lets just say the vast majority of people who commented agree with me!

Bolton Fan
Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:

Well we don't get many winners in Bolton but when we do we do it in style!


Well that's true Bolton Fan! How do you feel about her winning?

Have to say she wasn't the type of northern lass I was hoping for. When I first heard her accent I thought she'd be fun and down to earth.

Well she's down to earth all right!  Our local paper has an online article asking how do we feel about Helen winning BB.  The replies will not be printable in a family newspaper!  She's an embarrassment to the town and lets just say the vast majority of people who commented agree with me!

  My sympathies Bolton Fan. 

I felt just as morto about that thug Conor being from NI 

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
I still find it hard to believe that the GBP would want such an odious, vile, repulsive, aggressive harpee as their winner. Or am I missing the point? Is this completely controlled by the producers and there was only going to be one winner, even if Hell-on only got 74 votes all night.

Either way EC, I wonder who this GBP actually are? Outside of this forum I don't know anyone daft enough to even watch it anymore, never mind deposit their hard earned cash into C5's account


I stopped watching 2 weeks ago when I realised the editing was making me like Helen a bit  I just thought it was too obvious that Channel 5 were trying to get her a few fans and they did an absolute hatchet job on Mark (who I kind of liked for a few weeks then BB decided they didn't like him so showed us every little bitchy thing he did whereas they had previously hidden it), Chris and whoever else they decided they wanted rid of instead of leaving it up to us.  Once it was too obvious that BB weren't playing fair then I switched off.  


I didn't really like Ashliegh at all either and had no favourite in the last few weeks so it was no big loss for me not to watch.  I did read the thread last night for results.  I was still a little shocked that Helen did actually win.....I didn't think they'd be obvious enough to actually have her win it.  


There's NOT ONE person on my facebook who was happy with Helen winning.  None.


I wasn't surprised at all for various reasons


Rumours abounding she was up for the win


A geordie slapper won a CBB one so tells me the major dynamic of the audience


As with any show that has a pause moment before an announcement the directors show the person leaving or winning first as they pan from person to person before the winner/person leaving is announced.. as Helen's face was shown first as whatsherface was saying 'and the winner is' then it went to Ashleigh back to Helen and then Ashleigh and then both together I knew Helen had won..


Masterchef is a devil for doing that when they are about to say who is leaving and I usually close my eyes til they say the name, but couldn't be assed with BB as it seemed a foregone conclusion anyway..


I think I am almost cured of BB now. .from having Live streaming on all day on my puter [LUTting too] and watching all HL shows and BBLB to now with no LF and only occasionally watching bots I am now down to watching the HL show, checking out C5 video's occasionally and watched 3 BOTS all series.. one with Kimberly the other with Mark and last nights which was atrocious. .Louisa was dreadful..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Same on my FB and Twitter, everyone was shocked and couldn't understand how she managed it

A LOT of people on my facebook voted for Conor and for Charlotte (CBB winner) so I would have thought if anything, they would have been the 'type' to vote for Helen too but no.  There wasn't much support for Ashleigh either though.  Not really sure who they were hoping to win but it sure as hell wasn't Helen!

Originally Posted by Ells:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Same on my FB and Twitter, everyone was shocked and couldn't understand how she managed it

A LOT of people on my facebook voted for Conor and for Charlotte (CBB winner) so I would have thought if anything, they would have been the 'type' to vote for Helen too but no.  There wasn't much support for Ashleigh either though.  Not really sure who they were hoping to win but it sure as hell wasn't Helen!


Reading back over some comments a lot seem to think it was rigged as she is linked to Desmond who owns CH5

BB gave Helen the pass to the final as she had to be protected or she would have been up and out week two.Helen was always going to win, and as the weeks went on and 15 warnings later she was still in the house, it was more than obvious.

Helen is signed to Desmond and he intends to make a Manchester version of TOWIE... cue Helen .


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