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Steven opens up


It's been seven weeks since Steven saw the world outside the Big Brother House. But now he's out, reunited with Kimberly, and freed from the tyranny of shopping tasks and enforced alarm clocks. Here's what he's done with his first hours of freedom:

First thing you saw when the doors opened?

I saw a big red sign saying "Red Card For Steven" and then I looked to my left and saw Kim and my mum. I spotted them straight away.

First thing your mum said to you?

"I'm so proud of you", shockingly.

First thing you said to Kimberly?

"I love you so much."

First date you'll go on with Kimberly?

It's a surprise! We did say that it'll be nice to just go out somewhere, to a nice restaurant, sit there for hours and hours and just spend time together without cameras.

First meal you ate outside the House?

Breakfast. I had a full English breakfast this morning.

First drink you had outside the House?

A glass of white wine in the Green Room. Then a can of lager and two glasses of champagne. And two large glasses of wine last night.

First thing you did when you got your phone back?

Kimberly confiscated my phone.

What time did you go to bed, and what time did you wake up?

We went to bed at half three or half four, woke up at half seven.

What's the first salon treatment you'll have?

I need my eyebrows done, desperately. And I also want to continue to get my back lasered.

Any housemates you’re missing already?

Yeah, I miss Winston, Ash, and Helen.

Any housemates you’re glad you no longer have to live with?

Chris, Pav, and Ashleigh.

Has your opinion on any of the housemates changed since leaving the House?

No. It hasn't actually, because I spent seven weeks with them and after seven weeks, my opinion changed while I was in there. As far as I'm concerned, all of the people in there are the people that I got to know.

How was your first experience of Bit On The Side?

It was really fun. Rylan was great, the audience were really nice, and the panel were really nice, so I really enjoyed it. It was brilliant. Love Rylan.

Are you looking forward to your first experience of Bit On The Psych?

Of course. I love Luisa.

Steven opened it - sorry, up - even more during his Facebook Q & A.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Just read this on FB he says thank you for all the nice comments as far the others I won't dignify with an answer, please follow me on Twitter I can see us not getting rid of these two for a while yet

I agree he really is fame hungry.

I notice that he refuses to own any of his negative behaviour or answer any questions we may have .


Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Just read this on FB he says thank you for all the nice comments as far the others I won't dignify with an answer, please follow me on Twitter I can see us not getting rid of these two for a while yet

I agree he really is fame hungry.

I notice that he refuses to own any of his negative behaviour or answer any questions we may have .


 He lives in a world of his own.


Would love to be a fly on the wall, to see what its really like between the loving couple   

Originally Posted by Aimee:
He also says he's decided while in the house that he wants to do something with his life, his future is looking good I'm sure he thinks he's going to be offered his own chat show DS seem to think he'll get a fly on the wall show about his family

*Googles the cheapest most massive fly swat available to man (or Woman) *

Originally Posted by erinp:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
He also says he's decided while in the house that he wants to do something with his life, his future is looking good I'm sure he thinks he's going to be offered his own chat show DS seem to think he'll get a fly on the wall show about his family

Oh God


Josie and John James got one, I can see this happening

Someone said that Kimberly didn't seem genuine and Steven responded with thank you for your advice but I believe her

Big Brother’s Steven Goode has hit out at the β€˜haters’ after an hilariously bad Facebook Q&A.


Over 1,000 BBUK fans gave Steven their questions via the official Channel 5 BBUK page and it’s fair to say that most weren’t positive.

The supposed businessman didn’t bother to reply to most, answering just over 20 questions in all.

Some of the most popular questions that Steven didn’t answer included: β€œAre you aware of how controlling and selfish you are?”, β€œWhy did you get annoyed with Ashleigh for nominating you when you had previously nominated her?”, β€œWhy are you such an obnoxious, arrogant and self opinionated person?” and β€œDid mummy Goode never teach you any table manners talking with your mouth full is disgusting?”

Others were a bit more blunt, with further questions including: β€œY u such a bell end??” and β€œAre u as creepy as you seemed on tv ?”

While those Qs were all snubbed, Steven did reply to a one viewer asking: β€œI love you so much Steven. Do you love me?” so that’s something.

And Steven did respond to some select criticisms, writing: β€œYes, I’m cringey. Yes, I’m cheesey. And I’m bloody proud of it!”

However he ended up ignoring the rest and complaining: β€œThanks for all your fabulous comments, some of which I can’t be even be bothered to dignify with an answer!

β€œTo the haters – do one. To the lovers – love you too. Please follow me on Twitter to keep in touch.”

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook


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