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Day 49: Task - The Losers


How much does losing a task affect the housemates' morale? Big Brother is about to find out, with a sneaky task designed to test housemates' resilience and competitiveness.

Housemates have been divided into two teams, the Reds and the Blues. The Red team are Ashleigh, Helen, Winston, Ash, and Mark; the Blue team are Chris, Christopher, Zoe, Steven, and Pav. But which team will win each task is a foregone conclusion - the Reds will always win. Because winning the individual tasks isn't the point of this experiment. The real task, and the one that will decide what housemates will be eating this week, is for the Red team to convince the Blues that they can't win. 

Will today's stacked odds break the Blues, or will they triumph - only to face real defeat with a week of chickpeas? Come back later to find out.

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12.15pm: While the Red team take on the first part of the task, the Blues are discussing... Mark. He's "very unique" apparently


12.36pm: "It's so much easier wearing helmets with short hair." Steven's found an unexpected benefit to shaving his head


12.49pm: Time for the Blue team to have a go at the task in the garden. We'll have video later...


12.59pm: The Blues are struggling in the garden. The Reds are watching and laughing from the living room


1.17pm: The teams are comparing notes now. Funnily enough, the Blues found the task a lot harder than the Reds






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Day 49: Task - Crack the Code


Tutus, animal masks, and numbered t-shirts? What kind of a game could Big Brother possibly make out of those bizarre props?

Find it hard to imagine? So will our housemates. The Crack the Code mini-task is all about figuring out how colours, numbers, and animals represent different words. In order to win, each team will need to work out the code, put on the props, and stand in the right order. The Blue team will find this harder than the Red team, though, because there is no code. The game is unsolveable, and it's all part of Big Brother's evil plan to find out how much a string of failures will effect the Blue team's morale.

Will they perservere in an impossible task? Or will they just give up? Either way, the Reds are going to romp to victory once again...




4.30pm: Nice hat, Zoe.


4.45pm: Want to see Steven in a cow hat? Of course you do.

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Helen Wood’s bitching was exposed in the Big Brother 2014 house last night in a new task.


As part of this week’s shopping task, the housemates have been  divided into the Reds and the Blues team.

The Red team are made up of Ash, Ashleigh, Helen, Mark and Winston.

The Blue team have Chris, Christopher, Pav, Steven and Zoe.

They have been competing in a series of tasks and one of them was called Housemate or House-hate

This Diary Room game was a head to head quiz on the buzzer with housemates as the answer. e.g. Which Housemate said Steven and Kimberly “might be a fauxmance?”

Big Brother Summer 2014

Some of Helen’s quotes included saying: “I was very wary of Zoe, she did cast her opinion n Steve and Kim’s relationship very quickly.”

And she was also exposed as saying of Steven: “He thinks he’s dead unpopular, he’s done it to make people laugh but in a jokey way, he’s ding for the public to like him so much.”

Helen claimed: “Who have I said that about, I haven’t even said this? I have never said this. I swear to God I have never said that.”

Steven told her: “I’m really shocked by that.”

Despite there being some 42 cameras in the house, the walls and ceilings being coated in microphones and of course each housemate also having their own personal mic, Helen insisted BB had got it wrong.

“They can’t do that to me! I haven’t said, I haven’t said it!” she protested. “I wouldn’t f**king do it.”

Big Brother Summer 2014

Steven told her: “I dont want you to be upset.”

Helen continued: “I haven’t said those f**king things.

“F**king tramp, I would never ever say that. I’m f**king fuming, I’ve never said those f**king words.”

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Keep Calm and Carry On

One by one a player
from each team is hooked up to a heart rate monitor (which is fake). Big Brother tells them they need to stay completely calm as possible. The plasmas behind them show their heart rate (fake).

Players from the other team then have to try and raise the opponent’s heart rate in the quickest time possible.

This works in a series of hits, the players trying to raise the heart rate are instructed to do this using different emotions for each hit – e.g. ‘arousal’, ‘fear’, ‘get personal’. The Red Team will win!


FINAL GAME – (A real fair game)

Hands up for Victory

Each Housemate puts their hand up to hold a bucket full of gunge in place. The moment they release their hand then they get gunged. The last player to stay dry wins. The Red Team winners know that their task is to win, but if the others endure for longer than 30 minutes then the overall task has been failed.


Yesterday, Housemates took part the second day of this weeks Shopping

Firstly, Housemates took part in Keep Calm and Carry On. Housemates
had to increase another’s heart rate. This was of course fixed, the heart rates
were not really measured and the red teams would win.


Chris had to scare Ashleigh.
Ash had to scare Steven.
Stevens heart rate increased quicker and therefore Ashliegh won the battle.

Zoe had to arouse Winston
Mark had to arouse Christopher.
Winston’s heart rate raised quicker and therefore Christopher won the battle.

Winston had to get personal with Pav to increase his heart rate.
Zoe had to get personal with Helen to increase her heart rate.

Pav’s heart rate increased quickest and therefore Helen won the battle.

As a result the Red Team won Keep Calm and Carry on.

FINAL GAME: Hands Up for Victory

In the final game the Red and Blue team competed in the first  genuine task of the day.

They had to hold a door of gunge shut for as  long as possible.

The order of Housemates who dropped first to last are as follows:

· Steven
· Helen
· Ashleigh
· Chris
· Mark
· Zoe
· Ash
· Pav
· Winston

As Winston was the last Housemate remaining the Red Team won the final

Therefore the Housemates have PASSED this weeks shopping task.


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