As I was out on Saturday night having a nice meal I thought I would today catch-up on last nights Big Brother HL Show.
Musings below.
Tea Leaf Readings - Spot on, Chris was saved. I presume that is what they said.
Steve - Kicked off the day in true control freak style. How does Kimbot breathe, although being a cyborg she probably does not need to. Pre-Nup anyone??
Ash - They have been banging again, I'm going to complain Funniest thing he has said all series.
*** Then the on demand drops out and I have to restart
Hell-on - She has never looked so good
I would not like to follow Winston into the toilet after that challenge !!! However I would keep getting Winston to try and beat his personal best.
Kimberly is right, it's not a FETISH. WTF is Steven doing with Kimbots eyebrows !!! He is a serial killer - I'm convinced of it.
I don't think it's the house you need to worry about Kim, it's the GBP.
"You do know I love you don't you"
"You do know I love you don't you"
"You do know I love you don't you"
"You do know I love you don't you"
"You do know I love you don't you"
"You do know I love you don't you"
"You do know I love you don't you"
"You do know I love you don't you"
"You do know I love you don't you"
"You do know I love you don't you"
Good I'm glad your taking personally Steven, because it is personal you freaky controlling mad man.
Kimbot/Steven's discussion about being controlling - Kimbots words said one thing, her face said something completely different.
"Bring it on like Donkey Kong"
"it's ON, Massively, MASS-IV-LEY"
Hell-on calling someone a bitch and being a bitch herself.
...and again Steven has a broken record
"You do know I love you don't you"
"You do know I love you don't you"
"You do know I love you don't you"
Yes, you did work your touche (sp) off Danielle - I've seen the pics.
Is Danielle on drugs?
She coming out all sorts of crap tonight.