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Spoilers Tonight’s Big Brother, Steven tells Kimberly he’s falling for her!

Spoilers Tonight’s Big Brother, Steven tells Kimberly he’s falling for her!

Last night, Steven and Kimberly shared a bed and kissed for the first time. Kimberly tells Steven that she’s “really happy” as they wake up together

Mark’s cooking has left most of the Housemates with upset stomachs. Mark remarks, “Sorry for giving people fu*king food poisoning” Jale responds saying, “You’re an intelligent man and I think a tub of spice is probably taking it too far…”

Danielle talks to Kimberly about last night’s sleeping arrangements and asks if it was the first time she’d kissed Steven. Kimberly replies saying, “yes…it was nice” and a delighted Danielle replies, “O. M. G!”

Ash talks to Steven about his relationship with Kimberly and notes that “last night steps were made to another level…” Steven remarks that you can “see her body language change” and goes on to comment that Kimberly thinks he will judge her when they leave the House related to something she’s done in the past

Winston talks to Big Brother about Danielle and says that “You start speaking to someone and everyone just blows things out of proportion… we’re just mates…”

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Danielle opens up to Kimberly about her feelings towards Winston saying, “I don’t really know how it all kind of started…I’ve never in my life had a boy read to me in that way…I find it a little bit endearing…it was totally off the scale for me…I thought some parts of it were quite sweet…I think he’s nice. Do I fancy him? I don’t know him well enough to fancy him.”

Big Brother calls Helen to the Diary Room and sets her a secret mission to make the other Housemates laugh. Helen tells jokes, spills a drink over herself, ‘farts’ with a whoopee cushion and falls into the pool. After successfully making the Housemates laugh, Helen is then dressed as a clown and thrown into the pool by Marlon and Winston

Christopher talks to Big Brother about Danielle and Winston and says, “I’m really interested to see where Winston and Danielle go with this… they have so much to teach one another…they’re nothing like each other…what an unusual pairing!”

Ash talks to Winston about his growing friendship with Danielle and reveals that he thought they would sleep together in the same bed last night. Winston tells him that she told him she liked him but they’re just mates but adds that “she’s got a banging body”

Ash tells Winston that he “had to think of other stuff” while he was spooning with Helen last night. They both agree that thinking of Margaret Thatcher naked would help in the future.

Matthew talks to Big Brother about his experience in the House and admits, “I went through a rocky patch when Toya went…there’s defiantly been ups and downs…I think people do think I will probably go…I’m not one of the popular ones in here…I’d like to go against people’s expectations and stay here for a long time”

Ash and Marlon discuss the upcoming eviction and Matthew. Ash says, “I feel bad saying it but I hope everybody thinks Matthew is an absolute tos*er and votes him out…he just fu*king gets on my nerves…” Marlon notes that Matthew is very “controversial” and it would be a mistake to let any of the “entertainers” go

Mark is talking to Big Brother about the eviction and how he doesn’t want to go. He feels Matthew has told him a lot about life and politics. Mark goes on to list all the political parties – the Labour party, the Liberals and the ‘Conservatory’ party and what each of them stands for.

Steven talks to Kimberly about their relationship and speculates that she is seeing someone in the outside saying, “I am falling for you in a serious manner and I just want to know that there’s only me and there’s not someone else that has fallen for you already that you’re in a relationship with” An uncomfortable Kimberly responds saying, “It’s not the same situation…nobody’s fu*king committed to me”

Ash, Helen and Mark talk about the upcoming eviction. Ash remarks that it feels like a long time since Toya left the House, to which Helen retorts, “Good…have you noticed there’s been no arguments this week…you’ve had a bigger impact” Mark then reveals that he feels “sick as a parrot” about the thought of eviction.

Steven and Kimberly have another heart to heart and Kimberly admits that she “broke up with someone before coming on the show…it’s complicated…I didn’t expect someone like you on this show…I’ve never met someone as nice as you”

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