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Former Member

Day 27: Shopping Task - Assassins: Day One


This week’s shopping Task is an absolute killer.

Three housemates (Ash, Jale and Steven) are assassins and will be given a hit list of fellow housemates who they have to take down in a series of elaborate murders.

When the condemned housemates die they are not allowed to speak to anyone and have to go straight to BB’s morgue, where they have to spend the rest of the task.

Detective Winston is the man tasked with solving the murders and will have to choose one housemate to send to jail (the Pod) where the suspect will have to spend the night.

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This week’s Big Brother shopping is a good’un as the housemates take part in a Murder Mystery.



And it’s all up to Winston to solve!

At the start of the day the Housemates were provided with vintage outfits and accessories for the task that had been left in the store room.

The Housemates were then gathered, and each was given a pair of headphones. All Housemates hear music, but a secret announcement is made into the assassin’s headphones: Ash, Jale and Steven.

Ash, the head assassin, was called to the diary room. He collected an earpiece so that he can communicate with Big Brother throughout the task.

The assassins will be provided with a number of targets and props to help ‘kill’ the other housemates.

First, The assassins must plant the ‘bomb’ in the smoking area, and then lure their victims there before going to a bathroom and pressing their ‘detonator’. The smoke bomb will give off red smoke, and it will be announced that the Housemates are dead.

Assassin Steven must enter the bathroom and use a hidden microphone to do a fake Big Brother voice over, calling Kimberly to the Diary Room.

Steven will then exit the bathroom and be led to the Diary Room, where he will hide behind the chair. When Kimberly enters, she will find the whole room, including the chair, covered in plastic. After Kimberly sits down, Steven will pour red gunge over Kimberly, killing her.

Steven will then exit back into the bathroom and then re-enter the house. After Steven has exited, Big Brother will announce that Kimberly is dead. She must leave the Diary Room and enter the coffin.

Later, after bring provided with posh evening attire, the Housemates sit down for a fancy meal around the dining table.

Before the meal, while the Housemates are all enjoying a drink in the living area, the assassins must switch the place settings of 2 Housemates.

These Housemates will have their dessert delivered by the waiter, and when they lift the cloche they will find a gruesome skull with live maggots crawling out of the eye sockets. It will then be announced that this Housemate is dead.

After the meal Mark will hold a séance so that he can speak to the dead. This will be around the dinner table, and Mark will communicate with the dead using a spirit bell, which will ring once for no twice for yes in answer to Mark’s questions.

The dead Housemates will be watching the séance from the morgue, and answer via an earpiece that he will be given.

In front of Mystic Mark will be a Ouija board style panel with the Housemates faces on it. Mystic Mark will then move the glass to land on the Housemate that is the answer to his questions.

Finally, The Housemates will all be given masks, and given music to enjoy (1920s style).

Ash must then lead Helen to a quiet part of the house, before giving her a red skull mask to replace the one she is currently wearing, which signifies that she is now dead.

At the end of day one Detective Winston gets to jail one Housemate that they suspect of being an assassin.

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook

Last edited by Former Member

Assassin's Tweed: A Style Guide


Today's Assassin shopping task is an exercise in logic, reason and subertfuge, with conspiracies and accusations aplenty. But the real star is the costume department. The housemates have dived into the dressing-up box and now look like minor characters from an Ealing comedy crossed with Al Capone. Here's how to look like the guys and dolls:


The look: A light grey suit with a chalk pinstripe, teamed with a classic straw boater. 

Verdict: Mark was initially less than thrilled with his costume but soon came round to his Brideshead Revisited look. And if you can team it with a casual leg-cross, the results are obvious.


The look: A heavy three piece moleskin suit accessorised with a silver topped cane and leather gloves.

The verdict: Detective Winston, like his namesake, should have been born in the 1870s. The waxed moustache perfectly complements his slick hair and his physique fills the material like an over-full bin bag. Champagne flutes are optional but strongly advised.


The look: Sleeveless cream dress with a floppy black straw hat.

The verdict: Simple and effective elegance reministant of a young Coco Chanel. The look of bored pity sets off the emsemble perfectly. 



The look: A three piece wool suit with a subtle light blue Prince of Wales check, completed with a burgundy bow-tie and bowler hat.

Verdict: If anyone can bring back the bowler, it's Marlon. The burgundy bow-tie is a risky contrast to light grey but it works. Sort of. 


The look: An accountants pin-stripe suit with spotty red bow-tie and a fedora. 

Verdict: The birthday boy wasn't particularly enamoured with his get up for obvious reasons. The bow-tie and shirt clash badly and the hat looks as if it's desperatley trying to escape from the top of Matthew's head. 


The look: A sexy red number with big buckles with black lace gloves.

The verdict: The colour matches her fiery character and the lace gloves lend a sultry air to the outfit. Although a closed mouth may help the whole piece.


The look: A thick dark green suit twinned with a peach and yellow spotted tie. 

The verdict: It's difficult for anyone to pull off the 1970s insurance salesman look but Chris almost succeeds. More chameleon than man Chris can adapt to almost anything, even looking like Penfold from Danger Mouse. 


8.05pm: Uh-oh, our dearly departed are eavesdropping on the other HMs and Ashleigh has things to say about Helen.


BB so want a fight^^



8.42pm: HMs are squealing over their outfits for the Masquerade Ball, OMG-ing all over the place


2.52pm: It's a miracle! The dead have returned to life. And they're not very happy about some of the living's behaviour



BB so want conflict and the viewers are leaving in droves because we are sick off it .Every night bitching and conflict.

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Thanks for all the task updates, erinp!

Indeed - thank you Erin    

^^ I agree, thanks for all the time you give to keep us updated

Yellow Rose

Day 28: The great detective


Winston has many great qualities: story-telling, impressions and cooking up a proper spag bol. But how are his crime-solving skills?

Big Brother chose Winston to play the detective in the House's very own murder mystery. With three secret assassins stalking the housemates, could Borehamwood's answer to Sherlock Holmes crack the case? Here's how he did...

A Study In Scarlet

Even before a single murder had taken place, Detective Winston had his suspicions. Ashleigh had a theory that the assassins were all wearing red, and Winston agreed, examining everything the housemates were wearing.

Marlon was wearing red braces and a red bow tie, Steven was wearing a red tie, Helen was wearing a red dress, and Chris was wearing... a pink tie? Kimberly was wearing red lipstick, and Winston thought maybe that counted, too.

It didn't, of course. It was just a red herring.

A Case Of Identity

After Ash's hat was discovered next to the smoke bomb that 'killed' Helen and Christopher, Detective Winston decided to arrest Ash. After all, Kimberly had already accused him, as the only other person in the garden when the bomb went off, of being an assassin. 

But after a long discussion, Ash managed to persuade Winston that he was innocent. His argument was that he wouldn't have used his own hat to hide the bomb, since it would be too obvious. The double-bluff worked, and Winston let the first assassin slip through his fingers. He even tried to arrest Chris at one point, so thoroughly had he been taken in.

The Adventure Of The Creeping Man

The second day of the task started with murder in the dark, as Ash used night vision goggles to creep through the pitch black bedroom to throw a bucket of 'blood' over Mark. Did Detective Winston suspect?

Since he was lying in bed with Ash while housemates discussed their theories (a ninja? A member of the Big Brother production staff army-crawling through the bedroom? Danielle?) we'd have to say no, he didn't. 

The Sealed Room

As the body count rose, though, Detective Winston got serious about solving the mystery. When Matthew was murdered over a seemingly civilised brunch, he was presented with a dilemma and two suspects: was the assassin Chris, or Jale? Both of them offered the same story, and both of them turned on their most innocent-looking faces. There was only one clue: the blood spatter.

While Jale's dress was spotless, Chris had blood all over his suit jacket. Did that mean he was the assassin, or was he just an innocent bystander? Winston eventually deduced that Chris couldn't have splashed blood on his own back, but the spot of blood on Jale's hat momentarily threw him off. Still, in the end, he arrested the right person.

Elementary, my dear Winston

With six housemates dead and five suspects remaining, Big Brother called Detective Winston to close the case. Which two housemates did he think were the assassins?

He immediately ruled out Chris and Danielle, but that left Ash, Steven, and Ashleigh. Based on a guilty look from Ash, and some preternatural gut instinct, Winston accused Ash and Steven, successfully identifying all of the assassins.

Well, when you've eliminated the impossible, whatever's left, however improbable - like all your mates being cold-blooded killers? - must be the truth.


The housemates have been taking part in this weeks shopping task since yesterday
and the results are now in...

Inspector Winston had to guess which three
housemates that he suspected were the Assassins, he


And since those were the
Assassins the housemates have passed the shopping task and won a luxury budget,
the three assassins however have failed their part of the task and have to live
on basic rations until further notice...


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