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Tonight’s Spoilers, Ashleigh cries and tells Kimberly to “**** off” + All the Pics!

Tonight’s Spoilers, Ashleigh cries and tells Kimberly to “**** off” + All the Pics!

Toya has been evicted and a new power regime has entered the house – Girl Power. All the boys are facing eviction and the girls have to decide who to save.

*The girls visit the diary room and are told that they have a decision to make. Half of the boys have to clean the house and half need to staff the new spa in the garden, but who will do what? The girls pick Ash, Marlon, Winston and Steven to clean the house, with Winston given the particularly lovely job of cleaning the toilets. The spa staff consist of Chris, Christopher, Mark and Matthew.

Helen particularly recommends Chris’ foot massage while Mark does his statement make up look on Jale, much to the amusement of the spa.

In the kitchen, Steven moans: ‘I’ve never done so much house-work in my life.’

Clips from tonight’s show, Day 24.

Ash tells Winston, ‘I’ve had a shocking week this week.’ He’s worried about his popularity amongst the girls and that he might not be saved. He’s especially worried about Ashleigh and states: ‘She hates the lads.’

Ashleigh and Danielle confess to Big brother that they don’t like being in power with Helen and Jale.

Helen, Jale and Kimberly talk about Ashleigh and Helen admits she doesn’t know what she’s doing wrong with her. Jale and Kimberly both think Ashleigh is ‘projecting’ and tell Helen to ignore it.

Danielle and Ashleigh repeat their opinion of Helen with Danielle saying: ‘She’s a horrid girl.’ Ashleigh agrees: ‘She’s vile.’

Winston and Marlon have a rap session in the garden.

Mark talks to Big Brother about his feelings about the girls being in power. He says: ‘It’s like they’ve got the weight of the world on their shoulders.’ He admits he doesn’t want to be the fourth Housemate to leave the house because he has still got more to give and more to learn, especially about himself. He exclaims: ‘I’m sat here talking to you Big Brother with natural brows and a checked shirt!’

The girls talk about who to save. Jale admits that Marlon and Steven ‘crack her up.’ Helen says they should look at who brings more to the house and says that Ash, Steven and Winston do more than their fair share of cleaning in the house. Both Ashleigh and Danielle want to save Matthew.

For the next task, Danielle invites the Marlon, Ash and Winston to her ‘finishing school’. They have to read Danielle a poem about one of the girls in the house and then watch a VT of their most ‘ungallant behaviour’ so Danielle can give them tips on how to improve.

Winston performs his rap poem to Danielle and she is slightly shocked by the sexual terminology used but flattered. Winston doesn’t think it’s too forward as he changed t**s to breasts. Her comment on his VT: ‘For a lady, that’s extreme.’


Danielle finds Ash’s poem lovely and ‘really sweet.’ She thinks it’s about her and is quite surprised to find out it’s actually about Jale. During his VT he seems a bit uncomfortable and Danielle seems shocked by: ‘I can’t believe they haven’t put a slut in here.’

Marlon’s she finds ‘full of emotion’ and she is surprised that it’s about Helen as is mentions marriage. Danielle finds Marlon’s VT the most challenging, as it features his famous ‘slut-buckets’ line and work-out commentary.

Ash and Steven speculate on which boys the girls will save and they both agree they will save, Chris, Christopher, Mark and Matthew.

The Housemates talk about finishing school and the class system in the bedroom. Danielle repeatedly calls aristocrats, ‘aristocats’, she also thinks that being an ‘aristocat’ means earning more than six figures. Winston mischievously asks her if she would marry a zoo keeper of or a fisherman if they were rich. Chris says: ‘I’d be on the streets if it meant I could be with the person I love.’

Winston applies his first face-mask – wrongly according to Matthew and Mark.

Ashleigh talks to Danielle in the pod about when she cried after Toya was evicted and Kimberly tried to comfort her and can’t understand why she would have thought that would have made Ashleigh feel better. At that moment Kimberly comes and sits with them! Kimberly tries to get them to come down and join in but they refuse. Ashleigh says: ‘I wish she’d just f**k off.’

The girls are treated to a girly night in with champagne and snacks and a special screening which turns out to be Diary Room VTs of the boys airing their opinions of the girls. Mainly it’s all what the girls would expect apart from Ash, who, when asked who he thought would be the biggest cheat, answers – Danielle. His reasoning is that because she seems to be so motivated by money, if someone richer came along he thinks she would move on. Danielle is upset by this and talks to Big Brother, labelling herself: ‘the most faithful person you could find.’

The boys talk about the girls night in going on in the other room and speculate on who will ruin it. Matthew thinks Helen and Ash think Danielle and Ashleigh. Ash sticks up for Helen saying that he thinks that she will keep her own counsel tonight.


Helen says to the girls that she doesn’t want to nominate any of the boys and that she finds the task, ‘sexist.’ If she has to she wants to save Steven and Ash as she thinks people have got the wrong end of the stick about them. Danielle says they should save Chris as he is diplomatic and they need a character like that in the house. Ashleigh really wants to save Matthew, she tells the girls she wasn’t sure of him at first but, ‘when I got to know him, he’s quite a sensitive person.’ Kim says she knows the girls will find it obvious that she wants to save Steven but she also wants to save Marlon as he has responded well to criticism.

Helen does have one query for Matthew about what he said about her in his Diary Room VT, that she didn’t have respect for herself. She asks him what that means and he tells her that in arguments she can let herself down, she takes this on the chin and says, ‘fair enough.’

Danielle and Ashleigh talk about which boys to save and they agree on Steven over Ash but Ashleigh says ‘Just because I’ll save him doesn’t mean I trust him.’

Jale, Kimberly and Helen talk about Danielle and Kimberly admits that she doesn’t understand her, Helen tells her: ‘She doesn’t f**king understand herself.’ Helen also remarks that she should, ‘go back to finishing school cos you didn’t f**king finish it.’ Jale tries to calm Helen down but Helen says: ‘I have to say it to you, I can’t say it to her or I’ll be accused of dampening her sparkle.’

Mark tries to make Matthew ‘play horses’ with him, which Matthew finds, ‘demeaning and demoralising.’

Ashleigh and Danielle have a heart to heart and Ashleigh starts to cry. She admits: ‘I’m struggling but I don’t know how stubborn I can be.’

Ashleigh is still crying when she talks to Big Brother about how hard she is finding the house. She finds the house ‘cliquey’ and feels that no-one listens to her opinions because she is only eighteen. She informs Big Brother of her strategy to save Marlon over Ash because she thinks Ash is an, ‘A**hole.’ Big Brother asks her if she thinks she can outsmart the other Housemates. Ashleigh answers, ‘Yes!’

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