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* Kim and Helen discuss Helen’s free pass from nomination and Helen admits that, ‘It shouldn’t be a burden but it is.’
* Chris talks to Ash, Marlon, Christopher and Jale about his sexual preferences. He says: ‘I don’t like the term straight, we‘re all kind of melding now.’ He observes that people between 18-25 aren’t as bothered by sexual labels. He admits, after questioning from the group, that he has never seen, kissed or slept with a man but can’t go around thinking he’s straight. He later tells Jale, he feels a bit funny about saying that on camera, as he has never admitted it to the majority of his friends of his family, he then reflects that: ‘You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube.’
* Marlon talks to Big Brother about who he would like to be evicted this week – Toya. He says: ‘She makes my skin crawl.’ He also doesn’t like the way she struts around like the, ‘queen bee.’ Big Brother asks how the atmosphere would change if Toya left, he answers: ‘It would turn everything on its head’. He also wonders how Matthew and Ashleigh would integrate back into the house after Toya left.
* Kimberly and Helen work out in the garden whilst Danielle and Ashleigh look on. Danielle comments; ‘Talk about desperate for attention!’ She also says: ‘Why don’t you (Helen) just do a striptease while you’re out there.’
* Helen opens up to Jale, telling her: ‘I was a k**b with you.’ She also admits: ‘I know what a t** I can be.’
* Danielle and Ashleigh are suspicious of Helen’s new friendship with Kimberly.
* Steven is talked through his Shopping Task, ‘Steven’s Surreptitious Secret Mission’ which sees him use five made up words to describe the housemates whilst talking to them, they are:
• Hyperdimensionalistic - a person who has different opinions around different people – Kimberly • Churpellent – a someone who talks rubbish - Marlon • Fidiotic - a person who fakes how stupid they are – Winston
• Krobotic – a person who is like a robot as they show very little emotion, with a gentle face - Matthew • Fhrosty – a person who looks like a spooky ghost, but a lovely one - Jale
He successfully completes the task and rewarded by a special meal of Alphabet Potatoes. With them he spells out his favourite rude words, which are: ‘B**tard and W**ker’.
* When he describes Winston as Fidiotic (a person who fakes how stupid they are), Winston observes that this is coming from someone who has never read a book.
* Matthew and Ashleigh discuss Helen and Matthew says: ‘She’s horrible.’ Ashleigh agrees: ‘She’s nasty.’
* Mark and Helen discuss the row that Helen had with Matthew and that he called her, ‘a back-stabber.’ Mark reassures Helen that she is a lot of things but not that. Helen is also worried that Kimberly told her that someone said to Kimberly that they can’t talk in front of her anymore as she is in Helen’s group. Mark re-iterates that he is worried about Ashleigh and that she might crack and get into an argument with someone that she won’t be able to handle.
* Toya, Ashleigh and Danielle talk about Jale’s new position in the house and her budding friendship with what they see as ‘the other group’. Toya says: ‘They don’t respect her.’
* Matthew tells Winston that he will not speak to Helen again. He says: ‘I don’t really need to.’
* Toya, Danielle and Ashleigh talk about the boys, they agree they find Ash, ‘demeaning and aggressive.’ Ashleigh says: ‘If Ash goes then Helen would crumble.’ She adds: ‘He’s her rock.’
* Ash talks to Big Brother. He says: ‘I don’t want to be booed, everybody likes to be liked. I did love it when I got cheers last week.’ He is also dismayed that he might be guilty by association; they nominate him because they can’t nominate Helen. He says: ‘I’m my own person.’
* Mark gives Jale a make-over and gives her his trademark eyebrows. Matthew says they are an, ‘abomination.’ Mark is displeased and says: ‘If anyone knows in this house knows glamour and class it’s me, I’m a scouser.’ Mark is upset by Matthew’s comments on his, ‘artwork.’ Toya looks on and tells Ashleigh and Danielle that she thinks that Jale looks like a, ‘transvestite,’
* Steven tells Kimberly he has never come across anyone like her before and that he finds her, ‘unique.’
* Jale and Mark tell Matthew that they think if Toya goes he might make up with Helen as the dynamics in the house will change. Mark tells Matthew that Helen is, ‘full of remorse.’
* Ash and Helen lie on her bed and Helen says that she, ‘feels horrible.’ as she thinks he is up for eviction because of his relationship with her and she admits she feels that’s also why Tamara went.
* Toya talks to Ashleigh about the possibility of her leaving the house. She advises Ashleigh: ‘Pick your battles and don’t let anyone take the piss out of you.’
* Chris goes to the Diary Room to talk over who will leave the house, he suspects Marlon will go as, ‘if people find him as irritating to watch as he is to be with…’ He says that Ash going would be big shock and would cause big ripples. He admits he is feeling slight dread but slight excitement too about eviction night. He says: ‘It’s like we’ve all been told to stand on a rock in the middle of a lake but only one of us is on a hippo, one of us is going to get swallowed up but we don’t know which one, it’s going to be quick and it’s going to be brutal.’

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