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Helen Wood has been issued with a “formal warning” from Big Brother 2014 after her latest row.


The official warning from Big Brother, issued in the Diary Room on tonight’s (Wednesday) latest highlights show followed a huge row between her and Matthew Davies.

Helen had branded him a “f**king skinny c**t”

She later ranted at him in the Garden: “You’ve completely transformed, you turned into a p***y, the other night and you let Toya take your f**king back lash.

“F**king p***y, match up to your f**king description you f**king weed. You’re a f**king weed.”

Big Brother told Helen that they had “no choice” but to issue her with a formal warning for “unacceptable behaviour.”

BB told her: “You were aggressive in your behaviour towards Matthew. In a heated argument, you stood over Matthew and shouted at him.

Big Brother Summer 2014

“The invasion of a housemate’s personal space in this way can be seen was intimidating.

“Big Brother does not tolerate unacceptable behaviour.”

“If you repeat this behaviour again, Big Brother may have no choice but to remove you from the house.”

It followed BB locking her in the Diary Room and refusing to let her out until she calmed down.

Helen replied: “I don’t know what’s wrong with me… for what it’s worth, I’m really sorry.”


It’s the second time that Big Brother spoke to her, following another warning from Big Brother over bullying after more than 1,500 complained about her actions towards fellow housemate Jale Karaturp.

In one rant, Helen had branded Jale a “f***** slug” and spat: “She’s an attention seeking b*****d, not real, she hasn’t got a real f**king bone in her body. No ones going to look at her in that light, ever.”

In the Diary Room, Big Brother told her last week: “Big Brother thinks your behaviour is unacceptable and Big Brother does not tolerate unacceptable behaviour.

“If this type of behaviour occurs again then big brother may have to issue you with a formal warning or take further serious action.”

Big Brother 2014 continues nightly on Channel 5.

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Fat lot of good it'll do... she can't control herself. They should ban her from alcohol in the house as a punishment. 

but you can't blame booze ,she is nasty and vile with or without it .

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Fat lot of good it'll do... she can't control herself. They should ban her from alcohol in the house as a punishment. 

They should just ban her ! What happened to the days when they had to earn the booze ...and it was a treat! 

Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I'm struggling to see how BB can now put her supposed biggest enemy into the house.


Would that not be them fueling her already explosive and unacceptable behaviour?

Common sense would tell BB it's madness to go ahead with Friday's twist now, but history tells us that they simply won't care. Remember that Endemol were warned by one of their own advisors not to send Emma and Michelle back into the house from the bedsit in BB3, but they did it anyway.


It turns out that the HMs have also failed the shopping task for the first time: it's going to be hell in there next week...

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I'm struggling to see how BB can now put her supposed biggest enemy into the house.


Would that not be them fueling her already explosive and unacceptable behaviour?

Perhaps that's what they want so they can throw her out

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I'm struggling to see how BB can now put her supposed biggest enemy into the house.


Would that not be them fueling her already explosive and unacceptable behaviour?

Perhaps that's what they want so they can throw her out

They could have done it 15 warnings ago though, they seem to relish the conflict. 

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I'm struggling to see how BB can now put her supposed biggest enemy into the house.


Would that not be them fueling her already explosive and unacceptable behaviour?

Perhaps that's what they want so they can throw her out

They could have done it 15 warnings ago though, they seem to relish the conflict. 

I think BB are loving all the drama/arguments, that's why most of this lot were chosen lol

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Fat lot of good it'll do... she can't control herself. They should ban her from alcohol in the house as a punishment. 

but you can't blame booze ,she is nasty and vile with or without it .

You're right there Erin. Just some punishment that would mean something. Warnings don't bother her. They should bring back the cube in the air. Have her sit in than and watch them eat a banquet while she has chickpeas.

Originally Posted by erinp:

11.30pm Helen and co are playing a game of Truth in the garden. Have they learned nothing from last night


you couldn't make it up ,lesson learned not Helen .

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Fat lot of good it'll do... she can't control herself. They should ban her from alcohol in the house as a punishment. 

but you can't blame booze ,she is nasty and vile with or without it .

You're right there Erin. Just some punishment that would mean something. Warnings don't bother her. They should bring back the cube in the air. Have her sit in than and watch them eat a banquet while she has chickpeas.

Just remove her .If that had been a guy doing what Helen done  he would have been removed .

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I think Ash should have got a warning too for even trying to defend her behaviour... I couldn't believe he was standing up for her..

I had to laugh when Ash was threatening Matt after, but he wouldn't look him in the eye, staring at the floor the whole time.  Tries to be the hard man, but in reality a spineless idiot.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Fat lot of good it'll do... she can't control herself. They should ban her from alcohol in the house as a punishment. 

but you can't blame booze ,she is nasty and vile with or without it .

You're right there Erin. Just some punishment that would mean something. Warnings don't bother her. They should bring back the cube in the air. Have her sit in than and watch them eat a banquet while she has chickpeas.

Just remove her .If that had been a guy doing what Helen done  he would have been removed .


I've no confidence they will though. I  stopped watching after Connor's BB. Returned for this series, to watch it happen all over again. 



Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I think Ash should have got a warning too for even trying to defend her behaviour... I couldn't believe he was standing up for her..

I had to laugh when Ash was threatening Matt after, but he wouldn't look him in the eye, staring at the floor the whole time.  Tries to be the hard man, but in reality a spineless idiot.

I'm not so sure about that - I think he avoided eye contact in an effort to keep his anger in check. If there had been eye contact it would be construed as threatening behaviour - indeed it would have been threatening behaviour.


Birds of a feather and all that ......Helen and Ash are a nasty pair - I don't believe characters with aggressive traits should be allowed into the BB House.


In the whole of the series two or possibly three big rows are par for the course and shakes things up. Night after night it's simply horrible, not nice to watch and I can't imagine what it must be like to live in that poisonous atmosphere's just wrong - and boring.

Soozy Woo

I agree that Helen and Ash are truly odious individuals , however , I have to say that the BB editors have done a very good job of deflecting the GBPs anger away from the obnoxious Toyah....who was odds on favourite to go at the start of the week. And while I totally understand why Ash has to go, I still say that we will be kicking ourselves for not getting rid of her . She is playing a good game of moving from group to group playing St Toyah , Toyah the Confessor , and Toyah the Wise one . She is getting HMs on side ....while at the same time dripping poison and venom in their ears. I doubt very much we will get another chance at her any time soon .....

I think sending in the new HM is a ridiculous idea and will cause BB big trouble and could even see it being taken off air, what exactly do they think will happen? If it's all true about them being sworn enemies it's only going to go one way.

As others have said a row is good and shakes the house up but every night is boring, I'm seriously thinking of giving in and  I never thought I would say that

And to think we used to find Charley BB7 aggressive and threatening.


I was on a thread on DS and was prompted to go and find this.


It has depressed me no end - what the hell has happened to BB? It used to be fun even amongst all the rows etc.


Where do they find these horrible characters? I'm on the verge of switching off (actually I say that every year) I think I mean it this time though - it just gets worse and worse.


The glory days are long gone.


Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

The show started going downhill in the last few years with C4. . C5 have just decided to make it even worse

I agree,it's the last civilian BB I am watching .

Originally Posted by erinp:

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

The show started going downhill in the last few years with C4. . C5 have just decided to make it even worse

I agree,it's the last civilian BB I am watching .


Can you believe we are waiting to see which hooker comes in next
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I think Ash should have got a warning too for even trying to defend her behaviour... I couldn't believe he was standing up for her..

I had to laugh when Ash was threatening Matt after, but he wouldn't look him in the eye, staring at the floor the whole time.  Tries to be the hard man, but in reality a spineless idiot.

I'm not so sure about that - I think he avoided eye contact in an effort to keep his anger in check. If there had been eye contact it would be construed as threatening behaviour - indeed it would have been threatening behaviour.


Birds of a feather and all that ......Helen and Ash are a nasty pair - I don't believe characters with aggressive traits should be allowed into the BB House.


In the whole of the series two or possibly three big rows are par for the course and shakes things up. Night after night it's simply horrible, not nice to watch and I can't imagine what it must be like to live in that poisonous atmosphere's just wrong - and boring.

You could be right. But just prefer to think its because he's an arrogant but spineless git.


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