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The Big Brother house erupted in yet another huge row this morning over a game of truth or dare.


While it all seemed to be quite serious in the housemates’ minds, it came across all rather hilarious.

It all started when Winston Showan asked Jale Karaturp a rather rude post watershed Truth question, that not everyone felt comfortable with.

Jale herself didn’t seem to mind, but Matthew Davies took offense and that prompted Helen Wood to basically lose it. Completely lose it.

“Bore off!” she ranted. “What are you talking about? It’s a joke, it’s a f**king joke! What are you moaning about?

“Don’t f**king play then! Why are you playing? Why are you playing? if you’re not playing don’t contribute with up your f**king mouth.”

She added: “**** **** ***** stop ***** *****.”

You’ll have to make your own mind about exactly what she said there.

Helen continued: “We’re having a laugh, we’re having a laugh. It’s a laugh. Did you see Jale offended?”

“Helen, I’m not interested. You’re boring me,” Matthew replied. “Oh get a grip Helen, put a mackerel on someone else’s pillow.”

A contender for comeback of the series there.

As Matthew left the room, Helen spat: “You f**king skinny bitch.”

But the row wasn’t quite over there as Mark Byron then exploded: “I’m f**king sick of everybody in here scrapping and arguing every night. ”

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

She is vile ,nasty ,and shouldn't drink .

I would love to see how she would have been if she could have be nominated and face the public vote .

Good for Mark, he's  sick off it and so are we .

Originally Posted by erinp:

I still feel I don't know enough about Matthew as to how I feel about him. When he was a PH with Toya he had a lot to say to her about different HM's when they had their secret talks. When it came to confronting the HM's with their decisions he seemed to let Toya do all the talking while he sat on the fence so as not to look as the bad guy of the two.

Yellow Rose

I got the feeling he was shit scared of disagreeing with any of Toya's decisions so just let her get on with it.. unless they edited out any input he did give to make it look like all of it was Toya's doing... that is probably more like the truth of it.. 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I got the feeling he was shit scared of disagreeing with any of Toya's decisions so just let her get on with it.. unless they edited out any input he did give to make it look like all of it was Toya's doing... that is probably more like the truth of it.. 

Scared to disagree or smart to let her take the power and target herself for the nomination .When they got the power the first thing he suggested was that they would be in danger of being put up for eviction .


scared to disagree so he wouldn't have to listen to one of Toy's rants reasons for whatever and why she is always right.. . . most, if not all, of their deliberations were in private away from the rest of the HM's... I think they both knew they'd be targets   after a stint as PHM.. everyone will be, they just forget it could happen to them next as they are bitching about the current PHM

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Good for Christopher for speaking up, even though he got drowned out by Helen's voice

Gob Almighty needs to shut her foul, loud mouth. What a truly horrible person she is.

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I reckon BB would make more money out of the public to evict Helen than any other HM's, shame they're determined to keep her in

Maybe they're keeping her in for now until her nemesis, (you know the other hooker, can't think of her name now) has been in to the house. Hopefully once that is over they will revoke her free pass and we can evict her forthwith.

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Mark seems to jump in to every argument to get the camera back on him Helen mocking Matthew about his weight I can see her getting another warning

At least she isn't prejudice first someone was a "Fat" Bleep. now someone is a "Skinny" Bleep.   I would love someone to call me a "Skinny" Bleep pahahahahahahah

Originally Posted by GorgeousMimi:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Mark seems to jump in to every argument to get the camera back on him Helen mocking Matthew about his weight I can see her getting another warning

At least she isn't prejudice first someone was a "Fat" Bleep. now someone is a "Skinny" Bleep.   I would love someone to call me a "Skinny" Bleep pahahahahahahah

Me too Mimi 


It all kicks off in the Big Brother 2014 house tonight and here’s a line by line recap of the latest row.


It all starts over a game of truth or dare, with Matthew Davies being not too keen when a rather rude question is asked, one which we can’t quite repeat here.

​“This is why I’m not playing,” Matthew says.

Helen Wood snaps: ​“Oh for f**k sake, bore the f**k off! Bore off, bore off! It’s a question…”

She continues:  ​“It’s a joke.  He sat back saying ‘this is why I don’t play’ don’t f**king play then! Why are you playing?”

Matthew insists: “Don’t tell me where to go…I’m not playing…”

Helen continues:  ​“So if you’re not playing why are you contributing with your f**king mouth!”

Matthew replies      ​“Close your mouth, maybe you should learn to close it for once.”

Big Brother Summer 2014

As Helen acts like a 5 year old, Matthew tells her:  ​“This is pathetic!  I’ve never argued with someone so ridiculous in my life!”

​He adds: “…Helen, I’m not interested I will actually leave because your boring me now, your driving me f**king mad, the sound of your voice is f**king droning, get a grip Helen.”

Helen shouts: ​“You f**king skinny c**t”

Mark Byron then gets involved, saying:  ​“The pair of you have just made absolute t**ts of yourselves!…Why are you shouting like that for no reason, if I knew you were going to play something like that I wouldn’t of f**king sat here. I’m f**king sick of everybody in here scraping and arguing every night!”

Later, Helen goes out to join Matthew who is in the garden.

She tells him:    ​“You’re a very bitter, nasty back stabbing little b*****d”

Matthew hits back:   ​“You’re describing yourself quite well, you’re confusing myself with you Helen…Why are you coming up to me in my face, can you not have a conversation with someone without getting in their face?”

Helen rages:   ​“You’ve completely transformed, you turned into a p***y, the other night and you let Toya take your f**king back lash…f**king p***y, match up to your f**king description you f**king weed”

Big Brother then calls Helen to the Diary Room as she adds on last expletive filled blow to Matthew:  “You’re a f**king t**t, you…”

He says:    ​“F**k off Helen.

Big Brother Summer 2014

​“Shows how much of an uneducated and unintelligent person you are…bye Helen…get another boob job, your tits are so f**king saggy, you paid for them love you need another one”

Helen responds: “Boob job? Go rip your f**king hairs off your f**king pigeon chest you f**king skinny, scrawny, pale, plucked f**king pigeon chested t**t.”

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

^^ She's not got one redeeming feature, Matt had great comeback remarks.


On another note the smiley box isn't working for me

YR you need to have a word with customer service at the smiley Dept .


 She has a mouth like a sewer. Surely she must have got a warning for that tirade? How is she still in there, she ought to have been booted out long ago? She's nothing but an aggressive, foul-mouthed, nasty biatch - and she's even worse when she has had a drink!

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

^^ She's not got one redeeming feature, Matt had great comeback remarks.


On another note the smiley box isn't working for me

YR you need to have a word with customer service at the smiley Dept .

Have they got an 0800 number lol

Yellow Rose

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