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Running it by Pauline for approval. Some was half assed. I did laugh when she told Pauline there will be no dialog or one to one unless there is a witness. Pauline has created this fiasco when she told anyone who would listen that Jale and her were having a nice convo and Jale just turned on her and started to accuse her of things she hadn't said or done !!! That Jale played the victim and won the public support and that's why Tamara went...and now Jale has the power and put Pauline up for revenge!! I know who is barking mad and it ain't Jale.


Last edited by Former Member

Are they really so thick that they don't realise all they're doing is giving Jale a ticket to the final?   They saw her come in and tacitly decided to pick on(in their eyes) the uncool, fat kid.   I expect they thought she'd be hanging on their every word hoping to be allowed into the 'cool gang' - they didn't reckon on the fact that Jale is no dummy is actually quite cool in her own way and they now need Mama P to tell them where to go now.


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