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Day 9 Recap and highkight show(spoiler)

Day 9 in the Big Brother UK house saw the first eviction of the series.
Matthew and Pauline discuss the imminent eviction and Pauline compares it to a death saying: ‘you’re sorry when someone dies but you don’t start bawling and carrying on like they were your best friend’ and commenting that they should stab each other from the front not the back. Helen talks to Winston about his date with Tamara and tell him that Tamara said to her, ‘Oh my god! He’s so sweet’. Christopher talks to Big Brother about his conflict with Pauline and says; ‘In recent days I’ve struggled to get on with her’ and observes that he doesn’t think that she can handle anyone who disagrees with her. Pauline makes breakfast for the housemates. She suspects that someone has got their own plate instead of the ones she has laid out. In finding out it was Christopher, she says: ‘I ******ing knew it’. Mark is told by Big Brother that the next task is centred around his supposed psychic ability, he has to read Tarot cards for 3 Housemates and predict the answers to a question for each. The 3 Housemates are Danielle, Winston and Helen. Mark gets 2 out of the 3 answers correct. During his reading with Helen he eerily predicts that Tamara will be the first housemate to leave the Big Brother House. Jale goes into the diary room to discuss her on-going conflict with Pauline and says: ‘I’m going to leave it and give her some space, I can’t be bothered about it’. Kimberly and Chris discuss the different personalities in the house and the concessions that are needed and Chris comments about Christopher; ‘He’s irritating the hell out of me’ but then concedes; ‘The guys are aware he does stupid things in the kitchen but that doesn’t make him an utter b**tard’. Matthew and Mark discuss Pauline and how their first impressions of her have changed as she has become quite argumentative. The Housemates are sitting in the kitchen talking about evictions and Tamara starts crying about the prospect of leaving. Chris enters the diary room to be told that his first use of new found power will be a live nomination from the toilet after the eviction through a secret earpiece. The Housemates start gathering in the living room for the eviction announcement and they hear chants form the public demanding Pauline to be evicted from the house. She also comments to Mark that she knew the public would feel this way and that she should have been ‘mystic Pauline’. Emma announces that the first Housemate to leave the Big Brother house is Tamara. The Housemates seem genuinely sad to see her go and Toya tells her; ‘We all love you’. Danielle says; ‘well no-one expected that’ and later; ‘I have never seen someone look so surprised in my life’.
Winston cries in the Diary Room after his prospective romantic interest is evicted. Chris enters the toilet to place his next secret power nomination as instructed by Big Brother and nominates Pauline. Big Brother tells the Housemates that the next Power Housemate has been in power for the last 24 hours and that the next nominations have been cancelled as the Power Housemate alone has nominations this week and that their first nomination is Pauline and that they should ‘trust no-one’. This shocks the Housemates and Toya says: ‘I actually can’t deal with this’ and Mark comments that whoever is the Power Housemate is a ‘nasty gob-sh**e’. Jale has a private conversation in the garden with herself! She tells herself not to cry and then saying; ‘I’ve got to stop talking to myself’. Pauline reminisces about being the Power Housemate and hopes that the new Power Housemate is ‘proud of themselves’. Kimberly enters the diary room and speculates on the identity of the new Power Housemate and says that she thinks it ‘could be anyone’ and that everyone is extremely suspicious and that it’s a ‘very tactical thing to nominate Pauline’. Mark, Chris and Jale discuss the public’s reaction to Pauline during the eviction and Mark advises Jale to ‘steer clear’ of Pauline. The Housemates debate who the new Power Housemate is in the kitchen and Steven says with some certainty, ‘I think it’s little Chris’. He bases this on the fact that Chris was invited to the diary room just before the eviction. Steven says that he will be really angry if Chris nominated him as he agrees with his grandfather’s mantra of not biting the hand that feeds you as he feels that Chris is always taking his cigarettes. Christopher and Pauline have a chat in the kitchen after not speaking since breakfast. Pauline decided to calmly share with Christopher what personality traits of his she finds irritating. Christopher cries as Pauline tells him how annoying the Housemates find his inability to share and his intrusiveness into private conversations. Chris enters the diary room. He talks through his decision to nominate Pauline, explaining that, ‘she’s a gossip, she’s a stirrer and everyone loves her and they have been cheated’. Chris starts crying with the weight of being the Power Housemate but does find that fact that the public seemingly agreed with his nomination of Pauline comforting, Chris enters the diary room for his second secret nomination as the Power Housemate and nominates Christopher. The Housemates notice that Christopher’s profile picture has changed to ‘nominated’ and Mark goes to find Christopher in the bedroom to tell him. Helen comments that Big Brother, ‘can’t do this’. After secretly nominating him for the second eviction, Chris and Christopher chat in the garden about how hard they are finding the house. Chris says that he thought on the first night in the house, ‘how the hell I’m a going to get out of this in the quickest way possible’. Christopher reflects on how hard it is to be without books, music or internet access. Chris reassures Christopher that the only thing Big Brother can’t control is his mind (or his fate it would seem!). Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook

1. Chris explains his nomination of Pauline to Big

‘There was a rat in our kitchen, what was I gonna

2. Winston talks to Big Brother in the diary room about the
eviction of his romantic interest.

‘It’s stupid to be acting like this
over someone I have known for a week’.

3. Chris explains to Big Brother
his recent nomination of Christopher.

‘I feel horribly sorry for him, I
feel he’s alone here and he feels he’s very alone here but he just has a
character that rubs people up the wrong way’

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