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The Big Brother 2014 results are in and a new power housemate has been chosen by us viewers, but who is it?

Over night, a poll took place using the Official Big Brother app and fans (or at least those with an iPhone) were able to vote for which housemate they wanted to send on a power trip.
The poll closed at 9AM this morning (Thursday) and this afternoon the results were revealed to the chosen housemate.
And – perhaps surprisingly – it’s Chris R Wright who has been picked by the public iOS users.
He reacted to the news after being called to the Diary Room earlier this evening: “That’s a hell of a kindness.”

But when asked how he felt about becoming the new Power housemate, Chris replied: “Deeply uncomfortable… I don’t know what you’re going to ask of me.”
Chris will wield his power for the first time in tonight’s (Friday) live show, which will also see the first eviction.
Previous power housemate Pauline was given the opportunity to grant one housemate £5,000, punish another, send a third through to the final and lastly, had a killer nomination, which saw resulted in Jale Karaturp being put up for eviction this and every week that she remains in the house.
The three nominated housemates – Jale, Danielle and Tamara – were not eligible to be voted as the new Power housemate.

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There’s yet another live twist on Big Brother 2014 tonight as Emma Willis hosts the first live eviction


Last night it was revealed who the new Big Brother Power housemate is as Chris R Wright was given the power by us viewers after a viewer vote (via the BB app).

But when asked how he felt about becoming the new Power housemate, Chris replied to Big Brother in the Diary Room: “Deeply uncomfortable… I don’t know what you’re going to ask of me.”

While we all know about the identity of the Power housemate, the other housemates don’t.

Tonight will see Chris get his first secret task on the live show, as Emma teased: “We’ve got our new Power housemate who this evening will have to complete his first power mission, it’s going to be a good one!

“He’s going to have power missions all weekend.”

Meanwhile, Emma revealed she didn’t really want to see ANY of tonight’s potential three  evictees – Danielle, Tamara and Jale – leave the house.

“I think they’re all quite good housemates that it’s a shame to lose any one of them, so I don’t know who I want to go or who will go,” she said.

Emma continued: “It’s been a really eventful week, especially for the first week, it’s not been sweetness and love and everybody getting on with one another,  it’s been pistols at dawn… which may set the tone for the whole series, but I do hope there is going to be a bit of fun.”

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Originally Posted by Saint:

When did Chris do the second and third noms???

he has only done 2 


Pauline and Christopher - I assume one before the eviction show and the other late last night

Last edited by MrsH

Well done Chris Not only will that perhaps deflect attention away from himself , but also almost certainly ensure that Pauline goes   Just hope he can keep it up and not get caught ....but that's as much down to BB as him! I just wish he could be given the power to reverse Jale and Helen's positions  


If he can't do anything about Helen's pass i hope he can, at the very least, mess with her via his power.... if he has to choose something nasty and something good for a housemate.... i know where the nasty vote should go 

Originally Posted by erinp:

Wow; the bleeper was working overtime there!
Marlon in particular put in a serious challenge for the "Potty mouth of the week" award - at one point, he was being bleeped almost every second word!

Eugene's Lair

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