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Channel 5 has confirmed that in spite of Helen’s warning – and thousands of Ofcom complaints – she will not be losing her pass to the final.

At least, not just yet.

Helen had been warned by Big Brother over bullying after more than 1,500 complained about her actions towards fellow housemate Jale Karaturp.

In one rant, Helen had branded Jale a “f***** slug” and spat: “She’s an attention seeking b*****d, not real, she hasn’t got a real f**king bone in her body. No ones going to look at her in that light, ever.”

In the Diary Room, Big Brother told her: “Big Brother thinks your behaviour is unacceptable and Big Brother does not tolerate unacceptable behaviour.

“If this type of behaviour occurs again then big brother may have to issue you with a formal warning or take further serious action.”

Despite the warning, Helen’s behaviour in the house hasn’t exactly changed, being seen hiding wine from Jale at the weekend and continuing to bitch about her.

And she’s also gone on to target pal Kimberly Kisselovich and even Ashleigh Coyle, for things she might perhaps do in the future.

“My thoughts are she’ll use her age as an advantage and get really cocky at one point,” Helen predicted, before going on to plan how she’ll handle arguments with the 18-year-old.

Last week saw BBUK host Emma Willis call for bosses to remove Helen’s pass if she didn’t change.

Emma suggested: “Big Brother should take that pass to the final away from her. She’s getting more and more uncomfortable to watch. Helen has crossed the line.”

Bit On The Side extra Luisa Zissman agreed, adding: “The flippant attitude towards her perceived treatment of Jale was perhaps even worse than the bullying itself.”

However a spokesman for Big Brother said last night: “Helen has had a talking to from Big Brother already but there are no plans to remove her free pass

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Aimee:
They are only keeping her in to keep up the arguments now Pauline has gone and Toys might go Friday

Good point. There will always be plenty of rows so long as Rent-a-gob Helen is still in there.

Thinking about it, it doesn't really matter if she's got the pass, she won't win and week by week her friends will go and shell probably walk. So far she has lost Tamara, Pauline and probably Toya on Friday, Ash and Steven won't last long either so it's win win really
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

 Looks like we are stuck with her until the final.

There's one consolation Yogi, I have more chance of winning than her, and I'm not even in there




The longer she stays the more harm she's doing herself - she'll be remembered [if at all] as a nasty bullying HM. Not exactly good PR for her salon business - which I hope gets boycotted.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

 Looks like we are stuck with her until the final.

There's one consolation Yogi, I have more chance of winning than her, and I'm not even in there

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

The longer she stays the more harm she's doing herself - she'll be remembered [if at all] as a nasty bullying HM. Not exactly good PR for her salon business - which I hope gets boycotted.

Her other business could have a huge boost though - all those panting submissives longing to be abused....

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

The longer she stays the more harm she's doing herself - she'll be remembered [if at all] as a nasty bullying HM. Not exactly good PR for her salon business - which I hope gets boycotted.

Her other business could have a huge boost though - all those panting submissives longing to be abused....



Originally Posted by Aimee:
Thinking about it, it doesn't really matter if she's got the pass, she won't win and week by week her friends will go and shell probably walk. So far she has lost Tamara, Pauline and probably Toya on Friday, Ash and Steven won't last long either so it's win win really

Toya going this week isn't going to bother her, losing Steven or Ash would have affected her more. Losing Toya just makes Helen  the undisputed queen of the house, i don't particularly want to watch her nastiness get any worse, removing Toya will guarantee it. Now if Steven had gone...Helen and Co would have been totally rocked.


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