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 Helen gets called to the diary room about bullying.
Big Brother: Big
brother would like to talk to you about your ongoing treatment of your fellow
housemate Jale. On Saturday night, in a conversation with Toya, and in front of
other housemates, you said Pauline is the Alpha Female and about Jale you
‘She’s an attention seeking b*stard, not real, she hasn’t got a real
*****ing bone in her body. No ones going to look at her in that light,
In addition last night you said to a group of housemates in reference
to Jale: ‘*****ing slug over there is listening... Are you listening? I didn’t
mean you Ashleigh’.
Helen: ‘Because she was listening. The name
calling’s wrong but I feel like every time I speak, no matter who she’s sat
with, she’s looking over seeing what everyone’s saying and I just find it
really, really irritating.’
Big Brother: ‘Helen, name calling,
persistent ridiculing and behaviour that results in an individual becoming
ostracized from the group are all types of behaviour that can be perceived as
bullying. Helen, Big brother understands that it is inevitable that not all
housemates will get along and arguments will happen in the house. However, Big
Brother will step in when it’s felt that behaviour is escalating to individuals
being excluded and being the subject of more aggressive behaviour which could be
seen as bullying. Big Brother thinks your behaviour is unacceptable and Big
Brother does not tolerate unacceptable behaviour. If this type of behaviour
occurs again then big brother may have to issue you with a formal warning or
take further serious action.’
Helen: Okay

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I missed some of the first days, but from what I did see, I don't recall them ever falling out as such - my impression is that Helen saw someone she considers inferior (because of the way she looks imo) and somehow a campaign against her started.   What has she actually done to deserve it?  Have I missed something?

Originally Posted by Kaffs:

I missed some of the first days, but from what I did see, I don't recall them ever falling out as such - my impression is that Helen saw someone she considers inferior (because of the way she looks imo) and somehow a campaign against her started.   What has she actually done to deserve it?  Have I missed something?

Kaffy it must be that, as Jale hasn't really done anything? 


Its quite disturbing... you would hope people grow out of that behaviour, once they're over 14.

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:

I missed some of the first days, but from what I did see, I don't recall them ever falling out as such - my impression is that Helen saw someone she considers inferior (because of the way she looks imo) and somehow a campaign against her started.   What has she actually done to deserve it?  Have I missed something?

Kaffy it must be that, as Jale hasn't really done anything? 


Its quite disturbing... you would hope people grow out of that behaviour, once they're over 14.

I agree Roger, I detest bullying and victimisation. Jale has been an individual and hasn't, 'followed the in-crowd', for that reason she has been singled out. It started with Pauline the night Jale entered the house and Helen has taken up the cause with a vengeance. BB warning her that she MIGHT get a warning isn't good enough 

Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:

I missed some of the first days, but from what I did see, I don't recall them ever falling out as such - my impression is that Helen saw someone she considers inferior (because of the way she looks imo) and somehow a campaign against her started.   What has she actually done to deserve it?  Have I missed something?

Kaffy it must be that, as Jale hasn't really done anything? 


Its quite disturbing... you would hope people grow out of that behaviour, once they're over 14.

I agree Roger, I detest bullying and victimisation. Jale has been an individual and hasn't, 'followed the in-crowd', for that reason she has been singled out. It started with Pauline the night Jale entered the house and Helen has taken up the cause with a vengeance. BB warning her that she MIGHT get a warning isn't good enough 

You're dead right  its disgraceful.

Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
A formal warning for that? F***ing get a grip BB!

There is bitching in every series of BB ffs

She has got a gang of people to exclude a HM and proceeds to call her disparaging names and belittle her to her face, as well as behind her back..


The former is most definitely mental bullying and the latter could be classed as bitching but of the highest order... whatever it is Helen has behaved atrociously to her and others in the house.. She is a loud and foul mouthed classless bully.. her behaviour deserves a warning, she is a mean girl that needs booting out of that house 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
A formal warning for that? F***ing get a grip BB!

There is bitching in every series of BB ffs

She has got a gang of people to exclude a HM and proceeds to call her disparaging names and belittle her to her face, as well as behind her back..


The former is most definitely mental bullying and the latter could be classed as bitching but of the highest order... whatever it is Helen has behaved atrociously to her and others in the house.. She is a loud and foul mouthed classless bully.. her behaviour deserves a warning, she is a mean girl that needs booting out of that house 

I agree Olly  


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