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I'm just watching it on catch-up as I forgot it was on last night.



Was really disappointed to see they have got that Chinese guy and black girl from last year (can't remember their names) - disliked both of them.


The damn 5onDemand has the sound out of sync with the pictures - Rubbish Channel 5.


Tamara - typical opening line. Despite what she says we will see her in a lads mag. She will turn out to be a damp squib... and probably out quick as the public will hate her.


Mark - Shallow - nothing else to say... next contestant please.


Helen - So she is not an unknown HM. Slightly against the spirit of BB IMO. An honest person who has an affair!


  • Black and white dresses seem to be the thing to wear so far...


Steven - Our future PM. His personal idols are probably the worst I could imagine.


Danielle - Lingerie model - classy ???  Crowd not taken to her. Her idols Mum & God - poor old Dad


Winston - "a bit more smarter" - not that switched on mate! Typical Essex boy - hate already. Well done Emma, put him on the spot and he failed.


Matthew - Rich & Posh. The non-gay gay guy. Jury out ATM. Give the man power.


Kimberly - The Winner of Big Brother 2014 (if there is any justice in the world - and she should know).


Christopher - 'The Milkman' (you saw it here first. I think he might just be the breath of fresh this group needs, cos so far they are a bit meh.


Pauline - House mother. Good to see an older contestant.



So we have the same types of people saying the same types of things in their VT's and to top it off we have a first night twist of someone with power - not entirely original.


Liverpool guy - whiny already. - Not so whiny now. Picked the wrong 'um there Pauline. Hope your other decision are better than that one.


Rather underwhelmed TBH - but then I normally am on night one.














Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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