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Day 4 saw the Big Brother 2014 housemates enjoy the pool party… well, at least the ones that were invited.

Big Brother reveals that it is nomination day

Mark tells Toya and Pauline that he’s “feeling all the psychic feelings today…I think people’s emotions are running a bit high…I can read people”

Steven, Jale, Matthew and Marlon discuss conflict on the sofas. Jale says, “If someone crossed me and went for me, I’d defend myself very well” Matthew observes that she could “hit the roof…rip people to pieces“

Mark asks Helen how she found nominating to which she says, “It was easier than I thought…but not for the second one (Kimberly) because I just feel like absolute bullsh*t…not bullsh*t but it’s not enough reasons to nominate somebody”

Tamara and Winston discuss their relationships

Pauline jokes that Jale has taken too much chicken for lunch. Jale responds saying, “I’ve just seen other people with the same amount so I’m sure it will be fine”

Some of the Housemates discuss how their accents change in an argument or when they’re drunk. Mark says that, “when I’m angry I go so much more Scouse” to which Chris jokes “You can’t go much more Scouse…where do you go?!”

Kimberly and Chris discuss how the Housemates are forming packs

Jale and Toya discuss Pauline. Toya says, “no one here should dictate to anyone”. Jale adds, “It is what it is…I just want to stay out of the kitchen”

Tamara tells Matthew that she thinks Jale “looks a bit thick”

Some of the Housemates talk about their gang with Helen saying that “everyone just clubbed together” They go on to talk about how Danielle has affected the House dynamic

Matthew talks to Jale in the garden. Jale says that “I feel like quite a few people have distanced themselves from me…A lot of people are scared of me when they first meet me…I’ll give it a go but if I’m getting blocks everywhere, I’ll give up”

Some of the Housemates discuss porn in the garden. Danielle and Ashleigh walk away from the conversation with Danielle exclaiming, “they’re just talking about fuc*ing dic*s and it’s pi*sing me off…I’ve never heard so much rubbish in my whole life”

Pauline has used her Power to call Danielle, Marlon and Ashleigh into the Power Pod and gives Danielle a pep talk

Helen, Tamara, Mark and Christopher discuss Danielle in the bedroom with Tamara saying, “I think she should walk off…if you don’t like it, ***** off”

Big Brother calls Pauline to the Control Room to make her Killer Nomination, asking if it’s been an easy decision, to which she responds as resounding “yes”

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Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Pauline calling people in for pep talks? 

Her power needs to be removed asap.


I had to laugh at the quote from Danielle

"they’re just talking about fuc*ing dic*s and it’s pi*sing me off…" 

I thought she didn't like people using foul language?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Pauline calling people in for pep talks? 

Her power needs to be removed asap.


I had to laugh at the quote from Danielle

"they’re just talking about fuc*ing dic*s and it’s pi*sing me off…" 

I thought she didn't like people using foul language?

Yes, the mask is slipping ! That being said she's not on my radar yet ...

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Pauline calling people in for pep talks? 

Her power needs to be removed asap.


I had to laugh at the quote from Danielle

"they’re just talking about fuc*ing dic*s and it’s pi*sing me off…" 

I thought she didn't like people using foul language?

She's got to be a wind-up surely, Yogi?  


Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Pauline calling people in for pep talks? 

Her power needs to be removed asap.


I had to laugh at the quote from Danielle

"they’re just talking about fuc*ing dic*s and it’s pi*sing me off…" 

I thought she didn't like people using foul language?

She's got to be a wind-up surely, Yogi?  


 Either that, or she's a complete fruitloop.

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Pauline calling people in for pep talks? 

Her power needs to be removed asap.


I had to laugh at the quote from Danielle

"they’re just talking about fuc*ing dic*s and it’s pi*sing me off…" 

I thought she didn't like people using foul language?

Yes, the mask is slipping ! That being said she's not on my radar yet ...

 She annoying, but nowhere near the top of my Hit List.


Mark says that, “when I’m angry I go so much more Scouse” to which Chris jokes “You can’t go much more Scouse…where do you go?!”


..I've never in my whole life heard anyone as scouse as Mark and I'm the official Jamie Carragher translator when the match is on in the pub....

Originally Posted by stonks:

Mark says that, “when I’m angry I go so much more Scouse” to which Chris jokes “You can’t go much more Scouse…where do you go?!”


..I've never in my whole life heard anyone as scouse as Mark and I'm the official Jamie Carragher translator when the match is on in the pub....


Originally Posted by stonks:

Mark says that, “when I’m angry I go so much more Scouse” to which Chris jokes “You can’t go much more Scouse…where do you go?!”


..I've never in my whole life heard anyone as scouse as Mark and I'm the official Jamie Carragher translator when the match is on in the pub....


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