Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
This just smacks of a weak management team behind this programme. How can you keep handing out warnings without any obvious consequence. Helen must know by now that she can transgress at will and nothing more than a verbal slap will be handed out.
The programme makers must realise that this casts them in a poor light and in my opinion makes them look weak, ineffectual, poor decision makers and as close as you can get to complete incompetence.
Consider this: How many warnings do you think you would get at work before disciplinary proceedings began and how long before dismissal from post if you continued?
Or is this a fabrication by the producers to garner public interest in what is a poor start to the series?
I just came in to post exactly this EC - not buying it - why tell us she's been warned 14 times - they could have kept that quiet unless they want to wet our appetite and increase viewers - smacks of desperation to me