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Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Baz:
And the council don't start doing wasps nests until June 1st


Someone needs to tell the wasps they're too early  Maybe they will politely move out again until a more convenient time.  





They are HUGE too!!  My eldest came sprinting down the stairs telling me there was a wasp in his room to which I  and said it's probably a blue bottle which has got in through the window.  But I take the hairspray with me anyway (brilliant tool for wasps.......spray them and they can't fly, bit evil but then so are they) and go off to play the hero.  Couldn't see the thing at first then I hear the  buzzing and look up to see a bear with wings.  It might have been a wasp but I'm opting for bear.  I just ran out of the room and left it there.


OH comes in and is promptly sent to remove it, he kills it and flushes it down the loo.  Except it doesn't flush for hours!!  It's just there in the bowl, haunting me.  Little bastard.

Sorry Ells I know I shouldn't laugh but

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Saint:

The petty cash at work - amounting to over ÂĢ1500 in the safe ...


We'll check it later, ok - lets have fun and make the tea, yeah?


Only to find it's ÂĢ25 down at the end of the shift and now questions are being asked about who was where and when.

Oh heck Renton...that's not good 

*sigh* it just makes us look very unprofessional cos everyone on shift (except me if i'm honest) had their hands in that safe.

It's just bad practice asking to go wrong.

So i just said all staff on shift should put in ÂĢ5 each

Cue a member of staff who smokes all day saying,

"I aint gotta penny to my name"

But who thn refused a lift and paid her bus fare home!!!!

Oh dear ....bit of a bummer 

Someone from all shifts needs to be nominated/agree to handle the cash 

Yep i can see those changes coming ... and over reaction coming too

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

When i was teaching in Korea, I farted  passed wind in class thinking it wouldn't be a loud one... it was. All the kids looked shocked, so I blamed it on the kid who spoke the least english. I then had to leave the classroom and burst into a fit of giggles.


You're an evil genius Rawky  

Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:


Rofl Yeah, me .....we've got a wasps nest !!!


Omg I've just rang my dad as I have one as well

Oh heck Aimee Where is yours ? Our's seems to be in our bird box ! And the council don't start doing wasps nests until June 1st


In the wall I think, I can hear them buzzing dad is coming to the rescue tomorrow
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:


Rofl Yeah, me .....we've got a wasps nest !!!


Omg I've just rang my dad as I have one as well

Oh heck Aimee Where is yours ? Our's seems to be in our bird box ! And the council don't start doing wasps nests until June 1st


In the wall I think, I can hear them buzzing dad is coming to the rescue tomorrow

Sweet has them in her wall too  

Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Baz:


Rofl Yeah, me .....we've got a wasps nest !!!


Omg I've just rang my dad as I have one as well

Oh heck Aimee Where is yours ? Our's seems to be in our bird box ! And the council don't start doing wasps nests until June 1st


In the wall I think, I can hear them buzzing dad is coming to the rescue tomorrow

Sweet has them in her wall too  


I can hear them in the bathroom too, unless I have tinnitus :

Talking of wasps....I have a nice scary story for you.


This happened way back when I was still at school - possibly around the age of 14.

Lying in bed one night, I was gradually wakened by the sound of buzzing. I lay there still for a few minutes as I gradually wakened and realised tthat the buzzing was in the bedroom and not outside. At this point I then dived completely under the bedcovers. however I could still hear the buzzing quite loudly, so was building myself up to leaping out of the bed and dashing out of the room when I was stung in the throat....yep, one of the wasps had leapt under the covers too!


This galvamised me into action and with (what felt like) one bound I was in my parentd bedroom gibbering incoherently. As I was trying to gather myself sufficintly to make any sense and let my parents know what was wrong I heard a buzzing just by my right ear and that was me off again with the wailing and I actually sank to the floor meanwhile instibctively ruffling my hair wildly. My dad saw the wasp get ejected from my hair....and taking a slipper he must have battered it about 20 times or so.


My mum was vacuuming up dead wasps from ny bedroom for the next few days.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Talking of wasps....I have a nice scary story for you.


This happened way back when I was still at school - possibly around the age of 14.

Lying in bed one night, I was gradually wakened by the sound of buzzing. I lay there still for a few minutes as I gradually wakened and realised tthat the buzzing was in the bedroom and not outside. At this point I then dived completely under the bedcovers. however I could still hear the buzzing quite loudly, so was building myself up to leaping out of the bed and dashing out of the room when I was stung in the throat....yep, one of the wasps had leapt under the covers too!


This galvamised me into action and with (what felt like) one bound I was in my parentd bedroom gibbering incoherently. As I was trying to gather myself sufficintly to make any sense and let my parents know what was wrong I heard a buzzing just by my right ear and that was me off again with the wailing and I actually sank to the floor meanwhile instibctively ruffling my hair wildly. My dad saw the wasp get ejected from my hair....and taking a slipper he must have battered it about 20 times or so.


My mum was vacuuming up dead wasps from ny bedroom for the next few days.

 Thats terrifying Fluffy 


pfft Ducks.... 


I have just spent 3 days on a mission of all missions to finally, once & for all, banish & destroy all the false widow spiders in and around the conservatory!


I had to...      twas bad enough knowing some were lurking in the eves of the roof way above us..   but then I was outside and noticed loads of webs on the outside of the windows..   and these minging balls of revolting stuff...   and evidence & carcuss's of spiders in various stages of entry through the window...   the minging balls turned out to be EGG SACKS!


So..       Armed with RAID ant & Cockroach killer,  and the trusty dyson..   we have worked & worked & worked..     I even killed me a big female one... by myself, with nothing but a bit of wood! 




(how are you Ducks btw..   sorry I've not been around...  Ma's birthday knocked me for six,  the work thing is STILL going on..  no outcome yet..   and since the "clean all the things" mission prior to Alfs 'highly allergic to dogs & cats' friend coming to stay the night..   I decided not to stop cleaning all the things.... 


its starting to get tedious now..    cos things keep getting unclean 


But I decorated my hall..  and it looks lovely..   all grown up!  




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