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Originally Posted by marc kelly:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by marc kelly:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Don't give UKIP a voice in Scotland

DEMOCRACY is meant to offer meaningful choice, but it still leaves many people feeling the need for the  occasional protest vote.

Protest can be a deadly serious business of course, as with New Labour and the Iraq War.

But often the desire to give political parties a kicking comes from a disillusionment with politics in general.

I would like to hope that at the next opportunity, in just four months, Scotland will instead register a positive vote for change.

The European Parliament election in May is starting to appear on people's radar, and we're being told by London-based pundits and pollsters to expect a protest vote for the anti-Europe UK Independence Party.

However, you don't have to scratch far beneath the surface to see it's an outfit that has less resonance north of the Border.

A YouGov poll has UKIP on a sliding scale; the further north you go in the UK the lower their vote.

In Scotland they're neck and neck with the Greens in the race to take one of Scotland's six European Parliament seats.

It's clear that if we want to keep Scotland UKIP-free we need a strong Green vote in May's election.


On one hand it's easy to dismiss UKIP given their clown-like behaviour. 

This week they had to suspend one of their councillors after he blamed the recent flooding on... wait for it... same sex marriage.

One of their MEPs, Godfrey Bloom, called developing countries "bongo-bongo land" and made insulting comments about women party members.

We also know that the party here in Scotland, what little of it there was, is mired in infighting.

But on the other hand, many people are understandably weary of an out-of-touch Westminster political class, and relentless tabloid headlines about "benefit tourists" and the meddling of "Brussels bureaucrats" only serve the UKIP agenda. When David Cameron labels UKIP "fruitcakes" he's giving them the anti-establishment gloss they seek.

I believe we should instead be challenging what they really stand for.

UKIP's immigrant-bashing rhetoric bears no relation to the facts on the ground, but fuels racism and resentment.

Their blinkered attitude to climate change is completely at odds with science and would prevent Scotland making the most of its natural resources and skilled workforce.

And their intolerance towards equality firmly underlines just how out of date and out of touch they are.

It's clear that Europe needs to be more accountable, more transparent and more sustainable.

But I think most people in Scotland want to change Europe and not to leave it.

We understand the benefits of doing business across borders and welcoming those who come here for work. Migration to Scotland enriches our culture, strengthens our economy and is vital to sustaining many of our communities and public services.

Scotland's not so daft as to ditch all that to keep Nigel Farage happy.

Come & live in my world for a little while & you would

soon change your view on uncontrolled Immigration,

It's a complete disaster for a normal working class

British person living in London such as myself, I lost my

livelihood to cheap labour from eastern europe.

I hope you get your independence & it's a great thing

that the scottish people are being heard & given a choice

in the governing of their own country, the British people

are not heard, have no say, are constantly lied to & come

last in our own country so UKIP is our only hope, UKIP are

the only party fighting my corner, Thank God for UKIP otherwise

me and many others would be in even more despair than we are already.

You know what, I actually fear for this country if your lot ever get somewhere in power! 

I fear for this country if they don't, but even if they do? the country

is so far down the toilet it's going to be hard to get it back.

Mr Harvie, Why is it ok for you to want a independent scotland but not ok for me to want an independent Britain? it speaks volumes that you want to remain part of the european union but divorce yourself  from England & wales & so I put it to you sir that you are guilty of the very thing you accuse UKIP of being & that is= RACIST, you are anti English, that is very plain to see & what amuses me is the fact that Brussels will not let you be part of the european union & so you will stand alone, serve you right, you are shooting yourself in the foot, I hope & pray you are successful in your divorce from us & you remain in the european union, then we leave the pathetic insanity of the European union & you in Scotland will bear all the troubles that we have had to suffer for 10 years, I assure you sir that your views will be changed in a very short time.

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

To get back to Scotland; what will happen to Faslane?

I realise we've swerved away from the gypsies (of which I'm one on my mother's side, all the way from Romania to Cologne)

I have gypsy blood in me too. my father is Irish & my great grandparents were travelers. I hope you don't think I have a problem foreigners?  it's the government I have a problem with, Cameron & his carrot dangling referendum is what winds me up.   

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Nige had  a bit of a busy social life in 2009 


The same Nigel Farage who in 2009 revealed that as an MEP he’d claimed in expenses ÂĢ2million of taxpayers’ money."

Was he funding a lot of foreigners coming in to this country?  

don't care, just get us out of the insanity


Originally Posted by marc kelly:
Originally Posted by marc kelly:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Never thought starting a thread would bring all these new people how did they find us, are we being watched eek

Some one I know googled the thread title and your ( or you're for the less educated that cann't master our own language) thread was 3rd on the list! I  

assume you mean me? unfortunately I was diagnosed with a learning disorder at a young age & couldn't read or write properly until I was around 13 years old, I still struggle to this day but hope you can understand my views & opinions that I try to put across even with the bad

grammar etc. Thank You.

I assume you mean me? unfortunately I was diagnosed with a learning disorder at a young age & couldn't read or write properly until I was around 13 years old, I still struggle to this day but hope you can understand my views & opinions that I try to put across even with the bad grammar etc, Thank You.


Ahhh, did you get that reply from your ' big book of forum retorts'? - I think you'll find it in  the chapter headed'victim'.


You aren't coping too well with the quote facility we have either.


It's not you people are having a problem with Marc, it's your  erstwhile leader and the party he leads.

You and  the other names came onto a forum and started posting diatribes on policies  and  opinions,you took no time to read the forum and establish the culture of the place, you just came in and  set off with your own agenda, some of you even started defending yourselves against points that hadn't been made, but you expected to be made, so eager were you to bombard us with political ranting.


I took exception to this behaviour, as I suspect others may have done.


So now you are here, how about you settle down, chill a bit and get to enjoy the forum?

Originally Posted by marc kelly:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Nige had  a bit of a busy social life in 2009 


The same Nigel Farage who in 2009 revealed that as an MEP he’d claimed in expenses ÂĢ2million of taxpayers’ money."

Was he funding a lot of foreigners coming in to this country?  

don't care, just get us out of the insanity




At first I thought you were talking about you and your multiple personalities membership of GaGaJoyJoy - PRESS the de-register button, you can leave at any time.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by marc kelly:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



Nige had  a bit of a busy social life in 2009 


The same Nigel Farage who in 2009 revealed that as an MEP he’d claimed in expenses ÂĢ2million of taxpayers’ money."

Was he funding a lot of foreigners coming in to this country?  

don't care, just get us out of the insanity



 I do care what Mr Farage claims for... what I think of Mr Farage isn't possible to post on a public forum, I would rather chew my arm off than give them my vote. 

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
 what I think of Mr Farage isn't possible to post on a public forum, I would rather chew my arm off than give them my vote. 

ooohh same here


And to contribute to the Scotland debate, I don't want them to go  

Same here Saz  Its like being served with divorce papers  But they don't want us no more. 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
 what I think of Mr Farage isn't possible to post on a public forum, I would rather chew my arm off than give them my vote. 

ooohh same here


And to contribute to the Scotland debate, I don't want them to go  

Same here Saz  Its like being served with divorce papers  But they don't want us no more. 

I still want you.  I'll be voting NO and so will all of my family.

I have an English husband and three sons (born in Scotland) who are Anglo-Scots. We all believe in the union.


Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
 what I think of Mr Farage isn't possible to post on a public forum, I would rather chew my arm off than give them my vote. 

ooohh same here


And to contribute to the Scotland debate, I don't want them to go  

Same here Saz  Its like being served with divorce papers  But they don't want us no more. 

I really don't know enough about it but I'd be sad to see the end of the union.



Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
 what I think of Mr Farage isn't possible to post on a public forum, I would rather chew my arm off than give them my vote. 

ooohh same here


And to contribute to the Scotland debate, I don't want them to go  

Same here Saz  Its like being served with divorce papers  But they don't want us no more. 

I still want you.  I'll be voting NO and so will all of my family.

I have an English husband and three sons (born in Scotland) who are Anglo-Scots. We all believe in the union.



Originally Posted by SazBomb:

*clings on to Scotland's ankle* don't leeeeaaaaave meeeee


I feel like a lot of Northern people feel like we have more in common with Scotland than Southern England/London

Good point. Being Northern Irish the Scots are the most like "us" also.


*clings on to Scotland's other ankle*  

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
 what I think of Mr Farage isn't possible to post on a public forum, I would rather chew my arm off than give them my vote. 

ooohh same here


And to contribute to the Scotland debate, I don't want them to go  

Same here Saz  Its like being served with divorce papers  But they don't want us no more. 

not true!!!!   i'm crapping myself in case it's a yes vote.


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