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I haven't watched it because it would make me cry 


I do have a problem with our adoption service   I fully understand why rigorous checks on perspective parents are needed due to abuse in the past however, they've gone too far the other way and most adoptive parents drop out of the process long before they are judged fit to adopt,


I had a friend (I'm sure I mentioned it on here at one stage) whose sister and brother-in-law had two lovely little boys.  Unfortunately the sister and BIL were killed in a car crash.  Her sister and her hubby naturally wanted to take the boys in and eventually adopt them as they were family.  However, social services deemed that there was no way they could allow this, even though the boys had a brilliant relationship with their aunt, hubby and cousins.  Why?  Because they were of mixed race and adoptions are routinely arranged only when they can find adoptive parents of the same racial make up.  The boys were fostered then adopted (closed) out to another family and the boys lost contact with their real genetic family.


For that reason I dislike the adoptions service.  Reinforced when another friend had to jump through hoops to adopt a little girl - start to finish took nearly 6 years.  I think these two reasons are predominately the reason why so many children are looking for perspective parents 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

I haven't watched it because it would make me cry 


I do have a problem with our adoption service   I fully understand why rigorous checks on perspective parents are needed due to abuse in the past however, they've gone too far the other way and most adoptive parents drop out of the process long before they are judged fit to adopt,


I had a friend (I'm sure I mentioned it on here at one stage) whose sister and brother-in-law had two lovely little boys.  Unfortunately the sister and BIL were killed in a car crash.  Her sister and her hubby naturally wanted to take the boys in and eventually adopt them as they were family.  However, social services deemed that there was no way they could allow this, even though the boys had a brilliant relationship with their aunt, hubby and cousins.  Why?  Because they were of mixed race and adoptions are routinely arranged only when they can find adoptive parents of the same racial make up.  The boys were fostered then adopted (closed) out to another family and the boys lost contact with their real genetic family.


For that reason I dislike the adoptions service.  Reinforced when another friend had to jump through hoops to adopt a little girl - start to finish took nearly 6 years.  I think these two reasons are predominately the reason why so many children are looking for perspective parents 

Aww no  Its seems crazy

Originally Posted by SazBomb:

That's awful Pengy, and seems to go against what they were saying last week about trying to keep the kids within the family (e.g. grandparents, aunts) and then if that wouldn't work, adoption How tragic to cause that family more heartache

I have a feeling Saz that they are starting to change their minds again as so many children who could be adopted are being left to wallow in children's homes because the matches are too stringent   all they want is good loving homes 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

I haven't watched it because it would make me cry 


I do have a problem with our adoption service   I fully understand why rigorous checks on perspective parents are needed due to abuse in the past however, they've gone too far the other way and most adoptive parents drop out of the process long before they are judged fit to adopt,


I had a friend (I'm sure I mentioned it on here at one stage) whose sister and brother-in-law had two lovely little boys.  Unfortunately the sister and BIL were killed in a car crash.  Her sister and her hubby naturally wanted to take the boys in and eventually adopt them as they were family.  However, social services deemed that there was no way they could allow this, even though the boys had a brilliant relationship with their aunt, hubby and cousins.  Why?  Because they were of mixed race and adoptions are routinely arranged only when they can find adoptive parents of the same racial make up.  The boys were fostered then adopted (closed) out to another family and the boys lost contact with their real genetic family.


For that reason I dislike the adoptions service.  Reinforced when another friend had to jump through hoops to adopt a little girl - start to finish took nearly 6 years.  I think these two reasons are predominately the reason why so many children are looking for perspective parents 

That is just so sad and so wrong, Pengy. 


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