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Hmm I have to say I think he's talking utter bollocks. Rio Ferdinand has captained England many times in recent years. Beckham was England's best player during that time, has he ever thought of that as a reason why he wasn't captain?

To be honest until I read this gem from Sol it had never crossed my mind about skin colours of England captains.

What's Sol trying to achieve here? Is he trying to pressure Hodgson and the FA into removing the current captaincy from Steven Gerrard?

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I would agree with your comment about the captaincy of England and colour of skin, it has never crossed my mind either, but when I think about my club Sheffield Wednesday it never crosses my mind if a player is non white or non English for tha matter. It's extremely important how well that player performs on the field and in the case of the captain how Well he leads his team and represents them.


Unless Sol has some hard evidence to support his ascertion I cannot see what he is going to achieve.


Although I do feel the FA and FIFA are somewhat antiquated and seem to have too many "old school" type individuals (not necessarily rascist, just devoid of new ideas).

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:

Is this the same Sol Campbell who was utterly useless in the England defence once Tony Adams retired..?

OMG ...........Tony Adams *****swoon**** - I'd quite forgotten about him.



He used to make me go a little bit weak at the knees




Me too, I could never out drink him.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I'm afraid he did.
He also played in six international competitions in a row.
Poor research on your part sir.

He didn't consistently play for England for 10 years, he wasn't a regular for most of his time in the team, usually first name on the team sheet type of players are made captain.


The fact remains that even the likes of Ian Wright and John Barnes don't agree with him either.


He's just a fool trying to sell books.

Last edited by Videostar
The only point I agree with is the last one. However he didn't write the book and he isn't selling it. Before this article I didn't know he had a book out so he needs some sort of publicity.
You can't blame people like Simon Astaire for wanting to cash in. That Ferguson one has just had a best seller from writing nothing of interest.
Garage Joe

It's just that Campbell saying these things are incredibly damaging to the FA and probably totally untrue...Paul Ince was captain for a spell during those years.


Getting publicity for a book is one thing but undermining the good work the FA have done in the last 20 years to rid the game of racism is another, im certain he knows that what he's saying is totally stupid and wrong but he doesn't care...this wouldn't be the first time he has openly lied for his own ends.



I rarely watch football, but I do remember one England game, where Sol got the ball right down the other end(our end) of the field, then he ran the whole length of the pitch with it, swerving around people and jumping over them, got to the other and  ended up heading it into the back of the net, only to have it disallowed because  when he jumped he leant on some one else.It had been a frustrating game to watch as we piddle about knocking the ball around between ourselves and never going forward,Sol was a hero that day.




I think he's always spoken about the racism in football, he was part of some projects to help bring more black/asian players to the game.If he's spent years experiencing racism, then you can hardly have a pop at him for talking about it.Even if it's promoting a book,he's easy to denounce and seer at if you are white and think football is more important , I suppose.

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
No-one dislikes the Premiership more than me, however some of the worst England teams predate it.
I must also mention the fanzine culture of which I was a part. We did loads to highlight homophobia, racism, and poor catering. The FA old farts tended to follow.

None of the current England squad players would have gotten into the world cup squads of 82,86,90 and even 98 (98 being the only post Prem League squad that was any good)...the prem league only care about money and bringing in as many foreign players as they can at the expense of our players...I predict that in 20 years time there either wont be an England team or that it will consist of lower league players and part timers...just my opinion, I needed to vent about that. lol


I do agree with you about the FA, they have been so weak in the running of our game and have allowed for far too long racism in the game, but to give them some credit they have made a great deal of strides in the right direction in recent years...but I still say that no way would a player be stopped from being England captain just because of his colour...certainly not in the recent era.

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
No-one dislikes the Premiership more than me, however some of the worst England teams predate it.
I must also mention the fanzine culture of which I was a part. We did loads to highlight homophobia, racism, and poor catering. The FA old farts tended to follow.

None of the current England squad players would have gotten into the world cup squads of 82,86,90 and even 98 (98 being the only post Prem League squad that was any good)...the prem league only care about money and bringing in as many foreign players as they can at the expense of our players...I predict that in 20 years time there either wont be an England team or that it will consist of lower league players and part timers...just my opinion, I needed to vent about that. lol


I do agree with you about the FA, they have been so weak in the running of our game and have allowed for far too long racism in the game, but to give them some credit they have made a great deal of strides in the right direction in recent years...but I still say that no way would a player be stopped from being England captain just because of his colour...certainly not in the recent era.


Fuelled by the evil empire that is Sky. One of the reasons why I have never and will never have Sky.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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