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In Linda's eviction interview Emma was asking her a question and she said something like (and then I started doing silly things and looked at her wrist) Emma went quiet and then moved on, to me it seemed like Linda was trying to say after the Frank Carson comment she had been self harming, she has been wearing a bandage on her arm, did anyone else pick up on this? I'm going to watch it again to see if I hear it differently

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Just watched it again and it's about 58 mins in, she says Jim went to a really low place mentioning her husband who is dead and she looks down at her arm and says that's when I started to do silly things and all that and I realized how much I missed my husband


I can see what the headlines will be tomorrow "Jim nearly drove me to suicide"


I took her 'silly things' to mean overreacting even more to anything Jim said. .nothing more than that.. the looking down and fiddling with her cuff I saw as no more than an awkward 'I feel a tit now' moment..


As an aside, Bolero's should be totally banned... they do nothing for an outfit other than make it look ridiculous.. and most definitely do nothing for a heavier set woman..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Just watched it again and it's about 58 mins in, she says Jim went to a really low place mentioning her husband who is dead and she looks down at her arm and says that's when I started to do silly things and all that and I realized how much I missed my husband


I can see what the headlines will be tomorrow "Jim nearly drove me to suicide"

like she said you only see 46 mins of it I think they can  say what we see

Last edited by Tina
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I took her 'silly things' to mean overreacting even more to anything Jim said. .nothing more than that.. the looking down and fiddling with her cuff I saw as no more than an awkward 'I feel a tit now' moment..


As an aside, Bolero's should be totally banned... they do nothing for an outfit other than make it look ridiculous.. and most definitely do nothing for a heavier set woman..

But she says that's when I started doing silly things, what silly things? Having more arguments with Jim isn't doing silly things, well have to see what she says in her story in the papers 


I must admit I didn't spot that, but I did note her saying something about how people behave one way when the cameras are off and then play up when the cameras are on.  Someone posted a comment at the time to the effect - silly woman, doesn't she realise the cameras are on all the time - which echoed what I thought.  But then I got to thinking ... now that there is no live feed, how do we know that they really are sealed in there with the cameras on 24 hours a day?  It looks as if Sam has been ill and visited a hospital, which we weren't shown;  there was the mysterious Crew member who was spotted in the house during the 'talent show' task; and remarks have been made on this forum about how some conversations have sounded scripted, an example being Linda asking Dappy about his father.


I have felt disillusioned about BB for some time now, as I think many on this forum have, so I can't say it surprises me, but it's sad if a once good programme has just turned into another scripted reality show

Originally Posted by Bursar:

I must admit I didn't spot that, but I did note her saying something about how people behave one way when the cameras are off and then play up when the cameras are on.  Someone posted a comment at the time to the effect - silly woman, doesn't she realise the cameras are on all the time - which echoed what I thought.  But then I got to thinking ... now that there is no live feed, how do we know that they really are sealed in there with the cameras on 24 hours a day?  It looks as if Sam has been ill and visited a hospital, which we weren't shown;  there was the mysterious Crew member who was spotted in the house during the 'talent show' task; and remarks have been made on this forum about how some conversations have sounded scripted, an example being Linda asking Dappy about his father.


I have felt disillusioned about BB for some time now, as I think many on this forum have, so I can't say it surprises me, but it's sad if a once good programme has just turned into another scripted reality show

Sadly that's exactly what BB has become .

All this talk of Sam's illness yet it has never been mentioned on the HL show or by any evictees when they speak to Emma.

One article had Sam at the hospital at 11.27 and the BBUK twitter had her speaking to Jim in the house

Sam has not been the hit that was expected and she has been rather boring, this at least stirs up some interest in her .

I know she was ill with face boils but I doubt she has had a life threatening illness as her mother would have her out of there in a heart beat .

Sam has managed to do her column from the house so I find this all rather OTT.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Bursar:

I must admit I didn't spot that, but I did note her saying something about how people behave one way when the cameras are off and then play up when the cameras are on.  Someone posted a comment at the time to the effect - silly woman, doesn't she realise the cameras are on all the time - which echoed what I thought.  But then I got to thinking ... now that there is no live feed, how do we know that they really are sealed in there with the cameras on 24 hours a day?  It looks as if Sam has been ill and visited a hospital, which we weren't shown;  there was the mysterious Crew member who was spotted in the house during the 'talent show' task; and remarks have been made on this forum about how some conversations have sounded scripted, an example being Linda asking Dappy about his father.


I have felt disillusioned about BB for some time now, as I think many on this forum have, so I can't say it surprises me, but it's sad if a once good programme has just turned into another scripted reality show

Sadly that's exactly what BB has become .

All this talk of Sam's illness yet it has never been mentioned on the HL show or by any evictees when they speak to Emma.

One article had Sam at the hospital at 11.27 and the BBUK twitter had her speaking to Jim in the house

Sam has not been the hit that was expected and she has been rather boring, this at least stirs up some interest in her .

I know she was ill with face boils but I doubt she has had a life threatening illness as her mother would have her out of there in a heart beat .

Sam has managed to do her column from the house so I find this all rather OTT.

Linda did mention her being ill that she had held her hair back while vomiting and keeping her company in bed..

Originally Posted by Bursar:

I must admit I didn't spot that, but I did note her saying something about how people behave one way when the cameras are off and then play up when the cameras are on.  Someone posted a comment at the time to the effect - silly woman, doesn't she realise the cameras are on all the time - which echoed what I thought.  But then I got to thinking ... now that there is no live feed, how do we know that they really are sealed in there with the cameras on 24 hours a day?  It looks as if Sam has been ill and visited a hospital, which we weren't shown;  there was the mysterious Crew member who was spotted in the house during the 'talent show' task; and remarks have been made on this forum about how some conversations have sounded scripted, an example being Linda asking Dappy about his father.


I have felt disillusioned about BB for some time now, as I think many on this forum have, so I can't say it surprises me, but it's sad if a once good programme has just turned into another scripted reality show

I noticed that with the cameras but just thought she meant when the cameras are on the person..

Originally Posted by erinp:

Rumour going around that a Sunday paper is going with the Slashed wrists over Jim remark .

Surely they don't expect us to believe she slashed her wrists in the BB house, over a remark Jim made, and the BB psychologists allowed her to remain?!

Or is this meant to have happened years ago, when her husband was convicted of stealing money from Frank Carson's dressing room?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Rumour going around that a Sunday paper is going with the Slashed wrists over Jim remark .

Surely they don't expect us to believe she slashed her wrists in the BB house, over a remark Jim made, and the BB psychologists allowed her to remain?!

Or is this meant to have happened years ago, when her husband was convicted of stealing money from Frank Carson's dressing room?

Sounds like she is trying to  say that it was as a result of the jibe ,so presumably  in the House if !

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Rumour going around that a Sunday paper is going with the Slashed wrists over Jim remark .

Surely they don't expect us to believe she slashed her wrists in the BB house, over a remark Jim made, and the BB psychologists allowed her to remain?!

Or is this meant to have happened years ago, when her husband was convicted of stealing money from Frank Carson's dressing room?

Sounds like she is trying to  say that it was as a result of the jibe ,so presumably  in the House if !

Well, I am firmly in the Non Believer corner. 

I'm sick of this woman's determination to blame Jim Davidson for every bad thing that has every happened to her. Get a grip woman, or seek the help you so obviously need.

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I told you that is what she was referring to 

spot on  what a bitch(Linda not you )

well spotted Aimee - you were spot on - what a mare Linda is and can't believe the depths she sinks to to get attention - its almost like she came onto Jim and he rejected her in the past - perhaps that is what he meant by Frank Carsons changing room

Rocking Ros Rose
Last edited by Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I told you that is what she was referring to 

spot on  what a bitch(Linda not you )

well spotted Aimee - you were spot on - what a mare Linda is and can't believe the depths she sinks to to get attention - its almost like she came onto Jim and he rejected her in the past - perhaps that is what he meant by Frank Carsons changing room

I've always thought there was something else to their back history  Jim bashing on bots 


Snippet from Liz's article in tomorrow's paper.  Looks like you were right Aimee


I did in fact get to the bottom of what happened decades before in Frank Carson’s dressing room, a small dark place that now has its own Twitter account. But I told Big Brother I would not be revealing it as I was not about to upset a woman –  even one who said on the show ‘I’m a Nolan not a nun’ – who was still grieving and who was driven to self-harm in the toilet due to her  distress over Jim’s behaviour.


Even if she did do it (which I doubt)...  it wasn't because of Jim.   What she said to Emma was that after the Frank Carson comment 'I remembered how much I still miss my husband and that's why I started doing silly things'      If she's so unstable they shouldn't have put her in the house in the first place - and she needs help to sort her head out.  That level of hatred over 'a sexist remark' decades ago is not normal.   Jeezo... every barmaid - in fact every woman of a certain age in all likelihood) in the country would be in therapy if it was.

Originally Posted by Kaffs:

Even if she did do it (which I doubt)...  it wasn't because of Jim.   What she said to Emma was that after the Frank Carson comment 'I remembered how much I still miss my husband and that's why I started doing silly things'      If she's so unstable they shouldn't have put her in the house in the first place - and she needs help to sort her head out.  That level of hatred over 'a sexist remark' decades ago is not normal.   Jeezo... every barmaid - in fact every woman of a certain age in all likelihood) in the country would be in therapy if it was.

Spot on Kaffs The woman is a total nightmare ....and a nasty, bitter one at that !


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