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Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by MrsB:

I adore it! It's a sort of nod back to Jon Pertwee's costume...I wonder if that is a clue as to how he's going to play it??!! After the quirkiness and geekiness of Matt and David, it is good to see a totally different look. I really am more than a little excited to see what Peter does with the role..these teaser pics are making me wish it was Autumn the chuff are us Whovians supposed to survive until then for our next dose??!!


My MrB would look so glorious in the new Doctor's outfit...mind you,his rower's thighs might be more than those trousers can handle!!


Oh yeah,,,and for those who can remember that far back...I didn't get the Sylvester McCoy tank top for Xmas  so no pics of me in it!! I did, however, get some rather fabulous Dr Who mugs and teapots (teasets are another of my obsessions!!) some of the mugs are of the Doctors various, yet also a bit disturbing!! I can drink tea from their heads!!!

How do they look Mrs B? Wanted to get them as Xmas presents for my Bruv, but the nice ones were sold out on Amazon  

He did get a load of other Dr Who stuff though - silicone moulds, silver floating tardis pen, annual, calendar and tardis diary 


He gets Dr Who stuff every year 


The mugs are pretty good..not devastatingly accurate, but cool in their own way!! I didn't get all of them as many were out of stock at the BBC shop too...but as I will be 40 in just over 5 weeks time, I am hoping that I will get some more then!!! The hints have been dropped...with no subtlety whatsoever!! My fave so far is the Peter Davison one...probably because he is my childhood Doctor!

Originally Posted by Kaffs:

I wondered when you'd get here, Mrs B!  Autumn.... we have to wait until AUTUMN??    I love the sound of those mugs btw!


EC.... I can SO see you in that outfit!  (OK, I have no idea what you look like, but now you're somewhere between Sean Connery and Peter Capaldi in my head...)


I know...Autumn is forever away!!! Apparently, the Moffatt wanted to do an entire series without a break with the Xmas one as the finale...much better than the naff mid-season break favoured by our friends across the pond! I totally agree with him...just wish it wasn't so far away!!


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