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Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:

I have 3 pairs of canvas shoes, 5 pairs of trainers, 1 pair of shoes that I wore at a wedding that I've not worn since and 1 pair of shoes that I wear to go out in.
Forgot to include 2 pairs of Astros turf trainers and about 10 pairs of football boots. (I'm a sucker for new footy boots)
Crunchy Nuts
To answer the OAP I believe in the principle of having a minimum number of very expensive pairs of footwear. All you need is boots, sandals, and a pair of bespoke shoes. Hopefully the latter will see one out.
Part of me doesn't understand why women need so many shoes, white tops, jeggings, and coats. But there again m 'dear wife whose name escapes me etc doesn't understand why I have so much music. She thinks I have loads. However I suspect that she would show more surprise at the size of MikeOxlong's vast canon.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
To answer the OAP I believe in the principle of having a minimum number of very expensive pairs of footwear. All you need is boots, sandals, and a pair of bespoke shoes. Hopefully the latter will see one out.
Part of me doesn't understand why women need so many shoes, white tops, jeggings, and coats. But there again m 'dear wife whose name escapes me etc doesn't understand why I have so much music. She thinks I have loads. However I suspect that she would show more surprise at the size of MikeOxlong's vast canon.

Originally Posted by Ells:

My OH has just bribed me by saying for every 3 pairs I throw out he'll replace them with 1 new pair.  Not all at once though, like 3 pairs or flipflops out and he'll buy me a new pair nearer summer, boots in winter etc.  I like this deal.


Originally Posted by Ells:

Yes, he thought he was being crafty saying that but I can easily get rid of 12+ pairs that I don't really like or which aren't comfortable and get new ones for them!  Silly man.

Like Yogi said, he probably thinks he's really clever but what he doesn't realise is you're going to start with all the ones you don't like anyway and replace them with expensive ones Wait til he sees the price of boots


B has implemented a rule for me, with clothes as well as shoes - if I buy something new I have to get rid of something. So a pair of my ankle boots have fallen to bits so I can now get new ones to replace them I did manage to sneak in a parka on the basis of needing a proper warm winter coat with a hood

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
What's wrong with sandals but? That's all I wear from may to September. The sock drawer doesn't come into play while back end.

Men's feet are  sorry GJ.


I am a big fan of sandals/flip flops myself and like you I wear them for as much of the year as possible.  I wore canvas shoes with no socks to the doctors the other day and she commented on it   I was only going from the car to the surgery and back.

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

My daughter has about 30 pairs of vans and converse 


I like boots, I think I had 45 pairs the last time I counted 

OMG... where do you KEEP them all?

We've got a separate wardrobe for shoes  I think I've got every sort of boot going, I got 4 pairs for Christmas  daughter also has about 10 pairs of football boots then there's astro turf boots, basketball boots, I get fed up of her shoes cause I'm always tripping over them 


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