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this is a little bit wicked




do you give your neighbours nicknames?

the ones you only know to nod to?


on our road we've got


gym girl-always wears jogging gear


parky bird-she cant park her car properly


the brighton donkey-always looks a bit rough in the morning


the titanic - she looks a wreck


harry potter-he wears round glasses


2 doors-when she gets to house, she has to open both doors to get in as she's really big


claire in the community-'pc' right on social worker next door


BBQ bloke-he has BBQ's all year round


farmer palmer - he's got a little small holding out the back




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Oh no of course I'd never give my neighbours nicknames


Pinocchio - because she's got her nose in everything, tells tales then pretends she knows nothing


Hagrid - because she resembles him


Mrs Rubbish Bags - because she always waits to put her rubbish for collection out just as the dustbin men are tootling off down the road


Mr Untouchable - because he deals from his property and everyone including the police and the council know it yet no one does anything about it


Cuckoo - because he always has his head in and out of the door looking for infringements by children


Nutty Joyce - woman who was a bit crackers at the end of the street who recently died.


The Scruffs - people with the untidiest house/garden.


Ashcrofts - eventhough they haven't lived there for years (but we can't remember the 'new' people's name - who have lived there for yonks!!)


HawkEye - old woman who used to watch our every move and come into the street to stop us playing football.

Now she's a family friend and actually a lovely lady.


Originally Posted by stonks:

We have big head..he has an enormous head..


Sleeping with the enemy..he turned all the furniture upside down one Xmas morning so's his wife and kids could'nt sit down..


Hog tie..used to tie his wife to the steering wheel while he went drinking so's he had a lift home..


I could go on but they get worse..

 Where do you live Stonks... Abuse Street? 

Seriously, thats awful. 


That nosey b*st*rd - my sons best friends mum who is always seen gossiping with 'the chocolate bars' for about 90 mins a day.  I know it's gossiping because she tries to come gossip with me and tell me what her and the chocolate bar are gossiping about but I just laugh her off and make an excuse to do a runner.  Oh and she's always asking my son questions.


The Chocolate Bars - are the couple up the street who think they are gorgeous.  She's alright looking but he's just....not!  They'd eat themselves if they were chocolate.


Ummmm that's it for our street...the rest we haven't nicknames because we like them.


In the street I grew up in we had Inspector Gadget.....he always wore a long black mac, hat and carried an umbrella.  He was quite weird.


And we had 'His, hers and theirs' which was a title given to them by the adults of the street because they were a family of his kids, her kids and their kids.  That's a bit wrong isn't it?  

Originally Posted by Ells:

That nosey b*st*rd - my sons best friends mum who is always seen gossiping with 'the chocolate bars' for about 90 mins a day.  I know it's gossiping because she tries to come gossip with me and tell me what her and the chocolate bar are gossiping about but I just laugh her off and make an excuse to do a runner.  Oh and she's always asking my son questions.


The Chocolate Bars - are the couple up the street who think they are gorgeous.  She's alright looking but he's just....not!  They'd eat themselves if they were chocolate.


Ummmm that's it for our street...the rest we haven't nicknames because we like them.


In the street I grew up in we had Inspector Gadget.....he always wore a long black mac, hat and carried an umbrella.  He was quite weird.


And we had 'His, hers and theirs' which was a title given to them by the adults of the street because they were a family of his kids, her kids and their kids.  That's a bit wrong isn't it?  

 PSML - great names 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by stonks:

We have big head..he has an enormous head..


Sleeping with the enemy..he turned all the furniture upside down one Xmas morning so's his wife and kids could'nt sit down..


Hog tie..used to tie his wife to the steering wheel while he went drinking so's he had a lift home..


I could go on but they get worse..

 Where do you live Stonks... Abuse Street? 

Seriously, thats awful. 

I'm rural Rodger so its an area..

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by stonks:

We have big head..he has an enormous head..


Sleeping with the enemy..he turned all the furniture upside down one Xmas morning so's his wife and kids could'nt sit down..


Hog tie..used to tie his wife to the steering wheel while he went drinking so's he had a lift home..


I could go on but they get worse..

 Where do you live Stonks... Abuse Street? 

Seriously, thats awful. 

I'm rural Rodger so its an area..

Eeek I hope you got good locks with that lot nearby 


That hog tie man should be charged - hope his wife got rid of him 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by stonks:

We have big head..he has an enormous head..


Sleeping with the enemy..he turned all the furniture upside down one Xmas morning so's his wife and kids could'nt sit down..


Hog tie..used to tie his wife to the steering wheel while he went drinking so's he had a lift home..


I could go on but they get worse..

 Where do you live Stonks... Abuse Street? 

Seriously, thats awful. 

I'm rural Rodger so its an area..

Eeek I hope you got good locks with that lot nearby 


That hog tie man should be charged - hope his wife got rid of him 

No she waited for the boys to grow up then left him but he is being done for an assault on someone else now..

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by stonks:

We have big head..he has an enormous head..


Sleeping with the enemy..he turned all the furniture upside down one Xmas morning so's his wife and kids could'nt sit down..


Hog tie..used to tie his wife to the steering wheel while he went drinking so's he had a lift home..


I could go on but they get worse..

 Where do you live Stonks... Abuse Street? 

Seriously, thats awful. 

I'm rural Rodger so its an area..

Eeek I hope you got good locks with that lot nearby 


That hog tie man should be charged - hope his wife got rid of him 

No she waited for the boys to grow up then left him but he is being done for an assault on someone else now..


We have nasty nets - because she has nasty nets at her windows.

                                she's quite a nice person tho, 


The screamer   - for the obvious reason, I dread summer nights now.


Capt.America - because he's always trying to organise us all and get's arsey when we don't comply.


Big shouty bloke - because he's a big shouty bloke, no idea what his name is.

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Brilliant thread 


We had a family that we called the nesbitts because she looked like the character, her boyfriend got her 14 yr old daughter pregnant and we haven't seen them since 

When i was growing up we nick named a family the Battersbys as they were similar in lots of ways just with more kids (4 bed house )


When they moved out the new lot were a bit better but their surname also began with a B so they got the same tag


Another one growing up The 50p woman - she was always asking for a 'loan' of 50p


As an adult i haven't really come up with inventive ones for on the street... i have named a woman at school Trunchball..... she's the spit!


Last edited by Jen-Star

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