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I'm looking forward to New Years Eve, because for the first time in the 12 years I have lived in Newcastle my parents are coming over to spend it with us. We've booked them in to a Quayside hotel, and we're going to watch the 6pm fireworks at the Civic centre, then for a meal in China town, then down to their hotel to watch the midnight Tyne Bridge fireworks.


Jen that sounds amazing!  Cinds your NYE sounds lovely, I'm a bit jealous because mine will be boring (but just what I do every year)


This year I'm looking forward to getting the house all done up and getting the back yard finally dug up and all sorted for summer BBQs and so I can finally have somewhere to sit outside in the summer when we get our 3 days of sun

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I'm looking forward to Feb 2nd..... flying to Florida on Feb 1st with a 3yr old 9 ~(very almost 10) yr old, 11 yr old and a 14yr old..... woah that 9hr plane ride

May I suggest a bottle of Night Nurse, it will knock you all out for the flight.


Have an amazing time xx

A family member has suggested a flying aid which is in effect 'knocking her out' type stuff and while i think oh how fab... i also hate the thought of it.... but then you lot haven't met my little whirlwind lol. It might have to be a last end 'everyone wants to kill us all' type measure

Jen-Star toys usually keep my 2 quiet enough on flights.  I pack their rucksacks with puzzle/colouring books, MP3 players, playing cards, a new DS game or travel games and also take my laptop with lots of films and cartoons downloaded to it.


9 hours is very long though, I dread the 4 hour flights and I'm not sure if I'd cope for 9 hours never mind my kids!!

Jen - hol sounds fab, flight sounds like a mare!  My 5 hour one with 21 yr old and 16 yr old was bad enough!

Cinds - your NYE sounds amazing - I can't approve enough - cherish every second of it.

Me - despite loving every second of this holibobs I am really really looking forward to being reunited with the dog and the cat, to seeing my Dad and being able to keep an eye on him again, to bacon sarnies, and to seeing the end of this god awful year from hell!

I am usually against saying it, for fear of tempting fate, but roll on next year, 2013 has been the worst year if my life and I never want another like it!
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I'm looking forward to Feb 2nd..... flying to Florida on Feb 1st with a 3yr old 9 ~(very almost 10) yr old, 11 yr old and a 14yr old..... woah that 9hr plane ride

You will be fine Jen, and have a wonderful time , I'm sure We did the same journey when my two kids were about 4 & 5 ...and a long time before nintendos etc.....we survived ....just  

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Im getting a new kitchen in Jan, so the cats have to have a holiday in the kennel while I stay at my daughter's because I can't live with the dust. So, what I'm really looking forward to is the end result and the three of us back home.


Nice one.


Description please Cologne  some of us are into decorating-porn!


Having recently renovated a house this stuff interests me 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Im getting a new kitchen in Jan, so the cats have to have a holiday in the kennel while I stay at my daughter's because I can't live with the dust. So, what I'm really looking forward to is the end result and the three of us back home.


Nice one.


Description please Cologne  some of us are into decorating-porn!


Having recently renovated a house this stuff interests me 

 Oak finish doors, one cupboard goes to the skip and I can have my table and chairs back in. It all needs to be slightly lower so I can do a few things myself sitting on my chair, i.e. make coffee. I've yet to choose the worktops, flooring and decoration. I'll take some photos.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Im getting a new kitchen in Jan, so the cats have to have a holiday in the kennel while I stay at my daughter's because I can't live with the dust. So, what I'm really looking forward to is the end result and the three of us back home.


Nice one.


Description please Cologne  some of us are into decorating-porn!


Having recently renovated a house this stuff interests me 

 Oak finish doors, one cupboard goes to the skip and I can have my table and chairs back in. It all needs to be slightly lower so I can do a few things myself sitting on my chair, i.e. make coffee. I've yet to choose the worktops, flooring and decoration. I'll take some photos.


Is it light or dark oak?


I really like the American light oaks I've seen. There is such a massive choice for worktops these days, you could spend a week just deciding.


Sounds like it will be just the ticket for you. Yes would like to see the photos once complete.




Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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