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Originally Posted by Scotty:

Thank you Rose and GJ. She`s my pal. I know you would both do the same.


I`ve not been able to get in touch, her phone is constantly engaged. I`ll try for a wee bit longer tonight but if I don`t get through, I`ll phone in the morning. 


I think everyone here would do something to help if they could, thankfully you have a means of contact with her  Hopefully the phone's engaged because she's receiving support from family and other friends. Good work Scotty

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Thank you Rose and GJ. She`s my pal. I know you would both do the same.


I`ve not been able to get in touch, her phone is constantly engaged. I`ll try for a wee bit longer tonight but if I don`t get through, I`ll phone in the morning. 


I think everyone here would do something to help if they could, thankfully you have a means of contact with her  Hopefully the phone's engaged because she's receiving support from family and other friends. Good work Scotty

Ah, you caught me before my edit. Yes, I think everyone here would do similar, if they had my means of contact. Earlier, cologne said she was touched by the caring shown to her. It means a lot. Indeed, I hope the phone`s engaged for the same reasons. Nite in here Rose   

Last edited by Scotty
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Thank you Rose and GJ. She`s my pal. I know you would both do the same.


I`ve not been able to get in touch, her phone is constantly engaged. I`ll try for a wee bit longer tonight but if I don`t get through, I`ll phone in the morning. 


I think everyone here would do something to help if they could, thankfully you have a means of contact with her  Hopefully the phone's engaged because she's receiving support from family and other friends. Good work Scotty

Ah, you caught me before my edit. Yes, I think everyone here would do similar, if they had my means of contact. Earlier, cologne said she was touched by the caring shown to her. It means a lot. Indeed, I hope the phone`s engaged for the same reasons. Nite in here Rose   

Hoping to hear tomorrow that Cologne will be receiving what is rightfully hers Night Scotty and thanks for keeping us informed btw, saw a pic of your hubby on another thread, he's a looker

Yellow Rose

AWWw only just seen this. Absolutely disgraceful ..............apart from anything else the Care company should be severely reprimanded for sending someone with a throat infection in the first place. How shockingly irresponsible.


I hope Col managed to get something to eat eventually, Hopefully as her daughter is off today she'll be able to stock her up with some 'emergency' type rations.


Funnily enough last night while this thread was going on I was on the phone to my sis. Me and my daughter were taking my mum down to stay with her for a few days today. My sis rng last night absolutely gutted as she has a shocking cold - she was unsure what to do. My mum has severe emphysema like Cologne.


I immediately said that we wouldn't be going as we really cannot risk my mum being exposed to infection although I did add that I'd let my mum make that decision herself this morning.


Just rang her ..........she reluctantly agreed that it wouldn't be wise. Just as well really as I think I would have had to use 'persuasive' tactics. Emphysema is a horrible, scary condition - no way should you knowingly put yourself at risk.


The company should be reported to a higher authority if that's possible. In sending someone with a throat infection they're putting Cologne's life at risk .........and that really isn't being OTT.


Cologne  really and truly hope things are better this morning and that you get sorted.


Soozy Woo

I've just read this and whilst be disgusting I'm not surprised 


these care companies are interested in one thing and one thing only - profits 

Sending a carer with a cold to someone in such a vulnerable state of health shows how much they don't care and I'm afraid this is the future of any care in this country.


Hope you got fed and watered and the kitties too 


I have to apologise to Scotty. Someone called me after her and I couldn't get them off without a crowbar. I took her advice though, sat in front of the fridge and managed to have a handy container with something my daughter had cooked. It took ages, but I managed it and it was very nice. So some good came out of it. Thanks for all your lovely posts and letting me getting it off my chest (no pun intended).

cologne 1
Last edited by cologne 1

Just a thought for the future. .if you have an illness that needs to be kept away from infections etc why not have a supply of those surgical masks that carers can wear when in your home. . I am sure your Doctors will give you a supply...  also at this time of year there are loads of bugs flying around and people working with the sick, or with children can easily pick these up and spread them around even if they show no sign of the symptoms themselves.. plus many have colds and aren't allowed time off work so have to carry on even if it isn't ideal..


but at least if you have masks the carers can carry on helping you even if they aren't well themselves and you don't have to worry about catching anything ...

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Just a thought for the future. .if you have an illness that needs to be kept away from infections etc why not have a supply of those surgical masks that carers can wear when in your home. . I am sure your Doctors will give you a supply...  also at this time of year there are loads of bugs flying around and people working with the sick, or with children can easily pick these up and spread them around even if they show no sign of the symptoms themselves.. plus many have colds and aren't allowed time off work so have to carry on even if it isn't ideal..


but at least if you have masks the carers can carry on helping you even if they aren't well themselves and you don't have to worry about catching anything ...

Good point Olly, never even thought of that! 

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Just a thought for the future. .if you have an illness that needs to be kept away from infections etc why not have a supply of those surgical masks that carers can wear when in your home. . I am sure your Doctors will give you a supply...  also at this time of year there are loads of bugs flying around and people working with the sick, or with children can easily pick these up and spread them around even if they show no sign of the symptoms themselves.. plus many have colds and aren't allowed time off work so have to carry on even if it isn't ideal..


but at least if you have masks the carers can carry on helping you even if they aren't well themselves and you don't have to worry about catching anything ...

The local office staff has just been sacked 'en masse' (not just because of me, me'lord) and the new brooms have told me that facemasks, gloves and aprons will be provided to all carers.  I really don't know why it never occured to me to ask for it.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Well that's a result in itself, Col; glad things are going to pick up and that they're taking more notice of the needs of those reliant on their service  

Thanks cosi.


I'll do my usual and say 'as you were' because I've had my rant, the thing is moving in the right direction, I had my fill of attention (joking) and I really like almost everybody here to bits for putting up with me over the years.

cologne 1

So glad that things appear to be sorted for the future.


We didn't take my mum down to my sis this weekend as she has a shocking cold.My sis was really trying to persuade me to bring her down but funnily enough I bought up the possibility of wearing a mask - you can't really do it 24/7 in your own house though.


I do think I'll get some masks in though ..............I do worry for my mums health. 



Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Just a thought for the future. .if you have an illness that needs to be kept away from infections etc why not have a supply of those surgical masks that carers can wear when in your home. . I am sure your Doctors will give you a supply...  also at this time of year there are loads of bugs flying around and people working with the sick, or with children can easily pick these up and spread them around even if they show no sign of the symptoms themselves.. plus many have colds and aren't allowed time off work so have to carry on even if it isn't ideal..


but at least if you have masks the carers can carry on helping you even if they aren't well themselves and you don't have to worry about catching anything ...

The local office staff has just been sacked 'en masse' (not just because of me, me'lord) and the new brooms have told me that facemasks, gloves and aprons will be provided to all carers.  I really don't know why it never occured to me to ask for it.

 Great news, Col.

Good idea about wearing masks, Olly.


Glad the mask idea helped. .my neighbour has Emphysema plus she's just had her left leg amputated too.. mind you she doesn't have any carers she seems to manage ok without..  we are just careful if we have a bit of a bug around her. .the leg thing is new tho but she is hopping around like a good un ..she's fitter than me and 12 yrs older too


Strangely her OH also had his left leg amputated a few months after she did. .he's not doing so well with the healing side tho.. bit of a shame


they are having to move tho as they are in an upstairs maisonette with steep stairs up to it which is just a tad too much with just the one leg

Mount Olympus *Olly*

That mask idea is great Olly. I might actually get some to leave at my parents' house. My mum has a severe disability now and has carers, as well as her 24 hour one who doubles up as her husband and my father. The masks might come in handy with the constant parade of germ producing grandchildren that jump in and out of her hospital bed for cuddles  

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

awww that's so sweet Suzy. . you can't get any better medicine than lovely happy grandkids I bet

It is very lovely, and they have been really good therapy for her (even the teenagers). If all of our family are there at the same time there's sometimes a queue to jump in to grandma's bed  I've even been known to get in when we've run out of seats 

Originally Posted by suzybean:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

awww that's so sweet Suzy. . you can't get any better medicine than lovely happy grandkids I bet

It is very lovely, and they have been really good therapy for her (even the teenagers). If all of our family are there at the same time there's sometimes a queue to jump in to grandma's bed  I've even been known to get in when we've run out of seats 

awww that sounds  lovely..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by suzybean:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

awww that's so sweet Suzy. . you can't get any better medicine than lovely happy grandkids I bet

It is very lovely, and they have been really good therapy for her (even the teenagers). If all of our family are there at the same time there's sometimes a queue to jump in to grandma's bed  I've even been known to get in when we've run out of seats 

awww that sounds  lovely..

Ah well, kids have a way of making the best of a bad situation. They think everything about 'new' grandma is cool. Her wheelchair, her hoist that transfers her from her chair to her bed and the way she still manages to chastise (beat) her kids (their parents) with her grabber  


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