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I thought it was funny that in public they are saying ooooh that is a tad high but in an anonymous survey of MP's the majority said it wasn't enough and they thought 80k was a proper minimum wage for an MP..


I do still wonder when becoming an MP became a career not something you did after you'd had a career



Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I thought it was funny that in public they are saying ooooh that is a tad high but in an anonymous survey of MP's the majority said it wasn't enough and they thought 80k was a proper minimum wage for an MP..


I do still wonder when becoming an MP became a career not something you did after you'd had a career



ReallY? Typical 


Your second point Olly- maybe that explains why they're so bad at being MPs. They've no experience outside their little bubble.


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