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So pleased for you must be wonderful.


Today on the bus I was chatting to a blind guy and his wonderful dog.


He has had this particular Guide Dog (Byron) for four years. His old dog is retired from guiding but still lives at home with them.


He was telling me how he never, ever imagined how he'd put his life into a dogs hands but he trusts him implicitly. Apparently he was a healthy 'normal' guy and 18 years ago he woke up and just couldn't see


How terrible ......I have seen the man and his dog a few times before on the bus and marvelled at how fantastic Byron is - they have a terrific bond.


Sorry to go OT but ............we do take things for granted.


And Cologne ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,brilliant news (on the hand holding)

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

My only gripe is that they give me far vision, which means I will need glasses for reading, but it is the most liberating thing to be able to see things again that are further than your knees,  



I know what you mean Col, but its much better than what you had...good luck with the other will be clay pigeon shooting next year  

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I finally had my cataract op and I can see things again. It almost didn't happen because of the emphyzema (having to be flat on your back), I held the hand of a gorgeous male nurse for 30 min. Bring on my left eye in three months time.

Onwards and upwards, Col  


Don't you worry about reading glasses either - there's some great designs out there now  

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

Wonderful news Cologne    I'm glad all went well.

Eye candy always helps take your mind off things 


Is it disorientating having clear vision in eye and not the other? Hope you can get used to it until the other one is fixed.

It is a bit and strangely the colour is different, but I don't care because I can see now.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Fabulous bravery and outcome col  


Really is. So pleased for you   


It's quite scary, I could see all the intruments coming towards me, but I managed to zoom into Stuart holding my hand.

That and the intravenous morphine   


His name was Bob. Just been done on BBC News South West for impersonating a medic   

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I finally had my cataract op and I can see things again. It almost didn't happen because of the emphyzema (having to be flat on your back), I held the hand of a gorgeous male nurse for 30 min. Bring on my left eye in three months time.

Onwards and upwards, Col  


Don't you worry about reading glasses either - there's some great designs out there now  

I'm still trying to get the John Lennon glasses I had in the early '80s.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

Wonderful news Cologne    I'm glad all went well.

Eye candy always helps take your mind off things 


Is it disorientating having clear vision in eye and not the other? Hope you can get used to it until the other one is fixed.

It is a bit and strangely the colour is different, but I don't care because I can see now.

Great attitude Cologne   


Like Velvet says - you're very brave. Eye surgery seems especially scary, they're so sensitive. You could even see the instruments coming towards you!!!! FREAK OUT!!!   You have nerves of steel    


I'm short sighted + have had contact lenses for years, too scared to have laser-correction. That's a minor procedure - not even close to what you went through Cologne   Big respect! 




Originally Posted by James:

Thrilling stuff. How wonderful that you are getting your sight back

I had the laser correction. One eye for long and one for short so I can read the computer screen without glasses. My long vision is perfect now.

You never get over the pleasure of waking up to good vision.

THis is how my contacts work James and I don;t like it.

It feels obvious to me that i'm reading with one eye - do you feel that?

I was wondering if your very up-close vision has been impaired?


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