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Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Baz:

I'm all Apple too But my MacAir lappy packed up ( it was first generation) , as is my MacBook Pro ( which seems really heavy now) IPad is IPad 2 ...but I do have an IPhone 5c  


I guess your not in the market for a new MacBook Pro having an iPad, but the MacBook Pro's are in the sale too.

Oh I'm in the market for one EC , sadly my bank balance isn't  

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Updated our iphones last week.  What the hell are those ugly looking apps?

It looks horrible now.

IOS7 ? I thought that when I first had it, but I'm used to it now ...the only one that bugs me is that they took away my IBooks bookshelf  


Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Updated our iphones last week.  What the hell are those ugly looking apps?

It looks horrible now.

That would be the updated O/S your talking about I think. I've not used it yet, although I will when my iPad arrives.


Yes, that's the one/it/them.  I really didn't want to update but thought that I better had 'cos I'm a coward   I bliddy hate it.  Cheap looking doesn't begin to cover it.

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Baz:

I'm all Apple too But my MacAir lappy packed up ( it was first generation) , as is my MacBook Pro ( which seems really heavy now) IPad is IPad 2 ...but I do have an IPhone 5c  


I guess your not in the market for a new MacBook Pro having an iPad, but the MacBook Pro's are in the sale too.

Oh I'm in the market for one EC , sadly my bank balance isn't  

 I know the feeling now!

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

My US online friends always mention Black Friday at this time of year, utter chaos at some of their Stores, people trampling over each other, having fights to get what they want. First time I've heard Black Friday mentioned in the UK lol

It is about time to start Christmas shopping 'though!

I'm all for keeping Christmas in December but I've now realised that I've got this w/e, not next w/e, (family wedding) and only part of the following w/e. And, before anyone does BAH HUMBUG on me, I enjoy buying gifts for the people I love

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

My US online friends always mention Black Friday at this time of year, utter chaos at some of their Stores, people trampling over each other, having fights to get what they want. First time I've heard Black Friday mentioned in the UK lol

It is about time to start Christmas shopping 'though!

I'm all for keeping Christmas in December but I've now realised that I've got this w/e, not next w/e, (family wedding) and only part of the following w/e. And, before anyone does BAH HUMBUG on me, I enjoy buying gifts for the people I love

I've not started yet whether cards or prezzies  but I never do till late but somehow every year it always comes together with the right prezzies for the right person and it's a great day Christmas is a magical time

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Where did you get it from ? 

Bought it direct from Apple UK.


Thanks, I'm pleased too. I have an iMac computer and now an iPad, next thing to go Apple is probably my phone, although I do like my Samsung Galaxy S3.

I'm fully Apple now EC.  Had the Mac almost 2 years, ipad last year.  I just love how it sends my music etc automatically to all of the devices.  Looking to buying the Apple TV for Mr C for Christmas.


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