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I saw that and as much as I think Katie says things a lot of the time just for a reaction and to keep herself in the limelight my impression of Peaches was, ffs talk about spouting a load of psycho babble crap.. giving stupid names to general parenting every day things. . current one she was spouting was AP..


Why don't people just do what comes naturally and is right for the particular child in question and shurrup with the stoopid ' whatever is in fashion' almost hippy style how to parent crap . both their ways end up with brat pack type kids/adults from what I see...  Peaches and Katie are prime example of that

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Why don't people just do what comes naturally and is right for the particular child in question and shurrup with the stoopid ' whatever is in fashion' almost hippy style how to parent crap . both their ways end up with brat pack type kids/adults from what I see...  Peaches and Katie are prime example of that

1)But what is right Fluffs?

and 2) why 'hippy'

Way I see it is that Peaches is trying to be the best emotionally connected and loving mum that she can be and that Katie horror is just being 'me, me, me'  All she did was sneer, she had nothing of value to say, nothing positive or constructive to add, just put downs


I'll answer that seeings as it was my post..


hippy influenced as in just let the kids run wild and pander to their every need, and if I recall from the 70's, the 'let them learn if they want or not learn' style of 'teaching'... recipe for disaster.. .no discipline at all..  and no learning either.. was the downfall of traditional schooling and it never recovered from there..


Yeah Katy is a plank and only there for 'entertainment' purposes but Peaches, hardly a good role model, spouts all the current buzz words of the day ..less of the spouting crap, more of the looking after the kids and stop reading bleedin childcare books or following the latest fashions. .just raise them naturally with your own instincts, instil decent values and discipline... lead by example and above all show them your love... no two kids are the same so no one 'method of the day' is right for all.. ..


Just my take on the both of them .. neither of who's opinion I'd give any credence to 

Mount Olympus *Olly*

To be honest, I agree with Olly. I can't say I'm fond of either of them but I'm more on Peaches side in this instance. There's a lot of guilt attached to parenting and if I want advice I seek it out...don't need either side to tell me what to do when I know in my heart that each one of my children are catered to and nurtured to each of their particular needs.


It isn't one size fits all, and I think that's part of what Peaches is saying...but don't need the sermon, thanks.




I am not against asking for advice from people with similar problems if you are stuck but, I am against all sorts of lecturing [was looking for a different word but gone black]  and namby pamby claptrap and people that make money out of writing about the latest 'craze'.. as you say each child is different and responds differently . .one size doesn't fit all


Some of these people come across as if they are the first person ever to have raised a child

Mount Olympus *Olly*

I saw this live on TV and have just watched again.


I know out of the two of them who I'd want as a mother.


There really is nothing wrong with loving your child and letting them know they are loved. That really isn't spoiling them ......spoiling is something else entirely. I had all three in bed with me (sometimes at the same time) - it doesn't go on forever.


I feel very sorry for Katie's child/children TBH.

Soozy Woo

don't think anyone here has said there is anything wrong with that Soozy, in fact showing your kids they are loved is the one thing I said was paramount..


what gets up my nose is idiots like Peaches Geldolf, spouting about it.. it's natural nurturing isn't it? then they add the other eejit to the mix to knock it and it's all done for a bit of TV filling..  oh and done by them to raise both their media profiles..


Mount Olympus *Olly*
EOriginally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

don't think anyone here has said there is anything wrong with that Soozy, in fact showing your kids they are loved is the one thing I said was paramount..


what gets up my nose is idiots like Peaches Geldolf, spouting about it.. it's natural nurturing isn't it? then they add the other eejit to the mix to knock it and it's all done for a bit of TV filling..  oh and done by them to raise both their media profiles..


Indeed .....neither really have an area of expertise or a USP so they are creating something out of nothing.


I think most new parents buy the books and some do try to follow some of it but as you say most are quick to learn to follow their own intuition.


Personally I had three books, Dr Spock, Penelop Leach and the Mothercare manual. All were very, very different no wonder I was a bit of a dizzy mum.


Now I look back I think I did my own thing and looked to one of the books for validation. As they were quite diametrically opposed I always managed to find justification somewhere

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by suzybean:

To be honest, I agree with Olly. I can't say I'm fond of either of them but I'm more on Peaches side in this instance. There's a lot of guilt attached to parenting and if I want advice I seek it out...don't need either side to tell me what to do when I know in my heart that each one of my children are catered to and nurtured to each of their particular needs.


It isn't one size fits all, and I think that's part of what Peaches is saying...but don't need the sermon, thanks.

This is so true! Even though you do what you think is right weather its hard or not there's always a tiny little voice right at the back of you mind saying 'are you sure about that?'


Also i am a little more on Peaches side BUT aren't her kids like 1 and 2 yrs old? Not really that much experience 'in the field' to give her the right to go onto tv preaching about it to others... then again im not sure what does.


I did enjoy watching it on TV though... probably cos i saw it for what it was rather than trying to learn something from it


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