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Vivian Maier will never know the height of her own fame.

The mysterious Chicago photographer died an unknown artist at the age of 83, leaving behind a treasure trove of over 150,000 images hardly anyone had ever seen. It wasn't until a few years ago -- shortly after Maier had passed away in 2009 -- that her hoard of stunning artwork made its way to the world wide web, courtesy of a lucky thrifter named John Maloof. He'd purchased her works at an abandoned storage unit sale, serendipitously discovering one of the 20th century's most talented and well hidden street photographers.



Some of the pic in the link are really good!



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Hi Baz  sadly its not on iplayer any more


She was a fascinating character, a nanny who spent her spare time walking and snapping what she saw. Mostly the amazing shots she took in one just one snap of the shutter...not click click click and select the best one.


It would remind you of Vincent Van Gogh the way she died in obscurity and now dealers are selling her works for huge sums.


Luckily from the documentary [ they interviewed some of the kids she looked after] she sounded like she didn't care about money and would have hated fame. She was a bit of an oddball but a true artist.


It'll probably be on BBC again... you know what they're like for repeats


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