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i hate 'lol' it makes it sound like youre in bits laughing-when in reality youve just had a little chuckle to yourself or sniggered cos you found something funny


and im quite sure none of us have actually rolled on the floor laughing..especially if youre on the bus, read something funny and literally rolled up and down the aisle on the number 11


 i was gonna say i doubt if we've wet ourselves laughing...but...laydeees of a certain age on here...


and i imagine we've all got our bottoms


so can we have sensible alternatives please?

the best ones will get to come to mine & clean the garage

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

i hate 'lol' it makes it sound like youre in bits laughing-when in reality youve just had a little chuckle to yourself or sniggered cos you found something funny


and im quite sure none of us have actually rolled on the floor laughing..especially if youre on the bus, read something funny and literally rolled up and down the aisle on the number 11


i was gonna say i doubt if we've wet ourselves laughing...but...laydeees of a certain age on here...


so can we have sensible alternatives please?

the best ones will get to come to mine & clean the garage

*i was gonna say i doubt if we've wet ourselves laughing...but...laydeees of a certain age on here...*

and that was a joke before anybody moans LOL!

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

In the absence of anything else that's what I use though. Hopefully the way I post things, peeps know how to take it 

I occasionally post LMAO.. despite my not laughing until my pert bahooki drops off 


I know I've already given a reply in here but tempted to give another one.........just dunno what though 


I hate it too. And I hate it when people actually say it in the real world too. And I hate it when they add it to a their mundane status updates on facebook. Example:

Dropped the kids off at school, now it's time to watch some Trisha. lol.




Had a great catch up and chinwag with my bestie, Shaz. lol. Now off to pick up the kids from school. lol.




Just done the washing. Now preparing the tea for the hungry kids when they get home from school. lol.




Doing housework. Wonder what the little monsters are up to at school? lol.



Sensing a demographic here? 



Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I hate it too. And I hate it when people actually say it in the real world too. And I hate it when they add it to a their mundane status updates on facebook. Example:

Dropped the kids off at school, now it's time to watch some Trisha. lol.




Had a great catch up and chinwag with my bestie, Shaz. lol. Now off to pick up the kids from school. lol.




Just done the washing. Now preparing the tea for the hungry kids when they get home from school. lol.




Doing housework. Wonder what the little monsters are up to at school? lol.



Sensing a demographic here? 




Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I hate it too. And I hate it when people actually say it in the real world too. And I hate it when they add it to a their mundane status updates on facebook. Example:

Dropped the kids off at school, now it's time to watch some Trisha. lol.




Had a great catch up and chinwag with my bestie, Shaz. lol. Now off to pick up the kids from school. lol.




Just done the washing. Now preparing the tea for the hungry kids when they get home from school. lol.




Doing housework. Wonder what the little monsters are up to at school? lol.



Sensing a demographic here? 




Making ickle laughing face sounds? 

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

i hate 'lol' it makes it sound like youre in bits laughing-when in reality youve just had a little chuckle to yourself or sniggered cos you found something funny


and im quite sure none of us have actually rolled on the floor laughing..especially if youre on the bus, read something funny and literally rolled up and down the aisle on the number 11


 i was gonna say i doubt if we've wet ourselves laughing...but...laydeees of a certain age on here...


and i imagine we've all got our bottoms


so can we have sensible alternatives please?

the best ones will get to come to mine & clean the garage

GAB.. giggled a bit.

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I hate it too. And I hate it when people actually say it in the real world too. And I hate it when they add it to a their mundane status updates on facebook. Example:

Dropped the kids off at school, now it's time to watch some Trisha. lol.




Had a great catch up and chinwag with my bestie, Shaz. lol. Now off to pick up the kids from school. lol.




Just done the washing. Now preparing the tea for the hungry kids when they get home from school. lol.




Doing housework. Wonder what the little monsters are up to at school? lol.



Sensing a demographic here? 





More like bored housewives. B-HIVES?


Originally Posted by jacksonb:

grown men , or at least they claim to be  posting ' hehehehe' or slightly worse 'teehee'


I had an estate agent who would email me during negotiations  and he would break out the 'teehee' in his emails.When I eventually met him, he was 6'3 , bald and looked like  he was no stranger to the gym.Teeheee

yes... agree... I always think it makes them sound slightly creepy and sleazy.   I picture them leering and rubbing their thighs (but that may be because of the person I knew who did it all the time...)


I sometimes say I RL lol'd (if I did.. which I do..) sometimes I 'hahahaha' but mostly I just 

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

grown men , or at least they claim to be  posting ' hehehehe' or slightly worse 'teehee'


I had an estate agent who would email me during negotiations  and he would break out the 'teehee' in his emails.When I eventually met him, he was 6'3 , bald and looked like  he was no stranger to the gym.Teeheee

I'm always astounded when people use stuff like that or even worse text abbreviations in business emails. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

grown men , or at least they claim to be  posting ' hehehehe' or slightly worse 'teehee'


I had an estate agent who would email me during negotiations  and he would break out the 'teehee' in his emails.When I eventually met him, he was 6'3 , bald and looked like  he was no stranger to the gym.Teeheee

I'm always astounded when people use stuff like that or even worse text abbreviations in business emails. 

It made  instantly dismiss him as a twat.



Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

grown men , or at least they claim to be  posting ' hehehehe' or slightly worse 'teehee'


I had an estate agent who would email me during negotiations  and he would break out the 'teehee' in his emails.When I eventually met him, he was 6'3 , bald and looked like  he was no stranger to the gym.Teeheee

I'm always astounded when people use stuff like that or even worse text abbreviations in business emails. 

It made  instantly dismiss him as a twat.




My favourite one ever had to be from a customer who was trying to make himself look really important and business like (after we had repossessed his equipment for non-payment) and constantly used the term 'should of' and best of all described us has having very bad business 'ethic ate' (in case you're wondering we think he meant etiquette) 


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