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I noticed my dad looked tired a couple of weeks ago and asked my mum if everything was ok, she said the heat was getting to him and he just felt tired and wasn't eating much.


He's seemed fine since but when I saw him on Saturday I thought he seemed quiet but I never said anything as he's a private person and my mum always says he never let's on if he's feeling unwell and going to the doctors is as alien to him as going clubbing 


Just been talking to my neighbour and her granddaughter came outside and said I've just seen your dad in the doctors, I said he was probably picking up my mum's prescription, she said no his name was called out


Now do I ask what's wrong or wait to be told? Going to the doctors is a private thing and his own business but he knows he was saw and that it would get back to me but sometimes people say hello to him and he hasn't a clue who they are till I tell him

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your obviously worried to have posted   I would visit in the hope the medication he got is visual and you can bring it up - if it isnt ask if he recognised the girl he spoke to in the doctors and take it from there as the convo flows or can you ask your Mum on the quiet in case it is a man thing and not something he wants to discuss 


I am daddy's girl  Thanks Mrs H, I phone every night just to make sure they are ok and Tuesday's they normally go out for lunch and I normally ask my mum what she had but I know they can't have gone today as he was at the doctors at the time they normally go, so I'm thinking of asking as normal and if my mum says they went out then maybe they don't want to tell us 


I understand your concern if your Dad hasn't said anything. I'd do what Mrs H suggested, firstly look to see if you can find any medication recently prescribed. If so you may know what kind of conditions it's prescribed for but if not research online. If you don't find any maybe the doc tested him for something and his mind's been eased about something that worried him. Hopefully there's nothing to worry about.

Yellow Rose

Aims i would just ask hun, imo if they don't say anything and you don't ask you will be worrying like mad. If you ask you can be put at ease.


Talking to them every night will be difficult to not say anything if you're thinking there's something wrong and they're hiding it from you, when in reality it could be something as simple as needing some cream etc and they don't see any need to mention it.




I'm going to drop a few hints when I ring her in a minute  it's giving me a headache not knowing. It's because he never goes that's worrying me, the docs even wrote once to see if he had changed doctors  my mum always says she's only ever seen him be physical sick once and they've been married 45 yrs. It's probably nothing and I've wound myself up while he's been happily eating his tea 


Aimee, I would talk to my dad privately and say that a neighbour of mine had seen him at the doctors being called in to for his appointment. I'm not trying to pry but I have noticed that you've been looking tired recently and I'm a bit worried.

I wouldn't mention it to my mum because it's my dad's decision whether or not to tell her. If it was something serious I would hope he would tell her and if it became clear that he hadn't told her I would encourage him to tell her by saying that I knew she was worried and not knowing what was wrong was worse than knowing.



El Loro

Spoke to mum and she never mentioned it so I asked what she'd had to eat and she said oh we didn't bother going today as we didn't need anything (they go shopping at the same time) so I couldn't help myself and I said oh ..... thought they saw dad in the doctors and she said oh his ear was bothering him he's got some drops for it, don't know if I believe her but I'm going down there tomorrow so I'll see if I can see the drops  parents who'd have em eh 

That's worrying Aimee, but I would guess that your parents haven't told you because they don't want to worry you. I would also presume that if there's something to tell, they will do it when they feel the time is right. At first I was going to say the same as Baz- ask your mum but if that avenue has not had any luck, I would leave it just for now. If you can bare it, wait a few days/week before you approach the subject again, but if you're going to work yourself up about it (which I probably would do) then I would encourage you to just ask them. Tell them you're worried and would like to know, and how you can help... Keep us posted wont you, I hope your dad is alright
~Sparkling Summer~

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