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it says a wealthy company wanted PR in the UK and approached Dexter who did a publicity stunt and ran up ÂĢ120k bar tab. he would recieve ÂĢÂĢÂĢ from them from any publicity they gained.

He went into BB planning on cashing in on his sugar daddy image in the hope that it would gain more publicity for his client (this rich company).

But apparently they have pulled the contract as Dex did not live up to his role and will not be paid by them.

Originally Posted by Saint:

it says a wealthy company wanted PR in the UK and approached Dexter who did a publicity stunt and ran up ÂĢ120k bar tab. he would recieve ÂĢÂĢÂĢ from them from any publicity they gained.

He went into BB planning on cashing in on his sugar daddy image in the hope that it would gain more publicity for his client (this rich company).

But apparently they have pulled the contract as Dex did not live up to his role and will not be paid by them.




Can't listen to Couch Potato at the moment, but have been following this on DS.

TBH, I found the "secret" (if this really is the whole, true, story) a bit of a damp squib. There was little "revealed" that we didn't already know, or had made an educated guess at. We even knew about the existence of the book (there's a link hyping it off the Dexter Koh site that Aimee's posted a link to).

The only really new bit is that there's another client company behind this: I think most assumed it was all about self-publicity for Dexter and his own company. As for the company breaking the contract: well, if true, Dexter wouldn't have known about it either while he was in the house...
Eugene's Lair

From DS, transcribed email from Dexter`s Assistant....


Okay, where do I start?
Dexter is a well known paparazzi and also owns his own PR company called "Earth Horse PR". Over the years he's been very wealthy, his Mum was also a millionaire too. He had a very bad gambling problem and was pretty much left broke. He had a lot of help from his Mum and also Gamblers Anonymous. Since then he got his life back on track but his Mum was left in huge debt which sadly drifted them apart. He was approached by a very wealthy company who wanted PR in the UK, so Dexter went all out and organised a PR stunt which involved him running up a ÂĢ121,000 bar tab. He was paid for any press that was published. He auditioned for Big Brother as a sugar daddy millionaire on the strength that if he was to get into the house he would make more money from his client to help pay back his Mum. He was aware of the hate and the boo's he was about to receive and also kind of knew it would backfire on him in some way, so he pre-wrote a book called "The Pretenders" explaining the reasons why he acted as a character that he really wasn't. He has the last chapter yet to write when he gets out of the house. Now, unknown to Dexter the company has pulled the contract from him due to him not living up to the millionaire sugar daddy role. So he will not receive anything from them. The Dexter you see in the house is the real him, he just wants to be loved and make some friends, he really is a lonely person who wants to make his Mum proud and help pay her back. He also doesn't have a girlfriend, she is a client who is part of the PR stunt. He has got quite close to her and recently only dated her twice just before he went into hiding for the house. We spoke a lot about what he was doing before he went in, I personally was against the fake character, but when I realised the show was called "Secrets & Lies" I said "If all else fails the show will be exciting". I know that he's on a massive personal journey and the money to him doesn't matter, the fact that he has been loved so much by the public will mean the world to him. If he made it to the final it would make him a winner regardless of winning the show. He will be happy that his Mum has been in the UK for the past few weeks and she's sticking around to spend time with him and support him when he gets out. I know this sounds crazy and is very confusing, he will most probably lose some fans for lying his way into the house. The real Dexter though wouldn't have gotten in, the fake Dexter did. I just hope people will understand his reasons. He's not a bad person, he's just trying to make a living and make his PR company work. I have supported him the best I can and I have treated his fans the way he would have treated them. I'm not sure when he will reveal all of this, I just know that the last chapter of his book will reveal all.


Why don't these people do what normal people that have problems do and sort them out in private rather than go on their 'journey's' in the BB house.. or on other reality shows. .it's weird . . in fact anyone wanting to go on a reality show is a self obsessed  weirdo in my books..


that email made me almost sick up a bit.. it's like we are supposed to go awwww poor unloved Dexter bless his little cotton socks.. 

Mount Olympus *Olly*

On the couch potatoes chat room Dexter was getting a lot of sympathy (although they all loved him to start with) and they think he's a good guy for wanting to pay his mum back...and I agree with them.


Although I did expect his secret to be a lot bigger than it turned out to be, but at least we know we supported the right guy and that he is a good person.

Originally Posted by frodo:

Hello Vids


loved Dexter and he with Gina has made this memorable for me too VIDS

If I didn't join in I have read all your posts   one big smacker of a kiss from me

he came second ...hoping we get to see him soon 



thanks Vids  xx

Hello Frodo.

As long as you enjoy my posts im glad, your always welcome to join in.


Shame about Dexter not winning but we all know he was the star of the show.


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