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Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Hopefully Erin's seen this thread and knows now how much she'll be missed and is appreciated here. I think we should all respect her wishes as she will have her reasons... even if it's because she's lost interest in BB or became tired through the amount of time she spent posting here instead of spending more time with her family after so many weeks - just guessing ...but if that's the case she may return when BB's over Whatever her reason I'm sure it's a good one for her and we should respect that, imo.

I get what you're saying YR , and I know that was guesswork, but I think erin would have " faded" for a while rather than deregged if it was BB fatigue .. she's also still posting on other BB fora ( our loss is their gain! ) 


I know she will have thought it through and there will be good reason, but I want  her back! 

Yep - she's obviously thought long and hard before she did it - and no flounce or attention seeking.  Just the sort of person you don't want to lose really.   I'll miss her and I hope she comes back one day.


Well for what it's worth, I'll shove my  head above the parapet.


I think she's gone because of the posts in the HL thread(page18) 2nd August, where she says that  she was  insulted by them.


It was all over  a perception of an HM, for  god's sake, Erin has left because some one thought she was displaying a bias...


Of course she was this is BB,  we all like and favour one HM or another, is there really any need  to make some one feel so bad that they up and leave?


That's what I think, like it or not.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Well for what it's worth, I'll shove my  head above the parapet.


I think she's gone because of the posts in the HL thread(page18) 2nd August, where she says that  she was  insulted by them.


It was all over  a perception of an HM, for  god's sake, Erin has left because some one thought she was displaying a bias...


Of course she was this is BB,  we all like and favour one HM or another, is there really any need  to make some one feel so bad that they up and leave?


That's what I think, like it or not.

You can name me I don't mind  she posted in my threads and me in hers after that date so if she left a week later because of me that's very strange imo

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

Well for what it's worth, I'll shove my  head above the parapet.


I think she's gone because of the posts in the HL thread(page18) 2nd August, where she says that  she was  insulted by them.


It was all over  a perception of an HM, for  god's sake, Erin has left because some one thought she was displaying a bias...


Of course she was this is BB,  we all like and favour one HM or another, is there really any need  to make some one feel so bad that they up and leave?


That's what I think, like it or not.

I like


I don't think anyone has made someone feel so bad that they have to leave.


Things get said and people disagree .....Erin is very passionate - it's a bl***dy TV programme FGS.


If she has chosen to leave because someone has challenged her so be it. Erin has in turn challenged others.


I see no purpose in naming anyone or any one single post and making other people feel bad.


There is always a bit of tit for tat during BB - we have to rise above it unless it gets really nasty (which I've never seen).


And that's me sticking my head above the parapet.







Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I don't think anyone has made someone feel so bad that they have to leave.


Things get said and people disagree .....Erin is very passionate - it's a bl***dy TV programme FGS.


If she has chosen to leave because someone has challenged her so be it. Erin has in turn challenged others.


I see no purpose in naming anyone or any one single post and making other people feel bad.


There is always a bit of tit for tat during BB - we have to rise above it unless it gets really nasty (which I've never seen).


And that's me sticking my head above the parapet.







Soozy I whole heartedly agree.


And the way I saw it originally was that it was a tech error because it was quite suddenly in a thread she had just posted. But then when it was confirmed she had left, I thought maybe something had happened personally.  If it does come down to something said on here, I just think then can't you just dance around them. 


In all honesty, there are some on here that get right on my nerves, but I just ignore them most of the time. It's dead easy.


Although in fairness, I have been known to blank a person in real life if I don't like them, to the point of Mr C saying 'that person behind you is trying to talk to you' and me replying 'yes I know but I think he's a prick so I have nothing to say to him'. (It was my sisters ex husband, nothing to do with that, but I hated the way he had treated their son after the divorce).

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:


 I just think then can't you just dance around them. 


In all honesty, there are some on here that get right on my nerves, but I just ignore them most of the time. It's dead easy.



Just what I do Cinds  


...just thought, it's not me your dancing around is it 




Yes, but only when Human League comes on my iPod, you're my forum 80's handbag.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:


 I just think then can't you just dance around them. 


In all honesty, there are some on here that get right on my nerves, but I just ignore them most of the time. It's dead easy.



Just what I do Cinds  


...just thought, it's not me your dancing around is it 




Yes, but only when Human League comes on my iPod, you're my forum 80's handbag.

 I likes that. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I don't think anyone has made someone feel so bad that they have to leave.


Things get said and people disagree .....Erin is very passionate - it's a bl***dy TV programme FGS.


If she has chosen to leave because someone has challenged her so be it. Erin has in turn challenged others.


I see no purpose in naming anyone or any one single post and making other people feel bad.


There is always a bit of tit for tat during BB - we have to rise above it unless it gets really nasty (which I've never seen).


And that's me sticking my head above the parapet.







But it's not always about bigbrother that nastiness rears it ugly head on here, i've been ganged up on here several times, and al because i posted my's pathetic IMO...if people can't handle others opinions then thats their problem.

For you to brush it off as "someone being challenged" is not right.


On here sometimes it's as if you have to tow the PC line or the forum line or you will get your head shot off.


I've noticed you moaning on about how the HL thread was more like the Dexter fan club lately, so you dont like being "challenged" either.


I almost left this forum for good a few months ago but was brought back by a couple of nice people who asked after me, and that bust up had nothing to do with bigbrother, it was a pack mentallity thing that I see on here sometimes, and it's not nice.


Vids I was expressing an opinion ( i think valid) how the HL thread had become the Dexter fan club - all back slappy and hooray if you happen to support Dexter but challenged (often quite strongly) if you dare oppose. I appear to be the only one who thinks like that - fair enough - maybe I read it wrong.


As I say - it's always the same during BB - it really isn't worth getting upset or falling out over. I can't see anything that would have made Erin leave.


Sometimes you walk away - personally I think if someone else's opinion on BB makes you want to leave then perhaps you are being too passionate in taking it personally. It's a large enough forum to ignore if you need to.


If someone can show me where something really nasty was posted to Erin - I'll take it back. From where I sit it was nothing of of the norm during BB.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Vids I was expressing an opinion ( i think valid) how the HL thread had become the Dexter fan club - all back slappy and hooray if you happen to support Dexter but challenged (often quite strongly) if you dare oppose. I appear to be the only one who thinks like that - fair enough - maybe I read it wrong.


As I say - it's always the same during BB - it really isn't worth getting upset or falling out over. I can't see anything that would have made Erin leave.


Sometimes you walk away - personally I think if someone else's opinion on BB makes you want to leave then perhaps you are being too passionate in taking it personally. It's a large enough forum to ignore if you need to.


If someone can show me where something really nasty was posted to Erin - I'll take it back. From where I sit it was nothing of of the norm during BB.

Sooz,There was nothing 'nasty' that I am aware of that was posted to Erin, but she had posted that she felt insulted,when FM's  stop discussing the HM's and post about each other,I think a line is crossed.

I could be very wrong about Erin's reason for leaving,but if she felt insulted it's because the criticism was personal, I would think.


Anyways, that's the last from me on the topic, let's hope Erin comes back.


Hi all 


I am on TIBB and I did pm Erin ..had I any right not really?tbut I liked her I not really familiar with a lot of posters (my own fault) for not mixing more


but I admired the work and effort she had put in  Mrs H and all that make It easy for me to glance and read all the info that I miss ,they must put in hours of work thankyou


Erin was very graceful and sweet to me and I wish she would come back and that's all I asked  

Dexter has made this series for me along with Gina who has suddenly had a personality transplant ...some have flown under the radar but hey ho Its BB



Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Vids I was expressing an opinion ( i think valid) how the HL thread had become the Dexter fan club - all back slappy and hooray if you happen to support Dexter but challenged (often quite strongly) if you dare oppose. I appear to be the only one who thinks like that - fair enough - maybe I read it wrong.


As I say - it's always the same during BB - it really isn't worth getting upset or falling out over. I can't see anything that would have made Erin leave.


Sometimes you walk away - personally I think if someone else's opinion on BB makes you want to leave then perhaps you are being too passionate in taking it personally. It's a large enough forum to ignore if you need to.


If someone can show me where something really nasty was posted to Erin - I'll take it back. From where I sit it was nothing of of the norm during BB.


1st bib I've expressed my dislike for Dexter, (and Gina and several others!) from the start, (although of who is left I do think Dex is the most deserved winner now.) I was just about the only one who liked Dan, (who got a right royal bashing in there day in, day out,) but never felt like that at all. Maybe it's because I don't take it too seriously and that nothing personal was said to me. Maybe it's because what I like about the hl thread is that it's a laugh and an opportunity for a good old slating of a load of fame hungry wannabees. Also, given that Dexter has been a consistently popular hm with the viewers, (saved every week,) then it's hardly surprising that it may seem like a Dexter fan club, simple fact is that more fm's on here like him than anyone else in the house.

2nd bib I don't see anyone saying that Erin was made to leave, I did, however, see her being accused of making people stay away from the hl's thread because she posted a daft pic to vote to evict Callum, (something that I've seen countless times re various hm's in the hl thread.) Also, most Callum fans, around the same time, voted with their feet from there, their choice of course, but doesn't take much to put two and two together!

I've no idea if that was the start of Erin feeling that she wanted to leave, but there's no doubt from her response that she wasn't happy about it.  If that was a contributory factor, (these things are rarely one dimensional,) then I wouldn't blame her for taking it personally, because it was personal, nothing at all to do with an opinion on BB ! Similarly, complaining about the hl and lf threads being a Dexter fan club is nothing to do with an opinion on BB. 


Whatever the reason(s), Erin has gone,  she will be missed by many on here

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I don't think anyone has made someone feel so bad that they have to leave.


Things get said and people disagree .....Erin is very passionate - it's a bl***dy TV programme FGS.


If she has chosen to leave because someone has challenged her so be it. Erin has in turn challenged others.


I see no purpose in naming anyone or any one single post and making other people feel bad.


There is always a bit of tit for tat during BB - we have to rise above it unless it gets really nasty (which I've never seen).


And that's me sticking my head above the parapet.







But it's not always about bigbrother that nastiness rears it ugly head on here, i've been ganged up on here several times, and al because i posted my's pathetic IMO...if people can't handle others opinions then thats their problem.

For you to brush it off as "someone being challenged" is not right.


On here sometimes it's as if you have to tow the PC line or the forum line or you will get your head shot off.


I've noticed you moaning on about how the HL thread was more like the Dexter fan club lately, so you dont like being "challenged" either.


I almost left this forum for good a few months ago but was brought back by a couple of nice people who asked after me, and that bust up had nothing to do with bigbrother, it was a pack mentallity thing that I see on here sometimes, and it's not nice.

I agree with you Vids..There are certain individuals here who think the forum belongs to them, they level personal attacks, which rarely have anything to do with BB, but more to do with a desire to bully an make people feel unwelcome..I try my best to ignore it, and there are times when I feel like lowering myself to thier level, but in the greater scheme of things, it's just not worth it, and it's pointless arguing with people who do not know you on a personal level. When anyone pisses me off, I just stay off the forum, chill an then come back when I feel like it.


One thing no one will ever make me do, is feel like I can't post here anymore..Well bloody said Vids!

Senora Reyes
Last edited by Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Strikes me if she'd just stopped posting instead of deregging there'd have been a  lot less fuss about it..


but what's done is done, am sure if the fancy takes her she'll come back...


surely it doesn't have to start getting accusatory too?


Just my twopenneth worth. . 

Been that way for a long time, maybe Erin going, has made people speak up, and say honestly how they are made to feel here at times..Not a bad thing IMO, there needs to be change..

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Baz:
Super ....the only Callum fan who voted with their feet from the HL/LF thread to my knowledge was me ! And I made it quite clear in this case I'm afraid two and two don't make four.

I didn't say that!

I remember commenting that night that the Callum fans weren't about, but admittedly, I didn't take a register, just assumed that when Erin was accused of making people stay away, that it was meant in the plural not the singular. 

Whatever, as I said, no doubt Erin's reasons for leaving weren't one dimensional

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Vids I was expressing an opinion ( i think valid) how the HL thread had become the Dexter fan club - all back slappy and hooray if you happen to support Dexter but challenged (often quite strongly) if you dare oppose. I appear to be the only one who thinks like that - fair enough - maybe I read it wrong.


As I say - it's always the same during BB - it really isn't worth getting upset or falling out over. I can't see anything that would have made Erin leave.


Sometimes you walk away - personally I think if someone else's opinion on BB makes you want to leave then perhaps you are being too passionate in taking it personally. It's a large enough forum to ignore if you need to.


If someone can show me where something really nasty was posted to Erin - I'll take it back. From where I sit it was nothing of of the norm during BB.


1st bib I've expressed my dislike for Dexter, (and Gina and several others!) from the start, (although of who is left I do think Dex is the most deserved winner now.) I was just about the only one who liked Dan, (who got a right royal bashing in there day in, day out,) but never felt like that at all. Maybe it's because I don't take it too seriously and that nothing personal was said to me. Maybe it's because what I like about the hl thread is that it's a laugh and an opportunity for a good old slating of a load of fame hungry wannabees. Also, given that Dexter has been a consistently popular hm with the viewers, (saved every week,) then it's hardly surprising that it may seem like a Dexter fan club, simple fact is that more fm's on here like him than anyone else in the house.

2nd bib I don't see anyone saying that Erin was made to leave, I did, however, see her being accused of making people stay away from the hl's thread because she posted a daft pic to vote to evict Callum, (something that I've seen countless times re various hm's in the hl thread.) Also, most Callum fans, around the same time, voted with their feet from there, their choice of course, but doesn't take much to put two and two together!

I've no idea if that was the start of Erin feeling that she wanted to leave, but there's no doubt from her response that she wasn't happy about it.  If that was a contributory factor, (these things are rarely one dimensional,) then I wouldn't blame her for taking it personally, because it was personal, nothing at all to do with an opinion on BB ! Similarly, complaining about the hl and lf threads being a Dexter fan club is nothing to do with an opinion on BB. 


Whatever the reason(s), Erin has gone,  she will be missed by many on here

I'm sorry if I misunderstood .... but you certainly seemed to be using the two and two analogy there ^^^^ . All I was pointing out was that I was the only Callum fan that specifically said they would no longer be posting in there , and that my reason had nothing to do with Erinp per se . However, it won't be a problem in future as after all this I won't be posting about BB on here ever's simply not worth all the hassle  over a stupid TV programme . 

Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Strikes me if she'd just stopped posting instead of deregging there'd have been a  lot less fuss about it..


but what's done is done, am sure if the fancy takes her she'll come back...


surely it doesn't have to start getting accusatory too?


Just my twopenneth worth. . 

Been that way for a long time, maybe Erin going, has made people speak up, and say honestly how they are made to feel here at times..Not a bad thing IMO, there needs to be change..

Must admit I noticed when posting a negative about a HM some people seem to take it as a personal attack against them, judging by the tone in which they reply... seems a bit daft to me..  but ho hum . .C4 was a zillion times worse... this is about as good as it will get in a public forum   

Mount Olympus *Olly*

Seems to me that Erin wouldn't want to see this going on in this thread. You guys are starting to accuse each other without naming names, and it's disintegrating into other people want to leave and/or not post about BB (which is the purpose for which this place was built, remember??)


You guys are a small, tight-knit community. Don't fall to pieces on me.


I'm going to go ahead and close this thread now, as I don't believe any other comments will help.

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