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Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Gina and Dexter manufactured their lies in a media savvy way, Callum didn't!

Media savvy way?  ALL their VT's and profiles were blatantly a load of hogwash! Callum just happened to not be able to pull off the character he'd created for himself.  No one to blame but himself there.

I meant the stuff ages before Cos, the pics for e.g. in the 'Savoy' (looked like a travelodge to me) with the empty  designer bags and designer  Dunne shoes

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

how amusing would it be if Sam pulled Charlie? 

I wouldn't rule that one out..Charlie reminds me of that Kate one, who won BB3, Charlie will flirt and snuggle up to anyone to avoid being nommed.

never saw BB3, but I really can't stand Charlie

I liked Kate!

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Gina and Dexter manufactured their lies in a media savvy way, Callum didn't!

Media savvy way?  ALL their VT's and profiles were blatantly a load of hogwash! Callum just happened to not be able to pull off the character he'd created for himself.  No one to blame but himself there.

i think there was an elemnent of truth to Dexters .....Sallie certainly knew him from somewhere. This is fronm November 2012 ................IMO - he's a sleazy character who has made money in a sleazy industry. 


(I know I said I was buggering off .......i will now - promise )


A failing PR business.

On my life, if he was anything as successful as he makes out he wouldn't be on this tinpot show chasing a few quid.


And stop buggering off!

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

how amusing would it be if Sam pulled Charlie? 

I wouldn't rule that one out..Charlie reminds me of that Kate one, who won BB3, Charlie will flirt and snuggle up to anyone to avoid being nommed.

never saw BB3, but I really can't stand Charlie

I liked Kate!

Sorry couldn't stand her..I see the same incinserity in Charlie, as I did in Kate.

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Gina and Dexter manufactured their lies in a media savvy way, Callum didn't!

Media savvy way?  ALL their VT's and profiles were blatantly a load of hogwash! Callum just happened to not be able to pull off the character he'd created for himself.  No one to blame but himself there.

i think there was an elemnent of truth to Dexters .....Sallie certainly knew him from somewhere. This is fronm November 2012 ................IMO - he's a sleazy character who has made money in a sleazy industry. 


(I know I said I was buggering off .......i will now - promise )


But also think about taking sides in the Dallum war, tbh I think that they both have personality disorders


Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Supes:
I meant the stuff ages before Cos, the pics for e.g. in the 'Savoy' (looked like a travelodge to me) with the empty  designer bags and designer  Dunne shoes
That's what reading too much OK! and Hello! can do to you.  You hire a snapper, pose like a Primark Princess and believe your own hype

Yes, but, I loathe people like that! Socialist at heart I guess, think everyone should put in a hard days work....

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Supes:
I meant the stuff ages before Cos, the pics for e.g. in the 'Savoy' (looked like a travelodge to me) with the empty  designer bags and designer  Dunne shoes
That's what reading too much OK! and Hello! can do to you.  You hire a snapper, pose like a Primark Princess and believe your own hype

Yes, but, I loathe people like that! Socialist at heart I guess, think everyone should put in a hard days work....

I'm sitting on my arse here


Right, off to find some LF and see what the inmates are up to now   

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Supes:
I meant the stuff ages before Cos, the pics for e.g. in the 'Savoy' (looked like a travelodge to me) with the empty  designer bags and designer  Dunne shoes
That's what reading too much OK! and Hello! can do to you.  You hire a snapper, pose like a Primark Princess and believe your own hype

Yes, but, I loathe people like that! Socialist at heart I guess, think everyone should put in a hard days work....

I'm sitting on my arse here


Right, off to find some LF and see what the inmates are up to now   

I imagine that you've paid your dues Cos

Well what a non event that was ...Callum tells Dexter a few home truths ...after weeks of holding back ... and .Dexter smirks and postures and spits his dummy ...all very silly and in the scheme of past BB's it was a storm in a teacup. And as for the *stick it to you* remark Callum made it quite clear that he knew Dexter hadn't meant it in a sexual way ... so that criticism was a bit of a non starter Callum has probably signed his eviction notice ...but hey ho ....
Originally Posted by Baz:
Well what a non event that was ...Callum tells Dexter a few home truths ...after weeks of holding back ... and .Dexter smirks and postures and spits his dummy ...all very silly and in the scheme of past BB's it was a storm in a teacup. And as for the *stick it to you* remark Callum made it quite clear that he knew Dexter hadn't meant it in a sexual way ... so that criticism was a bit of a non starter Callum has probably signed his eviction notice ...but hey ho ....

Baz, didn't you once like Dexter cos he was the underdog/whipping boy? As I see it Callum is trying v v hard to get him back there so he's not 'it' (sadly there'll always be a scapegoat)  Doubt Callum has signed his eviction notice, more likely he's changed his game as the voters will want to see 'drama' (his attempts at being a lothario have failed miserably)..we'll see!

Originally Posted by Bethni:

I missed everything ...friends birthdays come on the most inappropriate days

Just read through it all and flung a few more votes Callum's way.

No one will ever convince me that sleaze ball is a victim!

On that, good night and thanks for the late night read

LOL..the twins are safe then


I think Kaffs hit the nail on the head a few pages back when she asked if Callum was acting  it out.


I think Callum and the rest are given directions by BB as to scenarios and Callum flings himself into it.


Why else would BB consistently connive at the pairings  on the show that they have?


One story ends with  everyone fired up and one bloke fired out and hey presto up pops another convenient battle to keep us watching.


We've all been had if you ask me..

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

What an unpleasant episode..I hope Callum goes..

I agree it was very unpleasant - it has been unpleasant watching Callum being sidelined, ignored and ridiculed for the last few weeks.


Hardly surprising that it's all spilled over IMO.


Dexter was isolated for a couple of weeks and felt like crap .........he came out of the SH and it all turned around. Even knowing how uncomfortable he was during those two weeks he has taken some sort of perverted pleasure in seeing Callum in that position and cranking it up a few notches.


Nasty individual. Manipulative and cunning - not really surprising he has no RL friends.


Unlikely to happen but I really hope Derxter goes on Friday ir at the very least he gets resounding boos.

Well, I'd much rather be pals with Dexter than Callum.

Would you? Do you not wonder - if he is such a bice guy why he has no friends.


He is a successful business man - he claims to be ruthless - he has messed for weeks with Callums head.


I'm amazed that no one here has seen Callum ridiculed and sidelined by everyone but Sam (and lately Gina). Shocking herd mentality bullying going on.


In that house with no escape - knowing everyone was laughing behind your back calling you cringey, creepy, serial killer .......wouldn't you flip out?

But, but, but Dexter has been nominated every week, Callum hasn't

the nominations have nothing to do with it. They nominate because they know he's a snake but they're still pleasant to him.


Everyone of them have been taking the pee out of Callum for weeks's a small house. He's not daft he's heard them all mocking. Not really very nice is it?

You have to be joking! Some of the stuff they have said to Dexter from Day 1 has been awful. Callum hasn't had half the nastiness to put up with, that Dexter has.


Tbf Yogi, they've both had a lot of shit, it's not a competition...Oh hang on, maybe it is: who is going to be the house scapegoat? They've been fighting not to be and they've turned on each other in the process, (meanwhile the other candidate, Gina floats free)

 In what way was I unfair? I was responding to Soozy's suggestion that Callum had had a worse time than Dexter because IHO the housemates had been "pleasant" to him. I disputed her take on things because Dexter has had far more unpleasant things said to him than Callum. I stand by that.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I think Kaffs hit the nail on the head a few pages back when she asked if Callum was acting  it out.


I think Callum and the rest are given directions by BB as to scenarios and Callum flings himself into it.


Why else would BB consistently connive at the pairings  on the show that they have?


One story ends with  everyone fired up and one bloke fired out and hey presto up pops another convenient battle to keep us watching.


We've all been had if you ask me..

Particularly noticeable last night when they were coming downstairs in their wrestling gear.  The stopping and posing at the same camera at the bottom of the stairs - it was very directed.

Yes, I did once like Dexter cos he was the underdog Supes....that's exactly why I liked him . I'm a sucker for underdogs But when he came out of the SH , and especially when he teamed up with Jackie , I lost respect for him . He obviously decided that the way to survive was to join the baying crowd and deflect their animosity away from himself and onto Callum . Fair play to him , but I find those tactics very distasteful. Gina was also the underdog up to the SH but unlike Dexter stood on her own two feet and managed to change HMs opinions of her without the need use what I consider spiteful tactics .
Oh and I agree JB ...and have got shot down for saying it before ....since it moved to C5 it has been scripted ....especially the CBB one Having said that , I do feel that perhaps this is one of the less scripted editions....mainly because of the little bit of LF ...which I think has messed with their * programming* a bit
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I'm behind again, watched 2 shows last night and can't remember which was which.  BUT, all I want to say is, what a bunch of ill mannered pigs they were, sitting eating their food talking with the mouths full and chewing with their mouths open.  

and smacking lips when they eat   one of my biggest bugs is that grrrrr   and breathe 

Originally Posted by Toffeekins:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I think Kaffs hit the nail on the head a few pages back when she asked if Callum was acting  it out.


I think Callum and the rest are given directions by BB as to scenarios and Callum flings himself into it.


Why else would BB consistently connive at the pairings  on the show that they have?


One story ends with  everyone fired up and one bloke fired out and hey presto up pops another convenient battle to keep us watching.


We've all been had if you ask me..

Particularly noticeable last night when they were coming downstairs in their wrestling gear.  The stopping and posing at the same camera at the bottom of the stairs - it was very directed.

I haven't seen last night's yet, but what struck me as very contrived, and I blamed Dexter for it,  was his sudden and inexplicable passion for Charlie.


I now blame BB and owe Dexter an apology, the whole thing was and still is contrived, I think we all know that surely?

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I'm behind again, watched 2 shows last night and can't remember which was which.  BUT, all I want to say is, what a bunch of ill mannered pigs they were, sitting eating their food talking with the mouths full and chewing with their mouths open.  

Sam annoys me when he eats, I have to switch over, or divert myself.

Originally Posted by Baz:
Oh and I agree JB ...and have got shot down for saying it before ....since it moved to C5 it has been scripted ....especially the CBB one Having said that , I do feel that perhaps this is one of the less scripted editions....mainly because of the little bit of LF ...which I think has messed with their * programming* a bit

I think the rot set in  from BB7, the srcipting there became  very obvious and clumsy and culminated in the return of Nikki.


It's been downhill all the way since then and C5 are even more lacking in sublety,


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