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Originally Posted by Bethni:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I wonder where they slept last night  they seemed to keep him in the house a long time before they decided to remove him 

That's my point, Aimee. If they let him back into the SH then they obviously didn't think he was a threat to Hazel and she couldn't have objected to him being there

His vitriolic tirade was against women in general from what I could make out.... calling Charlie and Hazel typical wenches who liked to mess with men's heads. It went on and on for a while prior to Hazel entering the room and pulling the covers off him, refusing to give them  back asking to get a hug. My friend had it taped, I asked to see it after I heard about todays goings on.

Cheers and Baz  it seems odd as one of the tweets today said one of the twins made Hazel breakfast and she found it unsatisfactory, which suggests she was still in the SH, surely after what went on they should have put her back in the main house with the others 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Not defending but according to that she said "yeah go for it". Maybe she likes it a bit rough too. 


Just putting it out there, maybe they booted him because to show it, even though she apparently said 'go for it' it may have looked like they were advocating female abuse, therefore putting the show and the old respected Star in to a bad light. But by dispelling him, they can guarantee at least one true headline in tomorrow's Star.

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

There's egging on and being attacked.


And there's being attacked and rough foreplay between conscenting adults. I just don't know what it was and I've watched it

If Hazel was attacked she deserves everyones sympathy, I'm just not convinced she thought she was being attacked, even though he was blatantly out of order. BB should have done something a lot earlier, in fact they shouldn't have paired them together in the first place.

Originally Posted by Saint:

Re. BB producers being 'enablers' etc ...

I understand where people are coming from but . . .


They are both adults with personal responsibility and agreed to be manipulated (not the best word) for entertainment purposes. I'm not excusing BB's antics but they knew where this was going and are responsible for their own actions.


Not saying for a minute that they're not responsible for their actions, just that the producers got it wrong

Originally Posted by erinp:
Official diary room transcript released by Channel 5

Channel 5 press office have also released to The Sun Online an extract from the Diary Room where the issue was addressed by Big Brother.

It reads as follows:

Big Brother: "You said: Do you want me to go f****** mad now?"

Hazel: "Yeah... you should do it."

Daley: "Do you remember when I said yeah when I go mad it’s f****** scary... doesn’t mean I’m gonna hit you but it’s scary s**t."

Hazel: "Go for it."

Daley: “Have some respect for your f****** elders, yeah do you understand me? Cos if you don’t... I’ll finish you..."

Daley: “Respect your f****** elders, before I nut you one.”

Big Brother: "You slapped Hazel’s behind. You also clasped Hazel around her neck and then pinned her to the bed by both arms."

Daley and Irish model Hazel have regularly been seen flirting with one another in recent episodes causing friction amongst the contestants because of his girlfriend at home.

Big Brother is on Channel 5 tonight at 10pm.

Read more:

Holy shit! I did wonder, the way that he was speaking to her on lf the other night but my jury was still's not now



I don't get it.  Hazel is playing with him, goading him and clearly trying to initiate a kiss (at 2.25 in the vdeo) and isn't taking it as serious threats but more rough foreplay 


Granted I haven't seen anything before that but he wasn't being aggressive to Hazel in a serious physically threatening way.....he was acting the hard man and she was enjoying it.


SHE pulled his underwear down.  Had he pulled her pants down in the same jokey manner he would have been booted out straight into police custody.  Oh and she slapped his arse first.

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

did they put them back in the safe house together after that all happened?! Sounds like it cause he was saying they were cuddling and talking about how it happened after the event.. 

I saw Daly being called to the DR after the event and then he went back to the SH, then they called Gina to the DR, so they must have let him stay there overnight after a warning. I've not seen tonight's hl's yet as was visiting friends - who don't watch BB - but have it recorded so I may learn more about what really happened.

Yellow Rose

I agree Daley should have gone for his aggressive behaviour. . I also think Hazel should have been booted as well rather than get a warning. .she was fronting him first by standing on the bed, and her demeanour was aggressive too albeit it more in a sexual way,  before he got to the more aggressive part. .


having said that I haven't seen any of the LF from before when Daley was sounding off apparently so am not au fait with the full story. .any links to it anyone?


Clearly they went back to the SH afterwards, as Daley was shocked to hear that Hazel had 'dobbed' him in and 'complained' earleir yet after they then spent the night cuddling.. ..


gawd I hate that Hazel type so much and am so trying to be fair here to her as Daley did wrong .. she is no angel tho. .can't stand sexually manipulative women like that at all..  plus she made a good job of pick pick picking away as well as physically adding to it with slaps and a shorts pull down too..  


One thing I noticed when he was bent over her saying respect your elders etc. .it smacked to me of learned behaviour as a child form an adult. . I know he had a troubled past and I could just see some shitty no good adult,  be it parent or in carer, leaning over kids telling them off in that manner.. no excuse but the thought did flicker thru my head that  I bet he had that done to him all the time growing up and is his learnt behaviour for 'telling people off' .. 


dunno if I am explaining myself properly but you can always see stuff kids learn off their parents by what they do and say to others as they grown up cos they mimic the parents..  usually it's an amusement when they speak and act like mummy in daddy in company and everyone goes awww how sweet they sound/look like you. .but they pick up the bad stuff too.. that's not so sweet

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I agree Daley should have gone for his aggressive behaviour. . I also think Hazel should have been booted as well rather than get a warning. .she was fronting him first by standing on the bed, and her demeanour was aggressive too albeit it more in a sexual way,  before he got to the more aggressive part. .


having said that I haven't seen any of the LF from before when Daley was sounding off apparently so am not au fait with the full story. .any links to it anyone?


Clearly they went back to the SH afterwards, as Daley was shocked to hear that Hazel had 'dobbed' him in and 'complained' earleir yet after they then spent the night cuddling.. ..


gawd I hate that Hazel type so much and am so trying to be fair here to her as Daley did wrong .. she is no angel tho. .can't stand sexually manipulative women like that at all..  plus she made a good job of pick pick picking away as well as physically adding to it with slaps and a shorts pull down too..  


One thing I noticed when he was bent over her saying respect your elders etc. .it smacked to me of learned behaviour as a child form an adult. . I know he had a troubled past and I could just see some shitty no good adult,  be it parent or in carer, leaning over kids telling them off in that manner.. no excuse but the thought did flicker thru my head that  I bet he had that done to him all the time growing up and is his learnt behaviour for 'telling people off' .. 


dunno if I am explaining myself properly but you can always see stuff kids learn off their parents by what they do and say to others as they grown up cos they mimic the parents..  usually it's an amusement when they speak and act like mummy in daddy in company and everyone goes awww how sweet they sound/look like you. .but they pick up the bad stuff too.. that's not so sweet

Awwww Olly that BIB so true doesn't excuse it but it really does make it sort of sad doesn't it?


I've said my bit and don't think I 'll add to it all again - I think basically we're all singing from the same hymn sheet but there are some 'differences' in there.


Sure don't think anyone was sad to see the back of him.

Soozy Woo
I hope people do watch the link Mrs H . I was just so frustrated last night that BB did not show the whole incident . If they had people would I think see that , at least in part , Hazel's actions were IMO an attempt to defuse the situation . Daley was fuming ( seen clearly on LF) that she had dared to disobey him when he had ordered ( and I do mean ordered) her to stop chatting to Charlie and come to bed . And his anger was apparent when she reentered the room . At least that's how I remember it .

thanks Mrs H I will have a look later...


Baz I know how you feel having spent all the years LUTTting that I did with LF on my puter in the background the whole time I could often see how a situation grew from a whole day of stuff not just one event.. so I will watch it with open eyes. .


Still won't change my opinion of Hazel as a person tho. . her behaviour over the weeks confirms the type she is to me

Mount Olympus *Olly*

Saint didn't they throw Emma out of BB5 fight night?


and yeah Baz. .hence me not joining in many threads ever since 24/7 live feed stopped cos I could never be truly sure I was getting even half a truth..


Can't be doing with settling in for a nights TV of my fav stuff then having to turn a puter on for a paltry 2 hrs of LF..  


On the plus side no bedroom antics for a BB series.. apart form a couple of nights, and it ain't bluddy missed one iota

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Saint:

Remember the full on riot with Victor and Nadia? No one evicted


I've seen a lot worse in BB than Daley ... and they aint been evicted.


Daley was out of order but i think BB are inconsistant with their handling here.

I can’t recall having seen anything worse on BB then when Daley had Hazel pinned down and threatened her: “Respect your f**king elders, before I nut you one.”

But I have not watched all series of BB so I may well have missed worse.

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Baz:
I hope people do watch the link Mrs H . I was just so frustrated last night that BB did not show the whole incident . If they had people would I think see that , at least in part , Hazel's actions were IMO an attempt to defuse the situation . Daley was fuming ( seen clearly on LF) that she had dared to disobey him when he had ordered ( and I do mean ordered) her to stop chatting to Charlie and come to bed . And his anger was apparent when she reentered the room . At least that's how I remember it .

I've just finished watching it Mrs B. .don't think you are going to be that pleased with my take on it  oops!


I heard a 'drunken' bloke moaning on about women chatting. .nothing I've never heard before and par for the course from men when they've had a few and same for girls they all maon about the opposite sex... . I heard a loud voice of frustration cos he'd wanted to get to sleep but hadn't realised he could turn the SH light off himself.. I heard a shout out about bleedin women chattin again.. and a bit more moaning about women but nowt like what I'd heard people say happened..


Then when she finally came in he went into drunk little boy voice mode. .same as girls do that stoopid drunk little girl voice they do when they've had a few. . anyway for the next half hour there was nothing but banter with smiles in their voices batting to and fro. . if anything Hazel was the aggressor early on and starting off with her mini strop cos he wouldn't go in her bed to cuddle her ... .even then they carried on mucking about and part wrestling and bantering to and fro.. he slapped her arse early on. . an arse slap always hurts but they carried on messing around and both were giggling.. he was also looking for his cover all the time it was going on..


I saw no aggression other than playful sexual aggression . .she even kept kicking him back on his bed every time he tried to stand up. .again both laughing at this..


right up to the hand on throat bit, which was taken out of the feed, everything was all done with laughter and rough housing. . now that I have seen the before up to the throat thing I can see it was a progression of their 'play'  ... it was the wrong type of progression IMO but some couples do things like that in sexual foreplay and it may have been a I'm pinning you down fair maiden roleplay moment.. as in then I'm gonna  ravish ya or such like... well you know the rest..  


obviously the bit about him telling her off and the I'll nut you follows but I am now wondering if in fact that was actually in the same vein as the jokey stuff before.. as in roleplay of the you've been a norty girl let me slap you' type of sexual foreplay.. who knows what people get a kick out of..


Maybe the throat thing is not Hazels cup of tea and maybe he didn't mean it in a move like it came out but obviously she pulled back after it so that mustn't be part of her sexual foreplay manual.. and that was that, their play time was finished in her books so it was cuddle and go to sleep time as she didn't want to play anymore and wanted him to stop too. . then BB called them in and she made out he had been aggressive all the time and she felt threatened. . her voice throughout the whole thing belies that.. ..


I saw BOTS last night and Rylan said he'd watched it 3 times and still couldn't make his mind up completely whether it was as bad as it had been made out.. so I am not alone... I thought I was going mad at first as I wasn't seeing it like all I had read on here and DS..


as I said Mrs B .. I think that was a silly move to do on camera but I actually don't think it was meant in the light it looked.. having seen all the earlier footage now, I am also tending to believe he was messing around when he said all that other stuff as well and hadn't realised their 'game' had stopped and Hazel was taking it seriously and no longer playing.. I may be completely off track, I don't know..


I seem to have a not very girl friendly take on what I've seen but that's how I saw it so sorry fellow ladies I can't say it is what it doesn't appear to be to me.. . . it was horseplay/roleplay gorn a tad wrong and a few misreading of signals both ways..


I'll end by saying   I am not viewing form a place of fan of either of them.. I disliked the pair of them for what they were doing in the house and hope she goes too, as I have no doubt she will cos her agent will get her out asap while there is money to be made..


I've not hit submit yet but I bet this is a long waffle

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

I tend to agree olly, especially after it looks like they spent the night together after BB spoke to them, Daley looked shocked the next day when he was told that he would have to leave and he realised that Hazel hadn't backed him up. He did seem drunk to me and Hazel pulling his shorts down probably did wind him up (she should have been thrown out for that) 


phew I almost made it back into near LUTTing BB mode ..not been there for a long time ..but now tis lollypop time. .yay! 


Aimee my feeling is they both should have got a warning or both should have gone. .not a popular opinion but I think that would have been the most fair and BB should have got chucked out for being so nasty as to put them in there in the first place [yeah I know it was a public vote but BB made the pairs up and know only idiots vote]  when you have, a bloke led by his dick and a girl who will whistle at any dick pointing her way regardless of who the dick also belongs too as well as who it is attached to



Mount Olympus *Olly*

awww Baz looking at DS I can see you are very much not a minority. .


I just know I have been known to drunken rant out loud, in fact rant very loudly and even try to pummel my ex hubby's chest with frustration.. a long long time ago...  so I am not fazed by others having a drunken rant..


In fact if I was drunk in the past I may well have started ranting back at them myself and then there would have been a rant off. . and It'd usually end with me bursting into a puddle of tears, not cos I was scared but cos of the frustrations of it all and cries of 'why does he not listen to me'  . .but he was a very frustrating guy at the best of times and drove me up the wall. .  [probably did the same to him] is a lovely chap we were just not suited to each other as partners. . were better as brother and sister type friends.. ..

Mount Olympus *Olly*

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