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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Supes:

You know I don't bloody care whether she actually looked scared or not, his behaviour got seriously scary and intimidating, full stop. Her behaviour, although not okay, was never scary to him. It was a fun fight with a fair bit of sexual tension chucked in, which got waaaaay out of hand and he ended it by letting her know big style who was in charge in any 'fun fight' stakes. Couple that with what we saw on lf the other night with him in her face telling her when she should and shouldn't wear make up, when he wanted her to .... Holy f'in christ

I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that supes - we're just saying there are more factors and she's not as innocent in it all as might be made out.

I know Kaffs, but as we all well know, victims of abuse aren't always shrinking violets...tbh I'm a bit shocked at some of the stuff I'm reading on here tonight, when it was Nigella, for example, no-one seemed to have any doubts

You're comparing Nigella with Hazel?

Yes, in terms of the 'stills' we saw... didn't her fella try to minimise and justify it too, suggest it wasn't as it looked? I don't care what either of them did to 'wind them up' in their eyes.....not acceptable, full stop, imo

But I don't see anyone saying that Daley's behaviour was acceptable.



Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Supes:

You know I don't bloody care whether she actually looked scared or not, his behaviour got seriously scary and intimidating, full stop. Her behaviour, although not okay, was never scary to him. It was a fun fight with a fair bit of sexual tension chucked in, which got waaaaay out of hand and he ended it by letting her know big style who was in charge in any 'fun fight' stakes. Couple that with what we saw on lf the other night with him in her face telling her when she should and shouldn't wear make up, when he wanted her to .... Holy f'in christ

I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that supes - we're just saying there are more factors and she's not as innocent in it all as might be made out.

I know Kaffs, but as we all well know, victims of abuse aren't always shrinking violets...tbh I'm a bit shocked at some of the stuff I'm reading on here tonight, when it was Nigella, for example, no-one seemed to have any doubts

Obviously nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors etc - but Hazel wasn't reduced to tears, she didn't (imo) look afraid or uncomfortable until after the event.  There's also the fact that she's known the neaderthal for two minutes - she's not been married to him for years so I don't buy that he's worn her down emotionally. 

I'm going to shut up about this shortly, but I think that she was shocked and stunned by how he suddenly turned and it got serious, I mean, really, the apparently 'mild-mannered Daley' (same reaction that we then saw from the hm's ..surely not?) She probably did think it was her fault because of how she behaved,  (on the night and beforehand,) and tried to end it by suggesting  a hug...How many bloody abused women have done that, whether they've been in a relationship for 5 mins or 5 years, (no answer required!)

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Supes:

You know I don't bloody care whether she actually looked scared or not, his behaviour got seriously scary and intimidating, full stop. Her behaviour, although not okay, was never scary to him. It was a fun fight with a fair bit of sexual tension chucked in, which got waaaaay out of hand and he ended it by letting her know big style who was in charge in any 'fun fight' stakes. Couple that with what we saw on lf the other night with him in her face telling her when she should and shouldn't wear make up, when he wanted her to .... Holy f'in christ

I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that supes - we're just saying there are more factors and she's not as innocent in it all as might be made out.

I know Kaffs, but as we all well know, victims of abuse aren't always shrinking violets...tbh I'm a bit shocked at some of the stuff I'm reading on here tonight, when it was Nigella, for example, no-one seemed to have any doubts

Obviously nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors etc - but Hazel wasn't reduced to tears, she didn't (imo) look afraid or uncomfortable until after the event.  There's also the fact that she's known the neaderthal for two minutes - she's not been married to him for years so I don't buy that he's worn her down emotionally. 

I'm going to shut up about this shortly, but I think that she was shocked and stunned by how he suddenly turned and it got serious, I mean, really, the apparently 'mild-mannered Daley' (same reaction that we then saw from the hm's ..surely not?) She probably did think it was her fault because of how she behaved,  (on the night and beforehand,) and tried to end it by suggesting  a hug...How many bloody abused women have done that, whether they've been in a relationship for 5 mins or 5 years, (no answer required!)


Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Supes, can I just clarify that I have never said that Daley's behaviour was excusable or that he didn't deserve to be thrown out.

However, I also think that Hazel's behaviour was out of order, both last night and during the past two weeks. In fact, I believe if a male HM had behaved towards a female HM the way Hazel did with Daley, he would have been warned about sexual harassment. 

My disapproval of Hazel's behaviour, in no way, negates my disapproval of Daley's.

Originally Posted by BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN!:

Hazel needs to tell the housies the truth about what happened, ie.... we were play-fighting, I took his duvet, I grabbed him round the neck, he grabbed me round the neck, he slapped my a*se, I pulled his boxers down, it was all role-play, then he got called to the DR and got a rollocking and then I got called to the DR and got a rollocking and I thought they were going to boot me out, so I told them I was scared........ then we spent the night together cuddling and laughing about it 

...and that's the size of it. Nice to see you brummie.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

As far as was hinted she got her post-fight hug!  They stayed in the same room and bed together all night.  Or did I mishear BB earlier?

No idea, they don't seem to tell or show us anything these days Whenever such drama happens on LF, they cut to another camera... kind of goes against the whole point of the show.


Just like last night Daley said Charlie/Hazel had to get out the garden... said BB said so, swore on his kids life. BB twitter then said he lied. Some reason they cut that out aswell, stupid as that's where it all started.


I'll jump in after the event  with my thoughts.


Neither of them should have been thrown out, they were doing almost precisely what Ch5 wanted them to do,steamy  gratification  of each others sexual needs for the benefit of the viewing figures.If Ch5 wanted them to keep it sanitised and Doris Day, with one foot on the floor at all times , then they should have told them at the start when they put them in the SH together.


The debacle seems to be around whether his behaviour was  acceptable -  well if viewed from the standpoint of what is considered 'normal' as being acecptable in a sexual situation - then no , it wasn't.

If it's being viewed by two  consenting adults - which seems to be the case here - as acceptable and even desirable - then yes it was fine.


The whole thing is seedy and sordid especially CH5's  role in it, the only reason Daley was thrown out was because CH5 feared the offcom.


*disclaimer - I personally find his behaviour and views to be  reprehensible.No always means no, regardless of the situation.I didn't see  her say 'no' though.

Last edited by jacksonb
Originally Posted by jacksonb:


*disclaimer - I personally find his behaviour and views to be  reprehensible.No always means no, regardless of the situation.I didn't see  her say 'no' though.

Precisely.. he did though, several times and her response was to wrap her legs around his waist and grind on his crotch.    I wonder what would have happened if it had been her saying no and him doing that.     He's a sleaze and (imo) a bit of dangerous nutjob, but I thought she was nasty prick tease before and just because he behaved abominably doesn't make me revise my opinion of her.


I want to apologise if I went off on one last night . I was just so frustrated that BB did not show the whole incident . If they had you would have seen that, at least in part , Hazel's actions were IMO an attempt to defuse the situation . Daley was fuming ( seen clearly on LF) that she had dared to disobey him when he had ordered ( and I do mean ordered) her to stop chatting to Charlie and come to bed . And his anger was apparent when she reentered the room . But I can see ( in the cold light of day) that without that context the whole incident took on a far less menacing appearance . 


I think this is worthy of sharing in a few threads 


LIVE Feed and the fan sites SAVE Big Brother, C5 run around like headless chickens!

The last 48hrs for Channel 5 let’s say have been chaotic and the website is still feeling the strain after what some are describing as the biggest story EVER on reality television.

We can say for certain when channel 5 fail the Big Brother community all pull together and ensure people get to see what’s really going on.

Since the weekend the digital team over at Big Brother have failed to upload youtube clips and the website has been pretty much unusable and fans were desperate to find out what the hell is going on.

Big Brother Xtra played maybe the biggest part with capturing most of the footage of what really happened,  we then filtered this around many of the other fan sites and forums – bbspy and bbcouchpotatoes also played a major part re-posting our material.

Around 1pm yesterday Big Brother decided to start removing most of the live footage that we captured, we then decided to re-upload the material ensuring its not lost and people actually got to see what really happened and not get covered up by Big Brother.

Many of the channel 5 presenters have always criticized the live feed saying its stupid and a waste of money, however how do you think things would have gone down without live feed?

This is beyond proof that we need 24 x 7 live feed,  its essential for the future of Big Brother and will take us beyond 2014 if channel 5 continue to broadcast Big Brother.
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:


*disclaimer - I personally find his behaviour and views to be  reprehensible.No always means no, regardless of the situation.I didn't see  her say 'no' though.

Precisely.. he did though, several times and her response was to wrap her legs around his waist and grind on his crotch.    I wonder what would have happened if it had been her saying no and him doing that.     He's a sleaze and (imo) a bit of dangerous nutjob, but I thought she was nasty prick tease before and just because he behaved abominably doesn't make me revise my opinion of her.

Well I just watched it on catch up, and I have even surprised myself, because I'd always almot liked Hazel and always thought Daley was a prat.


He is a prat, that much hasn't changed, but I saw Hazel as the instigator of the play fight and the sexual provoking, she took his duvet she pulled his pants down and she slapped him on the bum.


He may have gone a bit ott with the mafia hardman  talk and the 'respect your elders tripe' but it was more laughable than threatening.


All she had to do at anytime if she felt in anyway intimidated is to say, out loud''BB get me out of here''  but she was enjoying herself, at no point did I think she looked or sounded even remotely scared or nervous.


I think she hung him out to dry when BB went over it with her, she played on the 'helpless female role' she should be ashamed of herself and the sisterhood should be ashamed of her too.



Originally Posted by Baz:
But what has what she did /said afterwards got to do with what happened at the time ? And that's without knowing whether BB coached her! Truth is we don't know ...and will probably never know ...what went on after LF ended ...all we will know is what C5 want us to know !

That's very true Baz.My last paragraph about hanging  him out to dry is only my opinion of how she kept herself in the house, it has nothing to do with what happened.She , from what I saw was the instigator,she didn't appear scared or intimidated by him.In fact she upped the 'game'

The only time she ever appeared to not like the game was when he swiped her on the bum, but even after that she pulled his pants down.I'd say she was the agressor rather than him.


And I would have been more than happy to blame him for getting himself kicked off the show, but from what I saw, that wasn't how it was.


Just watched it.


Whaat I saw  was a bloke who wanted to sleep and was  deliberately and noisilly awakened by Hazel running the room and pulling the duvet off him.

He woke up.


He probably wanted her to come in so she wouldn't do it again.Although he does sound narky.


Then I saw Hazel  come in and get into his bed.


Some banter,she gets into her bed and invites him in, he refuses to get into her bed, more banter, then she gets out of her bed and goes and straddles him  on his bed.

Originally Posted by Baz:
Did you not see him demanding she comes in from the garden ?? And if you did, do you think his tirade about women was disturbing ? If not , then I guess it's just me .

Yes, but blokes  mouth off, especially thick arrogant ones, when they've had a

He was annoyed and wanted her to come in because he had already tried to get to sleep.

None of that pre- amble had anything to do with the fight/play/tussle/banter they had later, much as I'd like to believe it was  his behaviour that caused it all, he really wasn't the aggressor.


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