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Charlie has finished Big Brother in fifth place!

2 hours ago

Our ravishing rapper, Charlie Travers has come to the end of her Big Brother "journey", coming fifth in this year's final. Not quite the traver-sty...

Charlie had quite an experience over the full 68 days, filled with love triangles, furious arguments, lots of self-analysis, mother-daughter bonding, a massive chocolate spread fight and, of course, the now infamous Cucumber Incident.

Entering the House as the first mother-daughter pairing, Charlie's mum Jackie survived all the way to Day 38 and the pair bonded, bickered and bantered throughout their five weeks together. Charlie grew rather close to Callum in the early weeks, much to her mum's consternation. When that close friendship faded, she became friendlier with Dexter, causing something of a vague love triangle to develop. Jackie wasn't amused but, as soon as she'd been evicted, Charlie began to let her hair down in quite a rowdy manner.

 Smearing chocolate all over herself and best pal Hazel (at that time), irresponsibly waving cucumbers in other people's faces and jumping into swimming pools against Big Brother's express advice – it was like a wild dog was let off its leash.

But more upset was to come as Charlie found herself falling out with Hazel after Friends and Family nominations rocked the House. The House went into meltdown and Charlie was once again caught in the middle as the dispute morphed into a full-on war between Hazel and Gina after the Busy Bees task upped the tension.

In her final week, the Big Pay Off task upset the apple-cart for pretty much everyone. Charlie's beef was with her pal Dexter who she didn't expect to play the game so cannily. Which is odd, as he's generally agreed to be the most canny player in the House.

Well done on such a fantastic finish, deep-thinker Charlie Travers! For such a pensive, mild-mannered girl, you didn't half have your fair share of House drama. We're going to miss you a heck of a lot.  




Last edited by MrsH



Jack and Joe have finished Big Brother in fourth place!

2 hours ago

They showed us that one housemate could be double the fun and, through their endless mucking about and lovely personalities, Jack and Joe have finished Big Brother in fourth place.

The identical twins proved popular from the off, despite saying they found it hard to settle at first. Entertaining the House with songs from the shows, they also rolled out a host of hilarious impressions. These two were considered such a hoot that the public labelled them, 'funniest housemate' during the impolite questions task in Week 2.

In terms of tasks and bad behaviour, Jack got a cutting edgenew haircut and Joe did time in the BB jail for discussing nominations, but otherwise the twins have been pretty well behaved (if we forget about the pizza-theft incident). Their love of food came in handy during the Feast Like A Beast taskwhen they secured a chicken curry for the housemates by acting out animals' eating habits and their birthday saw them celebrate for a limited time in the Diary Room.  

Relationships with the other housemates have been pretty solid, although Gina and Dexter did rock their boat . Joe in particular struggled with being described as bitchy by the former and had a face-off with the latter. And then there was that Jack vs Dan argument. Were they actually joking?

Perhaps the highlight of Jack and Joe's stay was their bickering sessions – the first of which blew our minds with its endlessly repeatable catchphrase, 'lower your tone, strengthen your argument'. But we loved the twins when they were getting on too – especially when they took to the pool with Sam and whirl-pooled the day and night away.

It was clear from The Big Pay Off task that the boys wanted to stay until the end and they managed to achieve that dream. Let’s hope they can get to the carvery to celebrate. 

Good luck guys!



Last edited by MrsH




Gina has finished Big Brother in third place!

2 hours ago

After 68 days, an array of hotpants later and the introduction of 'redonkolous' to the Oxford Dictionary (okay, maybe not the last bit), Gina has entered the BB alumni, coming a respectable third place.

Things didn't start out too well for Gina, who got into a little bit of a verbal fracas with Sallie on her very first night. It was a rivalry that was as short-lived as it was unexpected, as they soon became mates, but this was to be the first of many dramas for our girl about town.  She definitely lived to stir things up in the House, exchanging heated words with many of the ladies during her nine week stint.

There was more drama in Week 3, when she exited the House to rapturous applause. But to her delight it was a fake eviction, and she entered the Safe House with Dexter, to spy upon their unaware housemates. Armed with a stash of dirt, it's not surprising that their re-entry to the House caused a bit of a stir. Her relationship with Hazel in particular broke down, with the pair eventually coming to a head during the Queen Bee task. Suffice to say, she wasn't sad to see her rival leave on Day 58.

But it hasn't been all squabbles for our Gina, who's provided many a comedic moment with her unique take on the world, such as the moment she found out trains run to Manchester. Who'da thunk it, eh? And let's take moment to appreciate her wardrobe - this girl cannot do dress down and we love her for it.

Gina entered the House a self-proclaimed high maintenance lady, but during her incarceration she has come to wash dishes, share her designer gear and bury the hatchet on more than one disagreement. It's been an emotional journey, for sure, and we'll always remember her for her anecdotes and the touch of glamour that she brought to the House.

Gina Rio, you've been a blast. We look forward to seeing what you have in store for the future. 


Last edited by MrsH

Dexter is our Big Brother runner-up!

1 hour ago

At first he only wanted to last a week or two and make "a couple of good friends". He made it that far and then the goal changed to wanting to make the final week. He's achieved these goals and more – Dexter Koh has finished Big Brother in second place!

Dexter was a bona fide character and an all-round smooth talker who entertained the nation with his consummate game-playing for all of the 68 glorious days of this series.

Mr Koh started out his stint in the House as something of an enigma. A self-proclaimed PR Guru and dating expert with gambling problems and a hall pass from his girlfriend. Naturally, he wasn't an instant hit. So strange was he to his fellow housemates that they dreamed up the bizarre theory that Dexter was his own twin. That one even surprised us.

He was all sharp jackets and bravado but, little by little he began to trust his housemates a bit more while winning their trust in return. This led to some seriously touching heart-to-hearts. Most notably he formed an alliance known as #Ginxter with Gina while they wereshacked up in the Safe House following a notorious double fake eviction.

Perhaps it was while viewing Charlie through the Safe House monitors that Dexter developed feelings for her. He voiced these feelings for the young Ms Travers but found heraloof and disbelieving.

However, before long he established himself as one third of a tempestuous love triangle with Callum. The pair took it too far with the trash talking and had a proper barney, before opting to avoid each other where possible. We saw Dexter's softer side when his mum paid an unexpected visit to the garden – and that was totes emosh.

The House would certainly have been a more sombre place without him. Who else would have streaked around the garden? Who else would've entertained the House with feats of conjuring? More to the point, where would we have got all our seduction tips from?

Fare thee well, Dexter! We've learned so much from watching you...





Last edited by MrsH



Sam is the winner of Big Brother!

1 hour ago

Sam entered as a boy and leaves as your winner!

Harry Styles lookalike Sam came into the House boasting about his lad credentials and claiming to be a hit with the opposite sex. However, we didn't really see much of that in the House - unless you count Jemima's advances in the first few weeks. Sam did say that he would have had atry with Jackie, but unfortunately she was bit too tall for him.

Surrounded by big personalities, in the first few weeks Sam flew a little under the radar in the House, choosing to spend most of his time with fellow 'lad' and BFF, Callum. House, chossing to

Though we did see his promised cheeky side at times, whether it was through his constant references to his winky expanding or his tendency to drop the odd dad-gag into the mix. When he was voted into the Safe House along with Sophie, Sam started to come into his own.

Later on, especially after his pal Callum had been evicted, we started to see Sam's personality shine through. He was a blast in tasks, his taking on the Sam Strong character in the Nemesis challenge a particularly good example of that. When BB gave him a chance to destroy his comedic persona in Sam's Lolfest, he managed to make us all laugh while being deliberately unfunny. Quite a tall order.

Sam also started to assert himself more into the second half of the series, especially after Dexter 'The Great' vanished him into a task room to spy on housemate conversations. The audience admired the fact he went straight to those who'd discussed things he had issues with and had it out, face to face. Many also liked the way he was direct with Dexter about their problematic friendship and saw that the lad had some integrity.

Sam wanted to enter the House to spread awareness about being hard of hearing and we reckon he's done that extremely well. We also get the feeling he'll continue to amuse and inspire long after the BB experience is over.

Diolch, Sam. You've been a lush housemate and are a worthy winner.



Last edited by MrsH

Big Brother 2013: The series review

1 hour ago

Sam has been crowned the winner of Big Brother 2013! Let's go back to where it all began.

Nine housemates hit the ground running on Day 1 and eight lost their luggage. This was the summer of secrets and lies and the people's puppet Michael had set the tone.

The remaining six stepped through the House doors on Day 2 and the bonding began. The first nom bomb exploded three days later with Michael putting Dexter, Gina and Sallie in the frame. While housemates thought he had made hasty choices and tore strips off him, we all knew it was down to you, the public voters!

Michael had more meddling to do during Week 2 sabotaging the weekly shopping task but with everyone playing happy families, Big Bro stirred things up with the anonymous suggestion box. Micheal saved Dexter from eviction (by virtue of having the fewest public votes) which rattled Sallie's cage. The people's puppet pushed a few more buttons, in particular Wolfy's by relaying public opinions in another antagonistic task.  Dan fared much better prompting some questioning as to Michael's motives.

The first eviction came round all too soon and Sallie was shown the door. Michael wasrevealed as a mole and the housemates discovered their clothes had not been shredded after all β€“ phew!

Week 3 saw the birth of the 'two Dexters' conspiracy theory which was quoshed when he found himself up for eviction – again, along with Gina and Jemima. The following morningzombies attacked the House. Those too slow to grab a gas mask were inflicted with a 'mystery virus' and spent the two day shopping task in quarantine undergoing disgusting treatments.  

The twins were duped during Hide and No Seek task on Day 15 and The Key, The Secret task forced housemates to reveal some home truths about their housemates. Gina, Jackie and Wolfy got to see housemates' entrance VTs which is where they found out about Callum's little indisrection... Jemima became the next housemate to be evicted. In other news, Charlie and Callum finally laid their feelings on the line,


Face-to-face nominations kicked off week 4, right in housemates' faces. Finding herself up,Wolfy claimed to Dexter that she'd make the final in a gesture of defiance. This was also the week the Daley / Hazel issue surfaced. Hazel vowed to distance herself from the boxer after they were seen to be possibly flirting a little too much. The Safe House doors opened as the week wore on, with Dexter and Gina the pair chosen to inhabit it - though HMs thought a straightforward eviction was on the cards. Before all that went down, the twins had their now-legendary falling out.

In the Safe House, Ginxter started listening in on their old pals. Detective Dan had his suspicions that something might be up – but he was always on BB's case. Ginxter messed with HMs heads over the following few days, using the Viewers' Takeover task to play their pals. In other news, Jackie was momentarily out of action having suffered an injury but don't worry, she was back in the House in no time.

The third round of nominations came in at the end of Week 4 and the party that finished the seven days saw some serious Hazel and Daley flirtation. The boxer shrugged it off as "banter" but the others didn't seem convinced.


The next week started with a bang, with Gina and Dexter causing Safe House havoc with the 'Making the Headlines' task. Big Brother also decided to drop a weekly nom bomb, putting Callum, Charlie, Hazel and Wolfy in the firing line. The next day, housemates learnt that Gina and Dexter hadn't been booted out after all. Charlie was inducted as a member of the Safe House gang and the trio came together to form the treasury for the weekly shopping task, The Budget. When the eviction came around, Wolfy was the latest to exit the bungalow. Gina and Dexter were given their marching orders from the Safe House and BB decided to fill it with a new duo. The public decided it should be Daley and Hazel, exempting them from nomination and giving them the chance to get back at Gina. At this point, Charlie became confused about whether Dexter had feelings for her. She remained confused up to the final.


Daley and Hazel's Safe House began on Day 32 with them interviewing housemates. Gina led a mini revolution while Charlie and Callum found themselves ordered to go on a little date in the vegetable patch. Daley was ejected from the Big Brother House on the afternoon of Day 33, due to threatening and aggressive behaviour towards Hazel.


While the housemates came to terms with his departure, nominations resulted in Callum, Dexter, Jack and Joe, Jackie and Gina finding themselves up. The Remote Control task the next day saw housemates ignoring an influx of sheep, a House call from Rylan and visits from their nearest and dearest.  The next day, some wacky waxing, a barbershop quartetand a very distracting conga line completed this classic task. This was also the week of Jackie and Callum's momentous bust up. On the plus side, they all passed the task!

On Day 36, Jackie was the fourth person to be evicted. Then BB dropped a big twist: two housemates had to be chosen to enjoy the Safe House. Sam and Sophie were the lucky two, little knowing they'd actually just gained automatic nominee status. Her mum now out of sight, Charlie let her hair down with an unusual use of chocolate spread and a damp Dexter embrace. Trash For Treats on Day 38 saw Dexter's romantic date with Dan – surely a series highlight, among many, many highlights.


Safe House dwellers Sam and Sophie decided on Day 40 to welcome Dan into their ranks. That meant he was up for eviction too. Those safe thought they were in danger and those in danger thought they were safe. A genius and dastardly twist!

The week's shopping task arrived on Day 41. Hazel was challenged to eat a pig's nose, and Westlife fans Jack and Joe had a treat when Shane Filan called up for a little chat. This task saw a few gungey faces around the place and some blistering viewing as Dan ate raw chillis.  The final part of the task - The Final Question, The Final Answer β€“ saw the gang line up in order of one to nine according to where 10,000 voters thought they deserved to come in the show. Awkward. They lost most of the budget on this one.

More disappointment was in store later that week as popular housemate Dan was evicted in a twist that came as a massive shock to the housemates that evening.

On Day 45, the housemates were given their letters from home, and there were tears and laughter in equal measure.


Week 7 kicked off with an uninvited guest in the bedroom – a little frog! The Nemesis task presented a series of challenges. The twins gave standout performances during their obstacle course and Sophie and Sam bounced back during their event.

Day 51 was the day we waved goodbye to CallumHis exit saddened Sam and left the remaining housemates wondering if the House would be a very different place without him. On Day 53, housemates received fan mail and got quite giddy over their letters. In fact, Gina had penned the lot


Friends and family noms always do a pretty good job of shaking things up, and Day 54's were no exception. Charlie's friend put the boot in and nominated Hazel, and all hell broke loose in the form of arguments, broken friendships and unlikely alliances. The fall-out from nominations rumbled on, with Dexter offering his opinion and Gina switching sides


The week 8 shopping task saw the housemates dress up like busy bees and bow to their Queen Bee Gina. The task caused some grumbles and shocks, with some Irish jigging and some sticky honesty.

Gina and Hazel cemented their enmity with a blow-drying blow-up, and then, before the dust could settle, Hazel bit the eviction dust.

In a very exciting task, the voice of Marcus Bentley was piped into the House, telling the housemates what to do all day long. They dancedthey threw flour and they had a pillow fight, and Charlie and Dexter even had a little kiss.


As the last full week in the House loomed, we were holding out for a hero, and the housemates became a Rescue Squad. Their mission: save the shopping. They fought their ways out of sticky situations and defused bombs in order to triumph.

The final round of nominations were done face to face, which put Dexter, Charlie, Sam and Jack and Joe in the firing line.

Big Brother showed them a selection of Tweets from viewers, and one of them really caused ructions


Just as the housemates had settled into a sense of final week security, Big Brother dropped the mother lode: a massive twist. The nominated housemates were told that they could choose to 'steal' a portion of the prize fund. The lowest chooser would be allowed to walk away with the money. Except, that was a lie. The real result was far more wily.

The Big Pay Off fall-out saw one housemate's motives being questioned left, right and centre. The biggest repercussion was Essex flower Sophie being put up for eviction in Dexter's place. Ouch.

When eviction day rocked round, it was unfortunately Sophie's turn to say goodbye.


The Finale looming, Big Brother set up a press conference, which saw all the housematesmake their case for why they should win the whole bleedin' show. Blimey. They also answered questions from celebrities and our Twitter followers.

Day 67 kicked off with Gina doing a little bit of house-twerk,  and we found out who was the gassiest of the housemates. Gina and Sam decided to be naughty, and break in to prison. As the night wore on, Dexter got emotional, Sam and Charlie got close and then, in a move nobody saw coming, a slightly tipsy Sam confessed his true feelings for Gina. Blimey.

The final saw Charlie take fifth place followed by Jack and Joe, Gina and Dexter meaning Sam took the top spot - a fine choice by you the public! 

Thanks to all of you lovely viewers for sticking with us throughout an exciting, emotional and at times explosive 68 days.


It's been amazing!


Big Brother 2013 winner Sam Evans was almost evicted on Friday


Big Brother 2013 winner Sam Evans came within just 2% of being evicted last week.


Friday evening saw Sophie Lawrencebecome the final housemate to leave in the Big Brother 2013 results, booted out ahead of Sam, Charlie Traversand twins Jack and Joe.

Dental Nurse, Sophie, left the house to mixture of boos and cheers from the live audience at the time, She later told BB host Emma Willis, β€œI didn’t think I would make it this far.” Sophie said that she felt β€œshell shocked” to be out.


And it was a close one, with Emma revealing that there was less than 2% between her and the next highest placed nominee in the votes.


During the show, Emma did not reveal who that person was, although we knew it wasn’t twins Jack and Joe, who were announced as safe earlier in the show having received the fewest votes to leave.


But BB narrator Marcus Bentley revealed after last night’s final that Sam, who won Big Brother 2013, was the housemate who was just behind Sophie in the vote.


He tweeted: β€œOn Friday there was 2% between Sophie and another housemate. That housemate was Sam.”


At the time of writing, no details have been officially released about how close the votes in yesterday’s final were.


Big Brother returns to Channel 5 next summer.

Read more:


 Sam Evans crowned BBUK winner!


Sam Evans has been crowned the winner of Big Brother 2013 in a tense final result.


Earlier tonight, Emma Willis began to reveal the results, starting with the fifth placed housemate after the first voting freeze.


With the fewest votes, Charlie Travers was the first out of the house this evening, followed by twins Jack and Joe in fourth place.


Emma then returned to the house to announce that Gina had finished the show in third place. She reacted: β€œThis is amazing, my two favourite guys, I’m so happy for you both!”


The lines then reopened very shortly for the final time as viewers cast the final few votes to decide the winner.


Returning an hour later, Emma revealed the final result in a very tense announcement.


With the most votes, Sam won the show and the Β£100,000 prize money, proving both the bookies odds and our poll correct.


Dexter left the house as runner up before Sam became the final housemate to leave this series to fireworks and cheers.


Sitting down with Emma, Sam told her that β€œhe couldn’t believe it” and he was β€œshaken”.


On his winnings Sam told Emma that he was going to give 25% to charity, 25% to hisfamily and friends and keep 50% of the money to go towards his future to make sure it is secure.

Read more:


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